The Advertiser from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Advertiseri

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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15 AN THE ROYAL TOUR OBITUARY BOLSHEVISM MEMORIAL I THE CAPTAIN THE RENOWN What Does it Mean? AT THE CROSS SACRIICE Maoheet letter HM him rtio (t'tala Mtablished ton uiid Ort' the remote side of the pier HOW WORLDS ARE MADE ii 1 10 uiirHouw nriuinai auniore ueagoei PreIJ Hsratretted that in many waya deed at the Anasra war beiog for uni IN NEW SOUTH WALES IN VICTORIA tile uvfs nvivHy VgJrsseBtd to Lieutenant Cte one! Th sod NEW SECT SEERS ho TRAPPED IN A SEWER ma H'ibves of the Gimbir Eat Co oncra ttvr Chcte actor' the Eit ietorie th THE MESSAGE i cd TO CORRESPO5PESTS Day NASAL CATARRH lia" BOW TO TREAT IT RECKLES GONE Itr A TRAGIC ROMANCE ip Muy hou Il VO 114'e in VtiTj ate not aafte to Irr Catarrh Cys Ja TAKE COMORT WITH YOU ow: nh: Klin fed through he IASI LATE ADVERTIsem*nTS ength Km lee in waled th I licrntnenl t'o ope ithe hitnban ncnialaia Ulieuniattn i i dangerous ftp rr VIEWS AND COMMENTS eruran 11 NeM fl BM kiaf and Ciryanl Van the rtirc ns of Ktiila tn the meuio Lieutcnint I Jb 'it mie Ju 'ant paiy ot aiiimu un Hex to Vi und realised £12 at 11 ck when th it he "hen re lv CONSECRATION THE COLORS UNVEILED BY MR A WATT AL Wstti'L abetit 5000 and 0 A wHB 0 football nMt pel ues Rar SPORB AT THE SHOW GROUND 1 Boahev 10 in dra or ft a tn iniicitain greed dues it refi the aspiration ot man or lliil in the up nion 10th lsttallcn STOPPED BY A ZEALOUS POLICEMAN Mclbo ain bill UM ns of hs Ma am he his awa from the memkil oi hi execu' tily the iv agrva'jit eap tu ute CCucAJ 5 1 with hi lather ennfeet onerv ta was no the most si red possession mankind and ileelf tri n' lio bit a prer to pr tit* df ivcrani huiunty eo I tlteie to coebrata a victory Ont tu memo: a dcu arifi manna' than 1 if rn tradition ho ever fine form at churciie 0 higher value lalior that i duregaid for tber th Eutojx nn HINDMARBH At the Hicdmarsh Oval on fluoday th inuual Aurie Day oiv wa ia tho present oi a laro gather ad praeecdumn opaned with headed by tho Mayor (Mr Nkaas) and olahdard Learera led by tat krai im bard and followed by tnbeii of tho volunteer hie bn ade ambuUnee UtialM wth las titari mi a pna ioir Jt tnooeea hM Hall Maieid tor a Tuo Mose eeme 'ed In 11 Mr John Walton oTtf tinery luirrs (n He wa of a charitabio Uil 4 gieat ilTei ti tor lie iczuUrly oubamlx public inMitiittoni yod hi nry tn pirns tn it uaiy enjoyed Irt 4 rt Wito: ntai ied tho idoa of Mi Ar Cbneiin Mehrten ju biiivra him AU tutthe nd rieraiure to atvago lormr hctiii egra cr lartirf There arc onio who tai no an1 uetd er enter eomfort raenaired it aoyjt I is iiciud in lite In Cle of nr gfO'T this med eatid inilct soap ran be i ed in atiliaepiffl for it 4i itid etridin up in down the iuttet ie lit ti stiet ii ha art' of the miwii es Jfenbe a tie Uth A A Krai rompnsiog tan fdtli 40th ultth aril UJtii Lit erien atage' Reatnea lo ete TT leet Tjbln xkiit Kean and Ctuker The Sports There wrie tw jump ns events and 13 he tirt ii i out hurdles there were JU entri a of tho niounta sere ijvxmsiy "green" anil there were ar verti alio but none Cjo liters were serious injured A dplav by 'il Australnn Naval Cadati from Jrt Ade'aJ ie who earned Ont tirtra exiTcica tilth niisia luro bauhsbip jrouwd interest i AT CANBERRA Canberra Apt! "1 Anzac Day Cai terra was ated by a ronib nod service in tho in rn inc at Camp by the Beis Canon Ward and A leleber (Au'i anl I Ven