5 Easy Gluten Free Recipes Using Tea Biscuit Dough | Easy Gluten Free Recipes (2024)

by officially gluten free 24 Comments

5 Easy Gluten Free Recipes Using Tea Biscuit Dough

5 Easy Gluten Free Recipes Using Tea Biscuit Dough

Gluten Free Tea Biscuits arereallyQuick and Easy to make and they tasteamazing. That’s whyI use them forso manyrecipes.There’s no waiting around for dough to rise and they’re a great alternative to expensive store bought Gluten Free Buns. Isometimes Smother my Biscuits with Cheddar Cheese before baking, it makes a little more moist and flavourful. The recipe I usewhen I need to make something delicious in a hurry, ismy Gluten Free Tea Biscuit Cinnamon Rolls. It’s one of my favourite recipes. People are always amazed how quickly they’re made. Who can resist the smell of Fresh Cinnamon Rolls Baking.

Here’s my List of 5 Easy Gluten Free Recipes using Tea Biscuit Dough:

1. Gluten Free Tea Biscuit Cinnamon Rolls

These deliciousGluten Free Tea Biscuits Cinnamon Rolls are topped off with a lightdrizzle of deliciousCream Cheese Icing. They make a perfect afternoon snack or atasty dessert or treat for the family.

2. Gluten Free Baked Apple Fritters

These Baked Apple Frittersare the perfect gluten free snack for when you’re craving doughnuts or if you want surprise someone special. Why deep fry when you can bake instead.

3. Gluten Free Mini Burgers with Tea Biscuit Buns

These Delicious Mini Burgers are made with Mini Gluten Free CheesyTea Biscuit Buns.

4. Beef and Blue Cheese Biscuit Crust Pizza

This Gluten Free Beef and Blue Cheese Pizza is made with a Gluten Free Biscuit Crust. I never really liked Blue Cheese Dressing before this pizza but it complements the beef and green pepper perfectly. If youabsolutely can’t do theBlue Cheese, try it with Ranch instead.

5. Biscuit Topped Turkey Pot Pie

This Turkey Pot Pie is made with a Gluten Free Buttery Milk Biscuit Topping. It’s a great way to use up the left over Turkey from the holidays.

That was my list of5 Easy Gluten Free Recipes Using Tea Biscuit Dough. What are some other things that you’ve made using Tea Biscuit Dough? I’d love to hear in the comments below.

Gluten Free Tea Biscuits


1 1/2 Cups Rice Flour

1/4 Cup Corn Starch

3 Tsp Baking Powder

5 Tbsp Butter

3/4 Cup Milk


1. Pre heat oven to 450 F

2. In a large bowl, cut butter into flour, starch and baking powder. Mix until well combined.

3. Add milk and mix until a dough forms.

4. Using a rolling pin, roll out dough on a floured surface. Using a round cookie cutter or a cup, cut out biscuits.

5. Place onto an ungreased baking sheet.

6. Bake for 10 -12 minutes.

5 Easy Gluten Free Recipes Using Tea Biscuit Dough | Easy Gluten Free Recipes (9)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Linda

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this gluten free tea biscuit dough. I grew up eating cinnamon rolls, especially on Christmas morning. Since becoming gluten free, I have yet to find a suitable substitute for cinnamon rolls. I can’t wait to try your biscuit dough cinnamon rolls…and I can think of some other things to make tool. Will be making these very soon.


  2. paleobeautyandthefoodies

    Wow, you can make so many yummy recipes with this dough! So versatile and gluten free. I will book mark this 🙂 Thanks


  3. Theresa Jubinville.

    Will this recipe work with non dairy milk? I am allergic to casein.


    • officially gluten free

      Hi Theresa, I haven’t ever tried making it with non dairy milk but I think it would work. I have some almond milk here. I’ll give it a try this weekend and let you know how it went.


  4. Everyday Sarah Jane

    What an awesome recipe! Can’t wait to try it and use it again and again…and again! 🙂 That Turkey Pot Pie? Need to make ASAP!


    • officially gluten free

      Hi Christine, I used white rice flour and I do think Vegan butter would work fine. Hope you enjoy ?


  5. Neli @ Delicious Meets Healthy

    I must save this recipe. My husband has been asking me to make biscuits and gravy for breakfast. I haven’t made one because I haven’t found a good GF biscuit recipe. This looks amazing!! Will try to make it this weekend!


  6. Gin

    Really cool recipe! Do you think it’ll work with coconut oil instead of butter?


    • officially gluten free

      Thank you Gin. I haven’t tried baking them with coconut oil yet. I have seen other people use it and it seems to work well. I think I’ll try it out myself.


  7. Linda

    No xantham gum? Is that correct?


    • officially gluten free

      You could add some if you prefer but don’t usually use it.


  8. Debbie

    Have you ever used sweet rice flour.


