Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (2024)

Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (1)

Maria Arruela Intermediate, Middle School, Primary


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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (2)

Ali Baber PreK
Preschool Teacher


ext. 354/360

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (3)

Stephen Bretz Middle School
Teacher, Grade 8


ext. 322

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (4)

Sarah Brito-Bugge Primary
Teaching Assistant


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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (5)

Hazel Brumback Middle School
Teacher, Grade 6


ext. 019

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (6)

Vanessa Castillo PreK
Teacher, Preschool


ext. 336/360

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (7)

Kathryn Chandler Administration
Extended Day Care (XDC) Co-Director


ext. 331

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (8)

Megan Costa Primary
Teacher, Grade 1


ext. 334

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (9)

Catherine Dahlgren PreK
PreSchool Assistant


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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (10)

Blanca Den Adel Specialists
Teacher, Spanish K-8


ext. 335

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (11)

Dana Edwards Specialists
Reading Specialist


ext. 341

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (12)

Dora Hall Administration
School Nurse / Health Coordinator


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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (13)

Mari Halley Intermediate
Teacher, Grade 4


ext. 326

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (14)

Kyoungmi Jang Specialists
Art Program, K-8


ext. 387

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (15)

Molly Jessup Primary
Teacher, Grade 1


ext. 329

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (16)

Kristine Kelley Intermediate
Teacher, Grade 5


ext. 346

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (17)

Paul Kelley Administration
Assistant Principal


ext. 335

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (18)

Jana Kohler Specialists, Primary
PE Teacher and Teaching Assistant


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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (19)

Margarita Kuypers Primary
Teacher, Grade 2


ext. 349

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (20)

Lisa Longton Specialists


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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (21)

Stephanie Lynch Administration


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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (23)

Abby Mansfield Administration


ext. 314

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (24)

Andrea Marquez Administration
Business Manager


ext. 302

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (25)

Ann Martin Intermediate
Teacher, Grade 4


ext. 343

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (26)

Kerri McCarthy Specialists
Reading Specialist


ext. 325

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (27)

Ted Metcalf Middle School


ext. 344

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (28)

Tasha Monica PreK
Preschool Teacher


ext. 354 & 360

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (29)

Chrissy Murray Primary
Teacher, Kindergarten


ext. 350

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (30)

Adrey Ocampo Intermediate
Teacher, Grade 3


ext. 339

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (31)

Telia Oines Primary
Teacher, Grade 2


ext. 332

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (32)

Sarah Olsen Specialists, Middle School
Math Specialist


ext. 312

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (33)

Mollie Overa Specialists, Middle School
Learning Specialist / Teacher


ext. 386

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (34)

Rachelle Overby Administration
Extended Day Care (XDC) Co-Director


ext. 331

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (35)

Gwynedd Rzegocki Middle School
Teacher, Grade 7


ext. 320

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (36)

Josh Sandstrom Intermediate
Teacher, Grade 5


ext. 333

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (37)

Chloe Shaw Specialists


ext. 348

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (38)

Jonna Skokan Administration
Dir. of Admissions & Development


ext. 323

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (39)

Chris Sourov Administration
Fundraising Administrator


ext. 309

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (40)

Brent Stinebrickner Specialists
Teacher, PE


ext. 337/386

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (41)

Kris Suarez Intermediate
Teaching Assistant


Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (42)

Meg Sullivan Middle School
Teacher, Grade 6


ext. 345

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (43)

Sven Tice Middle School
Teacher, Grade 7


ext. 321

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (44)

Di Tran Administration
Administrative Assistant


206-783-0337 ext. 324

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (45)

Campbell Traywick Intermediate
Teacher, Grade 3


ext. 359

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (46)

Meghan Villanueva Specialists
Teacher, Music


ext. 338

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (47)

Stephanie Wade Administration
Front Desk


ext. 330

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Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (48)

Anna Williamson Primary
Teacher, Kindergarten


ext. 347

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Arruela, Maria

University of Washington, Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Seattle University, Masters in Teaching

Began teaching in 1998. Started at St. John in 1999 and again in 2018.

Favorite Subject
My passion is teaching Spanish.This began with my “abuelita.”My Mexican grandmother was my first Spanish teacher.She planted a seed in my life that started my journey to learn the language and ultimately teach it.