oe I Mithn I rt) anl Mitneil (Pnwnytnian) The Cite? Out niissoncr iMr 1 Butt 'rr) attend'd il It unveiM dairymen in tlus State bolb on the State Baird and the Dauy Council I defy Mr Ayres "Dainssn" to lind any measure iiwn "alch I hsie tvd with the iutcp Lion ti supporting the mioufieiurer or agent the deirment of the primary pro ducer Mr Avrcs xnta represenUtaon on th' tMid for til iy uea'a lotation A snri li 1 arre that this should Ve kj wiieu the aae ocittion is iitnCy estib lidied wtn a teaouahk' proportion of the duii Hivu ai members and 1 would not iopddc tho representation to only one But at present Mr Ayrua speaks as th ao isoeiation ana for cue a an executive member 10 not believe one man acting fr the executive by himeelf I co not mind tii hones: censure of tuy colleagues1 they think I have belr iyed them but I prouiise thicn 1 will never bide behind a notn de plutne and will give 3 true statement of any bii im done when called uoon to do it ut permissible as an houoL ahle member of the urd and representative of the dairymen In conclu sion 1 wf in state tlut at the list meet ing in 1 seevnded the motion prupoaeu by a Queensland delegate uo deuvor bring about an all Ansm'tan price fur butter and cheese I alo irtiycd iu Melbourne from riday until Moaiiy to attend 1 deputation tn the Mnidter of the oval Sunday schoo e'mldren 11! unr beri of i uvitijn Army joaed ire ee em nv At th e( i'ator IL'tlams the sang "0 God Cur He In A' Pst and a psalm read by the Bev if Ne Th piayer of tliankagi' offered by cu Canon rewn and th Bev Major announced the hymn "Ntarsr Mv GM to The Tbs Mayor hil met to sheer they appreciation of ie services nf ilte men who had fought them H'ndmsreh had done her share sod lie beeied that the avereze of el htaienis from tint tawn ai the sacral highest in the State Hindmar 'i was the first wn i secure its quota for he war loan and he behaved tbit tho ln a hrsr of the patr tic committee was lie n't in ev vtence in South Auvtrila lie di I rut think t'te returned men had te eeive half of what they were eni tl The bind plared "The Dead March" cod the hymn Lead Kindly is given out by the Rev Mr Camle! A iddre wit delivered by Pot eternoeter t'4kg" it yop re not satisfied alter iidnc tho first icte the 2 wi hind without nllon Th niiebt seem ra offer but thy fart 0 hav Iwet trs'ed for manv years by ihoiiManda fenny from nual catarrh and t' re know BT''1S rr uni great pleaeu Iti open ng the gri tnd and tij hotxd that the cbiidien aouid 1 great plca uic and tljoroughy enjoy tbrin elves Mr 'V t'eidy s' utid "II and Mr Ke'ly dsted the dig Mr Porteous presented M's Kntg'nt with an illuminated addre of toanks for beg lundn' in givingthe pillars and gates Little Hilton presented Mies Knight "hi bmiquei and Mir Knight thanked the soldiers their gift Little Mar tatct t'ieorn handed the mayoress a bouquet Al the call ot the president three 1 beers were given for the King and the rhldnn then moved off to Dnm wid Patk hcre pregruume of imris i contested PORTMRIE A service was held en the MnacriI Oval at ort Plrie on Sunday in preece tti a large eatberin presided over by the Mxyxr (Mr Uger I Th religion service 11 ik rge of the Rev A CliCerd Jones Mil M' read the invocat tv pray Scripture readings were given by Pistor Hughes and Captain Lefte(t ibe Silvatien Army An address lv ared by the Bev Ledger and Cue patnea on the honor tol' if fa toJdiors were read by tbe Rev Noruir lode The Salvation Aim? bind cae dneted by Air Cooper pnyea eelection and "The List Pail" isupdd Th Rev