  9. Heather L

    HI, I can’t tolerate corn as well as gluten… Anything I could replace the corn starch with? Cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning again would be divine ?


    • officially gluten free

      Hi Heather, I would use tapioca or potato starch instead.


  10. Susan

    Would almond flour or coconut flour work as well?


    • officially gluten free

      I think it would although the measurements may be different. I would add a little at a time but try not to over work it or they’ll turn out hard.


  11. Cathy Burgoyne

    How thick should you roll out the dough? About hom many biscuits does this make? It seems so easy. I can’t wait to try it. Cathy


    • officially gluten free

      I roll them about an inch thick. It makes 6 or 8 depending on how big you make them.


  12. Suzanne

    These look so good! Do you use this dough in any other recipes?


  13. Vanessa

    Thanks for sharing1 Do they keep long?


    • officially gluten free

      The only keep a couple of days.


  14. CarrieB

    I’m thinking Strawberry Shortcake! Can’t wait to try this recipe…Thanks!


  15. Jaya Subramaniam

    Tried the tea biscuit. Came out very well. I added a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of brown sugar. Thanks a lot for this recipe. Have uploaded it in my channel (Happy Home Maker -Tamil) with credits to you.
    Thanks again.


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5 Easy Gluten Free Recipes Using Tea Biscuit Dough | Easy Gluten Free Recipes (2024)


What is the trick to baking with gluten free flour? ›

2 teaspoons of baking powder per cup of gluten-free flour is necessary to ensure proper leavening. Baking soda and buttermilk can be used to leaven instead of baking powder, but 1-1/8 teaspoon of cream of tartar should be added for each 1/2 teaspoon baking soda used.

Is there gluten free biscuit mix? ›

Gluten Free Biscuit & Baking Mix is a multi-purpose mix perfect for biscuits, pancakes, waffles, coffee cake, casseroles, pot pies, dumplings and more. It is a pantry staple for gluten free kitchens and a go-to mix for delicious, easy gluten free baking.

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Yorkshire Tea Biscuit Brew 40 Tea Bags 100G

A: It's gluten free.

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Brown rice flour is about as close to a 1:1 substitute for all-purpose flour as it gets since it provides structure and a “wheat-like” flavor.

How to perfect gluten free baking? ›

To address this, gluten-free recipes usually call for more liquid and produce looser batters. They may also call for a larger quantity of leavening, like baking powder, to help add volume and lighten the texture. Even ingredients like eggs may be increased to provide the necessary structure and improved crumb.

Does Pillsbury make anything gluten free? ›

Pillsbury does, however, have a variety of gluten free mixes including pizza crust, cookie, brownie, and cake mix. It is easy to make your own gluten free Pillsbury crescent roll copycat using this recipe!

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With Betty Crocker Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix, you can treat yourself to oven-fresh chocolate chip cookies any time of the day or night. Perfect for treats at home, or to share with family and friends at any event.

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Treats that are surprisingly gluten-free
  • Plain tortilla or potato chips: Keep in mind that seasoned chips may contain wheat starch.
  • Plain chocolate: Read ingredients as some chocolate bars contain wheat-based wafers.
  • Ice cream: Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are safe bets. ...
  • French fries: Potatoes are gluten free.
Apr 13, 2023

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  • Kingsway(30)
  • Maoam(1)
  • Skittles(1)
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What makes tea not gluten-free? ›

For example, some herbal teas contain barley malt as a sweetener, and some teas have gluten-grain-based flavors (most frequently barley). That makes it essential to check the ingredients before you take a sip.

What is a tea biscuit made of? ›

Traditionally, these digestive aid biscuits were made with whole grain flour, vegetable oil, baking soda, sugar, and malt extract. While this recipe has certainly stood the test of time, I'm a firm believer that every baked good tastes better with butter, so I substitute it for the vegetable oil.

Is gluten-free flour difficult to bake with? ›

It's best to use a recipe created for gluten-free flours, or you might end up with a batter or dough that's too stiff or runny. After you've put gluten-free biscuits or cake in the oven, you might notice that they won't rise as high as recipes made with all-purpose flour, even if you use yeast.

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Gluten-Free Bread Flour can be swapped 1:1 for all-purpose flour and bread flour by both weight and volume.

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Gluten-free baked goods often benefit from extra liquid to hydrate the flour blends, eliminate grittiness, and achieve a less dense or dry texture. However, it's very important to drive off this extra moisture during baking, or you'll wind up with a gummy texture. The best way to do this? Longer baking times.

How do I substitute gluten-free flour for all purpose? ›

Substitute by weight, not volume. Moreover, because they are finer, they weigh less than all-purpose flour, so it is a good idea to substitute your blend for the all-purpose by weight, rather than by volume. If the original recipe calls for 260 grams of all-purpose flour, substitute with 260 grams of your blend.


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