Why I am a teacher
I teach because I believe that knowledge is a gift that no one can take away from you.Learning new things each and every day changes the way you see the world, which in turn opens your mind to new ways of thinking and of living your life.

Why I like teaching at St. John
My first full-time job after college was here at St. John in 1999 as the K-8thgrade Spanish teacher.My early years at St. John always felt like home to me.When it was time to choose a school for my three kids, it was an easy choice.The St. John community has always felt like family.Now that all my kids are in school, I am happy to be back where I started.I am a product of Catholic school education, and my faith journey continues to grow here at St. John.

Baber, Ali

University of Puget Sound, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Teaching
University of Puget Sound, Master of Arts in Teaching in Elementary Education

Began as a preschool teacher at St. John in 2020.

Favorite Subject
As an art major, I love to incorporate the visual arts as an illustrative teaching toolwithin the classroom to supplement a core lesson topic and further build communityamongst the students and staff.

Why I am a teacher
Thecreativity, passion and eagerness demonstrated by my students in their pursuit ofknowledge are both inspirational and of great reward to me as an educator.

Why I like teaching at St. John
St. John School is a warm and inclusive community! Here, teachers have the ability to emphasize the ‘whole-child’ teaching philosophy. Each year, I enjoy learning who my students are as individuals!

Bretz, Stephen

Seattle Pacific University, Bachelor of Arts in History
Boise State University, Master in Educational Technology (M.E.T.)

Began teaching in 2006.

Favorite Subject
Ancient civilizations have always been an interest of mine. I love to learn about how people around the world developed complex societies and interacted with their natural resources.

Why I am a teacher
It is such a joy to constantly be surrounded by enthusiasm and excitement while helping kids grow as students and individuals.

Why I chose to teach at St. John
This is my first year at St. John. I’m excited to join a school dedicated to educating students with purpose and with a history of involvement in the Seattle community.

Brito-Bugge, Sarah

Began at St. John in 2012.

Brumback, Hazel

Cambridge University, England,Bachelor of Education (Hons) with Mathematics
Grand Canyon University,Masters of Education in Reading

Began teaching in 1999 and at St. John in 2002.

Favorite Subject
For so many years mathematics has had such a negative image, but I love it! It is so exciting to explore mathematics with students. My favorite part of this subject is sharing all the different strategies that lead you to the same answer when solving a problem.

Why I am a teacher
Whether teaching 5 year-olds or 14 year-olds, I love the opportunity to guide active and independent learners. No one can learn without confidence, or an open mind; I am so blessed to be able to foster this in students each day and watch their skills grow.

Why I like teaching at St. John
To be able to be an individual within a strong community is a very special gift which St. John offers.It is a wonderful experience to be supported and feel everyone is striving for excellence.

Castillo, Vanessa

International University of the Americas, Costa Rica, Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Educationwith endorsem*nts in Bi-lingual Education and ESL

Began teaching in Costa Rica in 1994, New Mexico, and Texas in both public and private schools. Began teaching at St. John in 2004.

Favorite Subject
I love them all!More than a favorite subject, I have favorite themes. I just love to integrate all the subjects with the theme of the week with fun, stimulating, creative activities.

Why I am a teacher
My grandmother and mother were my biggest inspiration to become a teacher. Since the age of fifteen, I use to spend my free time observing the wonders these ladies did with their students.More than teaching, they touched the souls of their students, spoke ‘their language,’ understood their interests, followed their individual path of learning and development, and supported their parents in the most loving way.

Why I like teaching at St. John
The beautiful sense of community and support within our faculty, staff, and families is incomparable!

Chandler, Kathryn

St. Martin’s University, Bachelor of Arts, Sociology/Anthropology

Began working at St. John in 2015.

Kathryn has a decade of experience working as a PreK assistant teacher at St. John’s Extended Daycare. St. John holds a special place in her heart since her mother, who was also a dedicated educator, taught at St. John for many years, and both Kathryn and her son are graduates of St. John.

Costa, Megan

Seattle University, Bachelor of Arts in Humanities for Teaching
Seattle University, Master in Teaching with an Elementary Education K-8 Endorsem*nt

Worked as an aide at St. John in 2012. Began teaching full time in 2014 and at St. John in 2019.

Favorite Subject
One of my favorite subjects to teach is reading. I love to help students grow in their reading skills and reach their reading goals by the end of the school year. Building a foundation and love for reading at an early age can help open the doors to so many possibilities in the years ahead.