Nancaro pio noueed th benediction I rename el u)ej raeuaa Cal ''dkseki Chi McOau (m o' Sir Ru amith The lusrtip'ion on the obelisk reiilei ie meinoiy of Lieutenaiit Bcruc't the Via traban iling wlm iccosipan ed a an engineer sr jw arJ Sir Keith bm tln tirt flight front linz'and 1 1 Aus on 1 Pro not tc del tn 1 sti AH hitetRAaa ft a cabinet maker and builder Mo is Arthur and J'HsI D'Vim and thioe dsngh'eis Mes jnes A if Iin A 1 akn and ym ut Hs ou Ktnct a killed whenu atie ecrv ec with lite luto Bit'alion Jjai Sir Duwea us buried a rh North road Cemetery yesterday after QUICKLY DRIVES OUT AU RHEUMATIC POISON ACTS ON KIDNEYS LIVER STOMACH AND BLOOD SECOND DAY The second day you take fhe remedy tint is selling so tapid rea iae that when Bbeumex gxs uric goes out It matters not you arc loi tuied with ran clipped with su o'lrti joint or distressed with oects onal twinge Ith' nir guaranteed by i' makers to end your rhciimane troub'e or money bn alneel WfcmJee Brwwnyworth i8th BattaiMB) A emr party tod by Lien taaaat date Mu! narwdad rarmvt tbeulor at th Jfftk Battalion which is uMeiaily Tfe Him Melo i ah rapnarated th Ptamiar Tber wereavarsl hundred people in the stand to wrtnee the ceremony After tha arrival of hi icel ency the Governor who wue mounted and wearing ba uniform of honorary co'owel the tofc Light Worse the fire ior partse marched out with eased colors snd laid them nacaaed on tha drumhead The con aeration ceremopv waa net formed bv haplane rnie loyd Shan non apd Xbajdeii At the elo4 the ceremony tb Lord Mayor (Mr 8S' Vnley (Mr XUfawerth) and the Mayor of Pon Adelouto Mr A Tappi bande tbw eoiort th rafimenu! otfvMT rlurn iMm Tha Hor were theneort4 Web Imm4b ef their unite to BritUh ANZAC DAY CELE BRATIONS CoaUaoad from Pago 11 Se nf'thw lh ho und "ioobe be I teacher (Mr Mche) Itttfalca TABLETS UWVEILE0 AT PORT PIRIE ort Pitie Apr? 53 Auac Du etlebratiopa were held to day when two tablata were vevaued in im Memorial Gmpdstand which ia being erected on the Soldiers Memorial Ova Mr Hill (predeat of the Port Pue bi anchor th Returned Soldier' Leazaei a rV bwwrtaam a from thi A I thg Cltian ortea waa aub stituted Bota tms included A and grade playera The was in eh irg of Mr Hall Iu the first of tnv MaihHit terne the AI teamboaa combination was surpriwngly god often broke throngh the eppomnj dereo eici uuk concerted dashes an I gamed a "omraaadiag lead At th change vuJ the a otes A I gneia behind Cituen 1 go 1 behind Tna A I team Itogan again with ratte and carried the ba 1 forward tarougn S'hiunaciier but Tobin wlw played 'erling gam in gust turned tfi awa II Heat the North Adelaida pitied ui the La me tir tlu uvn rorcei starred them UrwaHeverst timet but their play i lu htaard sad rhe mbutt relieving daahn of (' bhaip gav the towards chiooj arore Toweirr was a prominent figure in the rn sad with three 'w he omred taro goat and hit a pat J' war la tbe iho pice cn io it i oit tn leadn and whim hr Kr ui and Halloa toe Citiaen 'Wces improved tjeir poailtnn Howeier the A I mon'aged a final rai in which wncy kcind a li'kr goal orca: fit xen 3 poeia 1 brhrnd WTMera Nicho Townley eechf nd Dayman Hutton and Crocker Bat Witmer 'wn'e man httmacber Sharp NicboU and youthfully tnre ia! 11 that i needed inkvd her to pen th Jtisv Tho id sb hid her It i i nt charitable und gn cn was i san ho neigh jorhood AT URAIQLA A Anrsu Mrvie kdd st UraMlan Sunday wbwi tbs institute r4 fjij Mr Qiver Jerk nt the roan rVrie A united ebarr repde ed Mri wa the evUi1 erad as addrm placed upon butter aad cheese i ouilng into Auitrjln had ample applies in our own cuiimi i to meet requirement and we were pivng a levy un our own butter under tin era''a S'hnme tn try and mike the industry a payable one At the Kime time mer hint had purchased about MlfiOO Ik xo of New Zetland butter andt po 'vbli pie of tn a a oti'f vintu illy ini iipxtrd (mm Australia The i thst eviden has just beeniven bv the chairman of tbe Australian Jiiiy i ju ii before the Tatff Boar in Melbourne in ipport of our irqocA I have at ail tme tried Mr Ayresill tuc credit due tn for th effort he i ri ntiniiai mikin on of theiynten and wo i'd jk him to treat lotnance one A fJt tlffl dney f'auguy i i Lirr and the arm r' operat' I'niou in additon to the proprietary 'oric nd a the veffe wi un tnimt i it i rxtriirdinii with the rxpl mit i a receive that I did opp' er Hid I and hi aloiy and power fade be omi cu nue uumpoitiut i he na rn to iui tout nt a policeman wko has be td jes lake before Ca vati the oilper in lurnmand of i wr one such poLematija when the latter detected ttie at of tn in to bogtii i i 1' ia I I I'Hh iuu ICQ riilv ic the nd later the greatvarih wa tbroan eu to piibiu in ectp'ii 5 1 irr1t aa the trh hoe rnr that the ph wen toeed to etect battier at ie foot oi the pier and or ders were given not to let an unaatlio ied persons pass thiwjii lVhn Cap tain 8u lvaii tuej to ra'urn ha found his any birred bv several tialwact men iu btw He to get through but th arm the law prevented hity atd explanations tol vrl "I am aptsin Sulivan in eharja iho RofioH" ha said The conetable meretailed "'Look here" the captain 'not even the Duka of York has a great right to go aboard tha boat tell you am the The smile became braa tey Tell that to the ma ria' he said kavl that one be Captain Sullivan evuid not pro dine a pa and disgruntled had to re turn ahore A few Hi aute liter he was iu touch nth HMA Ade aide by wire less and explaining hn predicament A launch was sent from the Adelnide Cap tan Suiivan waa picked up and deposited st tho liaiiomvna entrance nt a ganfy os tbe remote side of the pier Hendon Englund Airil 13 ut Diantond ill and mn hed Ir rxin headed by ths school band in tho new childtec pUygroxnd wiv i bis been constructed by th Mirruj inije sub brandi th Kb Hen tho nujcT and mouibcis ae Murr' Budge wete aaoembled red to take pvc the playground ifm the ItotirreJ Soldiers Lesgue Tho Maliiiri Irrigation ill ni Cowan MLl and Mr (' Collins senior uieinber Murray were a pre ci: L'hc prc i IN QUEENSLAND Brisbane Apt) Thousand ni people attended tb Anrac aerr es which were hl in all the city churches tbin Ke'JIrued menme wearing military uniforms and dis playing rows of amice medals formrd into Hrs nt A square to the ir' 'n iariie The fell in according to their ret givue denominations Colom! A erguson DSO VD was charge of the parade Melbourne April S4 Tas Duke of York issued the following meesige to "It is my very great ptwteB to tak pan i today's cere mony to celebrate the laading on Ca upon twelve year ago oi th Australq In ic saloon of ihe elect essmak ng estaoisiupent Germsine atal in the su bnur jt Honore a h' rt dtsn fr iu the Lyseeand the ILiish Embassy there IT AN a trow It 1 UUHBV The TlTMPe! erted by yn'ing and wie who wi alo employed by the 1'iUl diess making firm "SIMPLE EMEDY ROM THE CHEMIST REMOVED THEM" SAYS SOCIETY LADY The best skin specialist told me that nothing woud tenor my frecktoi and that 1 would carry them to my sayi well known tocieiy lady I surpnaed them a with a new preparation called Kin double that ean to