Why I am a teacher
I am a teacher because I find joy in what I do each day! I love to create engaging, challenging and purposeful learning experiences for my students. As a teacher, I am continuously learning new things from my students and I love to see them learn and grow throughout the school year and beyond the classroom.

Why I like teaching at St. John
St. John has always held a special place in my heart.As a graduate from St. John, to return to serve as a teacher is a dream come true. I am grateful to the supportive, faith-filled community that St. John has provided for me throughout my entire life. I am thrilled to be here as a part of the teaching staff.

Dahlgren, Catherine

Western Washington University,Russian Language and Literature
University of Washington, Chinese Language and Political Science

Additional Training
K-12 Take a Stand Against Bullying Conference, 2002

Began as Playground Supervisor at St. John in 1992.

Catherine has been associated with St. John Parish since 1979 and with St. John School since 1985 as a parent of a kindergartener. After many volunteer positions, she was hired as the Playground Supervisor in the Spring of 1992. Our Lady of Perpetual Asphalt loves her role as a playground monitor, sharing, “I receive great satisfaction helping the children learn positive problem solving and navigating the intricacies of making friends. It is rewarding to watch the children grow and mature, September to June, kindergarten through 8th-grade graduation. I’m grateful to work in a caring, compassionate and supportive environment where we all can flourish.”

Den Adel, Blanca

Universidad Inca Garcilzo de la Vega, Lima Peru, Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Additional Training
Spanish Interpreter, State of Washington

Began teaching in 1999 and at St. John in 2008.

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject is Spanish language with an emphasis on understanding Spanish culture.

Why I am a teacher
I am a teacher because I love children and enjoyhelping them. I love seeing them learn and feel good about themselves.

Why I like teaching at St. John
St. John is a wonderful community where we all work together. The faculty and staff are very supportive of each other. I feel blessed to be part of this community.

Edwards, Dana

Washington State University,Bachelor of Arts inEducation,Elementary Education and ELL Endorsem*nts

Began teaching in 2012 and at St. John in 2013.

Favorite Subject

Why I am a teacher
I am a teacher because I think quality education is important. Iteach to encourage naturally curious, flexible, confident and happy learnerswho are ready for whatever the world has in store. I teach for those moments when something clicks – there is nothing more rewarding than the beautifulspark of cognition in the eyes of a student.

Why I like teaching at St. John
I like how parents, teachers and community members all worktogether to encourage, support and teach the whole child.

Hall, Dora

University of California, Los Angeles,Bachelor of Science in Psychobiology
University of Washington, Master of Science in Nursing

Began working at St. John in 2022.

Dora is a pediatric nurse practitioner with a background in autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities. In addition to her role at St. John, Dora works part-time at Seattle Children’s Hospital Autism Center. She is also the co-founder of a local parent education nonprofit, PNW Parent Education. She has two children who are current St. John students.

Halley, Mari

Western Washington University,Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
Western Washington University, Bachelor of Arts in K-12 andElementary Education
University of Washington,Fifth Year Dash Degree (Science)
Northwest Montessori School, Montessori Certification
Lesley University,Master in Reading and Writing Curriculum Design

Began teaching in 1982 and at St. John in 1990.

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject to teach is math. It is either right or wrong. Very concrete. I also love teaching religion because it allows me to share my faith with my students and guide them on their journey of faith and moral development.

Why I am a teacher
I enjoy working with children; I love to see them grow.I want to impact the future.

Why I like teaching at St. John
The entire St. John community!

Jang, Kyoungmi (Mrs. Kay)

KookMin Universityin South Korea, Bachelor of Fine Art
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Master of Arts in Art Education

Favorite Subject
Art! It is a universal language that sparks expression and creativity.

Why I am a teacher
I love sharing the joy of creating art with others. Witnessing students discover and develop their artistic abilities is incredibly rewarding.

Why I like teaching at St. John
St. John has a very inclusive, welcoming, and friendly community. I appreciate that we support each other and grow together.

Jessup, Molly

Western Washington University,Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Lesley University,Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instructionwith emphasis on Literacy

Additional Training
Endorsem*nts in Child Development andEarly Childhood Education (PK-3)
Schools Attuned Training

Began teaching in 1999 and at St. John in 2001.