btained from any leading chemist liicJi cleared my akm and gave me a tire The actio of Kiotho ia really remark for when applied at night many of Arter pissing tbe saluting base st Gov rnrrtent Hous gaum the pr wcssion pro eded to th Croae of iPeuniu itraei Soldiers' cinihei woe reedy assembled there ia die special re serve allotted to tlw and a latge num of tbe public hnl ga'hrrcd cmt ide the toArrKij wlui tb crtrtnoriy "I be Army fUad 4nrd teeuou await ng die arrival he nros 'asion Th naval uuitr formed up oa the Int the er and istensns and ba blase oidicr un the isht under dse diraction of the mrhal o'onri nureomhe and tin dsi unt nurha' Lieutoaant wdn The A I and iUssa ore van i rmid upn each aid th avenu leading torn the tha Qae lh stindard 4irs currying khaki drali flag arias A I color Witcbee ia front ining the rah Tw I'iu" Jack and Au tra lun flag enptod tbe right of the line Round the fan of the erosa awaitng theinnl bi KrrMK the Gmeiuit ere the Dtotrwt Navil Officer itopinuur A Awdaaa Bteeed) representing he Gniwa General th Premie I Hon Ihtftor) tbe Lord Mayor iMr Wal ia ioaauuc*nt iDtigi th Mate pre nONNvl KeMlsiv ioanei Tk death ru ed rirly vcatetdjy tnotn it esidi nce li itt ect lin Vi ton the well known Ade afior a short lilo' rud industrialism fur barbs: on trih: shin ng dlhr tor ng atm la it a si tempt to app au at tna BRIGHTON Auio sentca were conducted Ic churches it Brighton on brads 1 he Rev llsnson (late licvtBt tar A I conducted the aervie at the Bep Churrh and deivered an addrew titled The follow'ng mem here tl the local eounril were ri seuf Tlio Acting Mayer (Alderman Mr tn) Ald rmja Noble Layly and Hanco*ck and the tew a slrk (Mr I Sanders) The church wj dckotated and aporuprat ipgrng vis nrend py the choir coad'istsd lv Ml Gresuihiri I A feature of the inrug was je a it'iei Marc Peace" Mr A rusj presided at the organ AT WEST CROYDON AND XIL KENNY A procsws'on hit th Kilkenqv railwir Mai oe beaded by th Ord Battaic band A lanra Bubr ef returned wuk ptrt including many in ttniAwm Loy Reouta turned out turve and lodge were represented TLeSalvatsc A nay fond rendered wfiaic and there were repram ntotire of Bunday s'UmI of i denmninattoM Tbe procMm pasae I aloa vanoua street to th Gsdood ayb when a service kid The cotoetin amounted to £1 (Larf which will to the TB Mlier fuid 4 towuntor to tbe apka i rf ibe Uetlind Kildicra memorial Ciptsio A KvNlOMt had ehorpa at the para to al ffbutca covered the afepe of til tmctO Th 3rd Iwfanlrr Brigade commanded onet baac Lu med up square the Adelaide 01 for th emperrattoN and Vteaentatiou of 1 kws th battlin Tha us interesting en of tne afternoon Baud qukiwtepr iek pi tiauunr rgiof signa! ng anl rifle an 4 hnet eoaspentinn gave ariety to tuc nr veamme Hm or buiCt iav potir! Hunt Vrhls' HclU tjueattnna none of them Bore' hut rftisa nggeativ serve to shew the eomTiexity of our p'anetaty life Brvauso we hare no eelers prepared to snewe tucse medtaeva torch weald nave been ready to do it by mean folluw that ate tnaaswer Recently cxjtPf aom dcuot as io whether to "sr was not a more pe nirimie form of madness that to red Tli answer i by no mean easy but tliere I thi much ti be oaid that iu the uutty and bustle of our modern world i( isqiite unntiti "see" anything at nil beiond th limited hoelron of our immediate or this reanq nt leat thne wh "see red" are rerffer ing good sendee by facsatog attention upon Bo sherk doctrine its aims and niww and upon the nature of the aoij best adapted to it gr th or mr pq I cnnt in history or in fart anyymptthetic mnne tHn Lentatout in Russia and our kindly order loving libertv ortnz English people It would be knew at what nofut if an Leninism in E'frope honld be treated Vva tresled 1resr and Lenin nrlbodezr in Russia SALISBURY" Under the auerur of th Soltoharv aub RurDrf SMtora Md dtera Imperial League osrvlc helda Sun ljy afterojoa Mti tute Ti pmidrat ef tb traA (Afr Badger) oecwpwff tb ehato and th torn iwm read Mr HT Mraa wa gtrs the JpUw Tiler A solo ii rendered to Mf Num aceamDaoied by Ni Nor Jqdb The returned men of the ditri were ef prevented A collection wv tak up to proceed of which ore to he din itween Aostml'in Infantry orce Jenieteir bund sad the Mlnjed Soldiers Association CONCUSSION AND SCALP WOUNDS Sutfertig nMit dcusuou and rcveral wound" llectur au (p)j yf (ju nii eet Adeide wi idmiuM to Wevielsidc Huspitsl list night Oui known now Ulu llijuiuis were Usuned our iur omplefe hippisM In this life to eether deneiutont na roaff hea'th 't in good iiealtu ia your aeat fur life spodd be the iaaidioe c' iaoat catarrh! If so yune business effi ciencr Buffers your social power won and you are leiu attractive aa a Why put up with th distressing srmn fema wne you cm be freed by Catarrh ysmarf It rmtoi th" tlood to renewed a ion and bring speedy relef tu tit cun pea hi Bneeilency in company column ThroMhmit th parade Ha troops abowad remarkabA stsaJinem fee Cituen oree units ad the march pot carried out in a maun almnet equal to that a line regiMwt ef tk Britiab Army After th esmaeeration the color his hgce'lwmy prMMtod th Colonra! Auxuary seeM Oftcw Volunteer IM to Cmoael Dovsw Co onsl I a Bursuw de Cre and New Zealand Army Corps hta made tor ever famous the name of Tac great fet of arm and the Iirruii deeda of all who shared iu it will be re membered no long as tho Empire lasta They ga' turir al! to King and Empir and their saniiee will remain to ever a shining example of whit liutuiu will and ciiduiince un complh A memo rial to tlixec hum vs coinmrmor Ate to day hs been raised in Gallipoli will lur ever sacred to the Bitih Ik siLs but the beat and wonhicet memorial we can offer them is to arck an iuepii'Atiop from their sump! to endeavor to learn the IraMins they teach oi lumage jntieu and selt arnfler and conxerato uuraclve afresh to those great purp wa for wltioli they gave the Ii Therefore 1 would beg: you io regard this day not to niueii a one of mouinna for tb d'ud but i one etrneat renolv nn tbe pirt of tie Jn ing to etnulite their example be our endeavor to live a worthily a those who mad the tost great sa'iUkc lor us and to do ut uuuust that lies in our ixiwer to ni aiiiiaiu and liand down to the children who 'ome after us those tndiUens of kya totirude and devo tion to dutv wbirh animated ttoe gal lant nren and on tue preservation of whiA t'a whole weirarc and sccumy of the Empire depend" Haifsliua Artillery Ai i ff hsud IU Ituiwi pomr 1 a Nel BhV II nA Mm zTTM 1 'ilroa ti ISt 4 AXB need III 1 7 st Pugn err 1" Police anff Clnh ct'eiH uf A1V reel psrr'w pbrv Jordeel Cciys eteaaUnr Closes PtO MI Cupt us I Moe auremni 1 MisMs and Lwutteuu tk i mva MMM TUEt a ik ffi MWJ 11 MruMKJf a nalfdnrtwi rMiMu gross capitalism toeteil a taensc ur Ensisu Meia! syatem Between th antagonism ot these conflk tinr forces ti and to! raws of mir neepto indifferent tn eyerytaiM ept pleasure er the rapid sqiiiuoa wealth They are prepar ing tuc Mil ioccivo the Md of tonrn Areiacogy Ud not yt given up1 It secret but we knew enongb to be aware tnst exaggerated davntloa to th UMqvai