Favorite Subject
I love to teach reading because it opens up a whole new world for a child.A child can take a ride anywhere in the world, go back in time, or go to the future just by opening up a book.

Why I am a teacher
I became a teacher because I wanted to help children learn to survive in this world and learn about God.

Why I like teaching at St. John
I like the close and supportive community at St. John.

Kelley, Kristine

University of Michigan,Bachelor of Arts in History of Art
Eastern Michigan University,Masters of Education in Elementary Education

Began teaching at St. John in 2006.

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject to teach is math. There is nothing quite like seeing the pride a student feels in mastering a new and challenging concept or the perseverance shown in solving a complex problem. I am excited about teaching the fundamentals of math while digging deeper to explore the reasoning behind the equations and math’s many real-life applications.

Why I am a teacher
I became a teacher because I love sharing my students’ educational journey. Helping children become the best learners, friends and citizens they can be is the best job in the world.

Why I like teaching at St. John
Without a doubt, the community! The kindness, dedication, and support present at St. John are palpable. It is a pleasure to be a part of the school’s mission to bring the best possible education to its students.

Kelley, Paul

Gonzaga University,Bachelor of Arts in SpanishandJournalism,minor in Latin American Studies
St. Louis University, Madrid,Master of Arts in Spanish Literature
Montana State University, Teacher Preparation Program

Began teachingin 1999 and at St. John in 2000.

Favorite Subject
Spanish. The accessibility of the language in our immediate surroundings makes second language acquisition a reality for students.

Why I am a teacher and an administrator
To serve the mission of the parish school and to open the doors of enlightenment and awareness in students.

What I like most about St. John
The strong community of faculty, students, and parents.

Kohler, Jana

Slippery Rock University, B.S. in Sport Management and Health and Physical Education
University of Pittsburgh, K-12 Teacher Certification in Health and Physical Education

Began teaching at St. John in 2023.

Favorite Subject
Any time when I can make a difference in a child’s life, be it emotionally, socially, academically, spiritually, and physically. All subjects are exciting to bring new knowledge and understanding to life.

Why I am a teacher
I love to share my knowledge in teaching the “whole child.” Physical Education is most important in developing my student’s emotional and social attributes. I am excited to teach new activities, games, movements, and fitness and to teach students to enjoy living a healthy active lifestyle.

Why I like teaching at St. John
I feel blessed to have Principal O’Leary hire me to teach at St. John, in this my first year! I enjoy teaching PreK – 3rdgrade physical education; instilling sportsmanship, citizenship, confidence, joy, and fun through being active. I also love seeing my two grandchildren who are current St. John students.

Kuypers, Margarita

San Francisco State University, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development and Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential
Notre Dame de Namur University, Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a Reading Certificate

Began teaching at St. John in 2020.

Favorite Subject
I love teaching all subjects! With every lesson I teach, the students and I learn something new together that makes every day exciting!

Why I am a teacher
I am a teacher because I love to help all students discover joy and love for learning that lead them to be motivated life-long learners, as well as to become compassionate contributing members of our society.

Why I like teaching at St. John
I first became part of St. John as a parishioner when my family and I moved to Seattle. I knew from attending the mass and touring the school that it is a special place where my family would find a sense of belonging, and a place where I would be proud to teach. I love the community, the positive and supportive environment, the dedicated teachers and administrators, and Fr. Crispin’s joyful spirit. I feel very blessed to be part of the St. John parish and school community.

Longton, Lisa

University of Washington, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
University of Washington,Masters in Teaching

Began teaching kindergarten in 2006 at St. John; returned to teaching part-time in 2016 and is currently the librarian.

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject to teach is writing. I love seeing the development and progress of student writing over the course of a school year.

Why I am a teacher
I am a teacher because I enjoy learning new things! I want to share my excitement about learning new things with students and enjoy seeing students actively engaged with their own learning.

Why I like teaching at St. John
I love the St. John community! There is a connection between the families, teachers and staff that I don’t think can be found at every school.

Lynch, Stephanie

Culinary Institute of America, Food Styling and Photography, Recipe and Cookbook Writing, Culinary Arts, Business 101

A Seattle native, Chef Stephanie has cooked locally – Snoose Junction, Bick’s Broadview and the Edgewater Hotel Restaurant – and internationally for over three decades in catering, restaurants, both large volume and fine dining, and as an operational consultant. She has also been a parent educator for her son and a fundraising auction chair at his Ballard K-8 school.

Continuingher love of foodand education,for the past few years, Chef Stephanie has been part of Bishop Blanchet High School’s food service program and “lovedit.” According to Chef Stephanie,“It felt sonaturaltoland at St. JohnSchool.I look forward to carrying on the vision of Chef Michael with fresh, creative, healthy and delicious lunches, along with adding my own tasty touches.”

Manley, Shannon

Western Washington University, Bachelors of Arts in Human Services
City University, Seattle, Masters of Education in Guidance and Counseling

Began teaching at St. John in 2015.

Favorite Subject
I love to teach reading. It’s a joy to see students connect to literature and get excited about books.

Why I am a teacher
I am a teacher because every single day a teacher is given the opportunity to inspire others, laugh, learn, encourage perseverance, have fun, and lead. Teachingis a venue for me to help each and every child feel successful, smart, worthwhile, proud, and cared for.

Why I like teaching at St. John
The answer is same for me as a parent of alumni of St. John and now part of the faculty – the community. The community of parents, teachers, staff and parish is what truly sets St. John apart.

Mansfield, Abby

Seattle Pacific University, Bachelor of Arts in Education and Religious Education
Western Governors University, Certification in K-8 Education

Began as an assistant teacher at St. John in 2011 and became a faculty member in 2015.

Favorite Subject
Math! As a child, I really struggled in math. The abstract concepts and paper/pencil techniques were not effective for me. Even as a young adult, I resisted numbers and anything that had to do with math. As I began teaching, I realized that math could be fun, engaging, and taught in a way that made it accessible to all students. I love watching students engage with math and fall in love with numbers!

Why I am a teacher and an administrator
I am dedicated to furthering the St. John Mission – to be a welcoming Catholic community, which celebrates diversity, inspires moral development as well as academic excellence, and teaches our students to act with courage for the common good.

What I like most about St. John
The community! I began my relationship with the St. John family as a parent of a first-grader. St. John is a supportive, encouraging and accepting community, committed to serving the needs of a diverse group of learners. When I decided to pursue working in education full time it was with the explicit intention of working at St. John. I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else and am blessed to call this community home.

Marquez, Andrea

Washington State University,Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Began working at St. John in 2018.

Andrea has worked in auditing for Moss Adams and wealth management for Pioneer Square Advisors. For the last several years, Andrea has assisted in welcoming new families to St. John through the “Buddy Family” program and the summer play dates for Preschool and Kindergarten families. She is currently the Business Manager and is a member of the administration team. Andrea and her husband, Matt, are parents to Ella and Rachel.

Martin, Ann

Gonzaga University, Bachelor of Arts in Historywith aminor Philosophy
Gonzaga University,Masters inTeaching

Additional Training
Positive Discipline Certified Parent Educator
Certified Gottman Educator
National Science Foundation Lead Teacher
Developing Mathematical Ideas Program (DMI) trainer

Began teachingin 1995 andat St. John School in2014

Favorite Subject
I honestly enjoy teaching all subjects. Inevitably teaching any subject in a classroom full of young people brings discussion and questionsthat are new to me. It is always an adventure!

Why I am a teacher
I am a teacher because it is an absolute joy to share ideas and understanding with others. Being with young people and watching them learn and grow in a classroom is incredible. Students are inquisitive, creative and energetic. When students are learning in a classroom, an atmosphere of fun and meaningful creativity is present. Every day I work with students I feel I learn along with them and that is a life-enriching experience!

Why I like teaching at St. John
I love working at St. John because St. John has become an important part of my family’s life. My children have made positive connections to their teachers, friends and to the Catholic faith while attending this school. My husband and I have developed a wonderful sense of community, and our faith has deepened at St. John. I have a unique perspective as a parent and an employee of the school. My insight has increased my respect and awe of the many wonderful and dedicated educators who devote themselves to all of our children. This is a special community, and I feel blessed my family is part of the St. John family.

McCarthy, Kerri

University of Washington,Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Seattle University,Masters of Education inTeaching

Additional Training
Slingerland Reading,Linguistic Remedies,Schools Attuned

Began teaching at St. John in 2004.

Favorite Subject
I love to teach reading.I am passionate about reading and love books and language.I love sharing this passion with students and motivating them to lead lives rich with literature.

Why I am a teacher
Teaching is such an exciting profession; I am always learning and growing as I research, practice, and reflect on my teaching.Most importantly, I love working with children and helping them reach their full potential academically and socially.

Why I like teaching at St. John
St. John has a tight-knit community of wonderful people working together to ensure all students are learning.

Metcalf, Ted

University of Washington, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Western Governers University, Master of Arts in Teaching, Elementary Education

Favorite subject
I love reading and learning about history and the Catholic Church. I am fascinated at how people were able to accomplish so much without modern technology. I also wonder why decisions were made and how those decisions affect the world we live in.

Why I am a teacher
I like teaching because it gives me the opportunity to learn along with the students. I find that I receive knowledge, energy, faith, and enjoyment from working with the students and watching them grow in confidence academically, spiritually, and socially.

Why I like teaching at St. John
St. John has provided my family and me a faith-filled community and base which provided the encouragement to become a teacher. The generosity and care of our community enable our school and the students to be kind, compassionate, and successful academically.

Monica, Tasha

Winona State Univesity, Bachelor of Arts

Began as a preschool teacher at St. John in 2020.

Favorite Subject
Watching students light up when they make connections between letter sounds, real-life objects and words is very rewarding to me. I love watching students express their ideas through their work and creativity. I am fortunate to be able to teach early learners as they grow and develop a sense of school and making connections in our classroom and beyond.

Why I am a teacher
I love being able to see life through the eyes of early learners. Their zest for life and learning is contagious, and I am blessed to be able to foster their love of learning through play and exposure to academics!

Why I like teaching at St. John
St. John is a very welcoming, loving and supportive community. I am excited to be a part of a community that leads with kindness, grace and love in everything they do. It’s a wonderful place to be!

Murray, Chrissy

Washington State University, Bachelor of Arts in Communications & Fine Arts
Seattle Pacific University,Elementary Education Certification

Began teaching in 2008 andat St. John in 2011.

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject to teach is writing. I love seeing the students’ growth throughout the year!

Why I am a teacher
I love making a difference in children’s lives!

Why I like teaching at St. John
I like teaching at St. John School because of the amazing support from fellow teachers and parents. It is an amazing community to be a part of!

Ocampo, Adrey

Washington State University,Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, Special Education K-12
Seattle University,Masters of Arts in Curriculum & Instruction

Began teaching in 1998 and at St. John in 2002.

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject to teach is reading. Books open the doors to many adventures. Students are so captivated with both fictional and non-fictional reading. I feel fortunate to pass on my passion for reading to my students.

Why I am a teacher
I am a teacher because I love making an impact on students’ lives. Teaching is a profession that offers great joy and satisfaction every day. Being a teacher also provides me with the opportunity to be a life long learner. Each year my students teach me more than I have taught them.

Why I like teaching at St. John
From the moment I walked in the door, St. John School felt like a strong community.Parents, teachers, and administration work together to support and foster student learning and growth.I feel very fortunate to be a part of this wonderful family!

Oines, Telia

Seattle Pacific University, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and Sociology
Seattle University,Master’s in Literacy for Special Needs

Began teaching in 2003 and at St. John School in 2014.

Favorite Subject
It is a joy to teach children to read and enjoy books. I love integrating reading in to all subjects.

Why I am a teacher
I enjoy reading aloud to build a love for reading and vocabulary growth, guiding children to choose good-fit books, integrating literacy in math, social studies and science, and finding the perfect book to teach a concept.

Why I like teaching at St. John
I love the supportive and loving faith community,dedicated and talented teachers and staff,friendly students,joyful priest (Father Crispin), and strong academics.

Olsen, Sarah

Providence College,Bachelor of Arts in Elementary/ Special Education , minor in Mathematics

Began her teaching career at St. John School in 2011.

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject is Math. I find math interesting because there are so many ways to solve a problem and still arrive at the correct answer.

Why I am a teacher
This is my first teaching position! I am very excited to start my teaching career here at St. John School. I have been very blessed to have been educated in Catholic Schools and want to share the gift that I have received.

Overa, Mollie

Washington State University, Bachelors in Kinesiology
City University, Masters in Teaching
University of Washington, Masters in Special Education

Started teaching in 2005, and joined St. John in 2022.

Favorite Subject
I don’t have one favorite subject; I just love to learn new things! I love reading, Religion and mathematics. I love to explore the many ways that mathematics plays a role in our world, and I enjoy reading to learn about other cultures and history. It gives me the opportunity to learn about how other people live and serve around our world.

Why I am a teacher
When I was in high school I worked with a student who opened my eyes to inclusion and views on one’s ability; that experience led me to want to become a teacher. I have had so many tremendous experiences with my classes that have taught me so much both academically and in how we serve others. Seeing my students share their passions, master a new concept or support and learn from each other as individuals bring me so much joy!

Why I chose to teach St. John
St. John is filled with lifelong learners who care for their community. I’m excited to work with the students to reach their academic goals and serve others.

Overby, Rachelle

North Seattle Community College, Early Childhood Education

Began working at St. John in 1993.

Rachelle’s experiences include working at American Express Financial and Bitter Lake Community Center before joining St. John in various roles: kitchen manager, substitute teacher, lead teacher for an XDC cohort and assistant director of XDC before assuming the Co-Director title. Rachelle is an Eagle through and through; she is an alumna of St. John and has a child currently attending St. John.

Rzegocki, Gwynedd

Princeton University, Bachelor of Arts in Art History & Archeology
Seattle University, Masters in Teaching

Began teaching in 2013 and at St. John in 2016.

Favorite Subject
Picking a favorite subject is similar to picking a favorite student – it changes on a daily basis. Right now, I love teaching Literature because it encourages meaningful discussions and activities that apply to students’ everyday lives outside the classroom. Also, I love to tell and listen to stories.

Why I am a teacher
I have always loved to learn, and I want to help students find that within themselves. In addition, I feel that education provides individuals with the necessary skills to be independent, critically-thinking, contributing members of society. I am very interested in providing students with opportunities to build those skills.

Why I like teaching at St. John
I love our mission statement, particularly the last piece which states that we are ‘committed to inspiring…the courage to act for the common good.’ I love that we are a community that encourages all members to speak up and act for themselves, one another, and anyone in need.

Sandstrom, Josh

Purdue University,Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education

Began teachingin 2011 and at St. John in 2020.

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject to teach is reading. I love reading books with the students and seeing the surprise on their faces when we reach an exciting part.

Why I am a teacher
I come from a big family where I am the oldest child, so I have been “teaching” ever since I can remember. I love learning and want to help students become lifelonglearners and reach their goals.

What I like most about St. John
St. John has been so welcoming to me and made me feel at home. The staff and students are so kind, and there is a really strong sense of community.

Shaw, Chloe

Quest University, Canada, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Seattle University, Masters of Education in School Counseling

Began as a school counselor at St. John in 2019.

Favorite subject or what you like best about your career
I love the relationships that I develop with students over time and getting to support them as they develop skills to be successful students and citizens of the world.

Why I am a teacher/counselor
I am a School Counselor because I believe that every child deserves to have someone in their life, supporting them and cheering them on. It gives me so much meaning to be able to play this small role in a child’s life.

Why I like teaching at St. John
The community at St. John is truly unique: from the students to the teachers and staff—everyone was just so welcoming and genuinely happy to be here.This is what originally made me want to teach here. From the moment I first walked on the campus, I could just feel the warmth and spirit of the community.

Skokan, Jonna

Gonzaga University,Bachelor of Arts inArt and Education
Lesley University,Mastersof Arts inEducation in Curriculum and Instruction

Additional Training
Technology and Reading Endorsem*nts

Began teaching in 1992 and at St. John in 2009.

Sourov, Chris

Western Washington University,Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management

Began working at St. John in 2023.

Chris’s background includes various Human Resources positions in the insurance and tech industries before becoming a stay-at-home parent to her two children. She has been an active member of the PA during her children’s time here and loves being a part of the St. John community.

Stinebrickner, Brent

Le Moyne College, Bachelor of Science
Seattle Pacific University, Master of Arts, Education
WGU, Educational Leadership Endorsem*nt

Favorite Subject
PE, Recess, Lunch, Math

Why I am a teacher
I teach because I find it to be the best job ever. I find it really fun to hang out with kids all day long and hopefully make a positive difference in their lives. Every single day is different and I never know what to expect.

Why I like teaching at St. John
The community of faculty, staff, and families is second to none. After many years of teaching, SJ is where it’s at…I am both grateful and thrilled to be returning for my second stint at St. John!

Suarez, Kris
Sullivan, Meg

Gonzaga University,Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
St. Mary’s University of Minnesota,Masters in Teaching

Started teaching in 2005and began at St. John School in 2010.

Why I am a teacher
I became a teacher because I love learning. Each day you learn something new, and I enjoy discovering that together with my students.

Why I like teaching at St. John
The community at St. John’s is very supportive, just like an extended family. I have felt very welcomed and look forward to collaborating with the other teachers.

Tice, Sven

Colorado State University, Bachelor of Arts in German Literature and Language
University of Colorado, Bachelor of Arts in English
University of Colorado, Teacher Education Certification
Lesley University,Masters of Education in Science Education

Began teaching in1991 and at St. John in 2001.

Favorite Subject
My favorite subject is science! I like the other subjects as well, but science is special to me.It allows me to explore the natural world with students. It’s exciting to see the kids enjoying themselves in class.

Why I am a teacher
I am a teacher because I wanted to do something with young people, and I wanted to do something socially useful.

Why I like teaching at St. John
I really love the people here — the students, staff and parents are wonderful.

Tran, Di

Claremont McKenna College,Bachelor of Arts in Government and Literature
University of California, Irvine, Master of Arts in English

Began working at St. John in 2018.

Di’s background includes teaching ninth-grade English and working in college admissions and high school college counseling. She has two children; one is a current St. John student, and one is an alumnus of St. John. She is appreciative of her children’s St. John experience.

Traywick, Campbell

Eckerd College, Bachelor of Arts in Business Management with a Spanish minor
Mercer University, Masters of Arts in Teaching in Early Childhood Education PK-5
University of Georgia, Masters of Education Concentration: Sports Administration

Additional Training
Handwriting Without Tears, Orton-Gillingham Training, Lucy Calkins Reading & Writing Workshop

Began teaching in 2013 and at St. John in 2019.

Favorite Subject
Writing is my favorite subject to teach. I love to see students writing in all subjects, and I encourage all students to record and illustrate their experiences, wonders and goals in a writing journal. I love watching a single idea from a writer’s brainstorm list grow into a meaningful published writing piece to treasure forever and look back on.

Why I am a teacher
Teaching brings me great joy and peace. Each new school year is a journey, and it is so rewarding to be a guide for a community of students as they transform spiritually and academically each year.

Villanueva, Meghan

Santa Clara University, Bachelor’s of Arts in Music (Vocal Performance)
San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Master’s of Music (Vocal Performance, Pedagogy)

Teaching Music since 2002

Favorite subject

Why I am a teacher
I love instilling an appreciation for music and the arts in children that will last their whole lives.I am a teacher because I want the next generation to truly appreciate music, enrich their lives through creativity, and help them gain confidence through performance and practice.

Why I like teaching at St. John
St. John is a very special place where all are truly welcome to learn and thrive in Christ’s image.

Wade, Stephanie

Oregon State University: BA in Human Development and Family Studies (Early Childhood)

University of Washington: M.Ed in Special Education ( Severe and Low Incidence)

Began volunteering at St. John in 2009

Started working at St. John in 2023

Steph’s background includes working with kids of all ages, but her passion is working with early childhood students and those with disabilities. She has three children and two step children; two are current St. John students and three are St. John graduates. She loves spending time with her family, going to concerts with her husband, shoes, her two dogs and French fries.

Williamson, Anna

Washington State University, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education and ELL Endorsem*nts
Western Governs University, Master of Arts, Curriculum and Instruction

Began her teaching career at St. John in 2019.

Favorite Subject
Teaching students how to write is rewarding and exciting to me. I love seeing how creative students are once they learn how to express the ideas they are thinking on paper. Learning how to write is an incredibly valuable skill, and I feel fortunate to be a part of the progress students make toward it.

Why I am a teacher
I am passionate about creating a career where I am fostering relationships with students, making a lasting difference in their lives and creating an experience where they can enjoy learning.

Why I like teaching at St. John
St. John is a supportive community that works together in order to accomplish its mission of supporting its students. Being an alumna of St. John, it is incredibly special for me to now have my own classroom here. I can’t wait to serve as the teacher and role model that I had during my elementary school experience.

Faculty & Staff - St. John Catholic School (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.