diatHbsti of wca th keen pace with the decay of fttot merifi and memory grow rfim th flhadOTr of revoIutiotiMry chatxwoorn 4rge Prahlwnt Oar Comptox Baatoty What is imp rtnt to al! i read juMmcnt of the value that should attached to th aource real happi nees to determine whether humanity finds it nnb'est ernremion in th indi vidua or th zgregate: whether corpu lence a nation i symptom of Or e' decay whether there it ftn ratio between the cu'tirule Qb popnitwTi where uo root or aria! jq6 tori! a UMUrtn are to tonn4: with whaf IMB tatiofiR the fnt rit nature eon ba A INE DEMONSTRATION Melbwaa April 25 victoria easaaemorated Antae Day day Nor thaa 29000 return'! men ed by a aumbr famous general marched through de throngs oi potto to the martial mum of 43 bands and provided a pietuM al probably the greatest march in Us hioteeg q( Austral March ing ten abreast it took tbe men wall over sn hour to pom the eanotaph which had been erected on the rtep of eders! Psr liomsnt Houae where th Duke of York took th ealute Thirty Victoria Grow winners were brought from all paria of the ommoawMllh and a they marched the streeta tby were rtren a won dcriul reeeptios The double attraction Aiuae Dy th ehanct to th Duke and Ducbeaa browrht huge crowd into the mty 8 daaas aa the cruii that thonmiid mg wearing their war medals were unable to reach ig time the many 0( th id in a reqte It waa eti roM MV hnwda Mb4 the ranksnd more than 39 ia an took part TT ty motar ear pro P9d the Rnysl Automobile Ciab ofwmd blind diaabted ad tBvnljd Mars along tbe reqte th Monaah with other coding oficera of the Al tod thy troop 1 tiowrameotk rh aa of York back mark ft! dmD tb Gvurnae4Mrn15wd SfeMMavffi) and th PrimaXtotM (Mr ht4 foot Of the cenotaph one of th moat wtM barag the laying of ifeZZi Vktwia Cross Arriving unannounced jn thq a bW Xutaw'7BrTt whom 300 rer Th pro to ExhibtticnAuW mi service was held kwaoto 4 tbe aervie at th Ex bibtUoa Bmldmg TW th enthuiun at ah cy l1ut kd ffBtbared Even ta May ti nmuln iriraTfoiMrf few ltir Uta Rrnyvl the Puke did dMiTn thmr apinto Th hug toll but a hour prtM to th ache od towtaff a( th aerrie there was Si NMawM a erowd wgg waiting ja tjc St" la the gaToey c2ad What are waiting for now?" the 10 rr Boy" tbjn ent on How Dry tV Are Th bandmaster by this time bis eti and the player etruck up Madataoiaeha rom Artaentier fr5 lowwd by other wvtim favorites Tho tber was silence when Kir John Mopaah walked on to the and announced tl arrival cf tn Duke Th After waa given 4 won derm reception and erxse of (l wid old Aoert cam trotn all parts of th great An imprest memorial service was then held od thort addrcMe were erH by the Puke taj gir John Mnuh AECTED BY THE CROWD Melbourne April 35 co great was the crowd jn th c'tv today tu witness the Asa Day march that mor tsan 300 people had to be treated foe tejuuts and fawning tit or tunately arraugemeuts hid been mide to desl with any casualties and ambulance and first aid posts were eubjslied in yaroua part ot the city At ederal Par lament Hous alone 174 persous were treated Xmr St Cathedral at toe irn of Swauston and linders street atoot 9f) wt given firn aid Nobody waa seriously injured Jn nt tlir peope hid been caught in ciueltta sud bad fainted gotten The erection of the grandstand was a fitting memorial these mere men He AspeCM'iy appealed to tbe beys snd girls tq uphold tb traditions of th Em pire II asked Uqfsant doBa! A A Pearce VD to navel th first tabletn tohalf of tbs Port Pirto Returned ffoldiere' Lwafue and ths Mayer (Mr iimrold Pt th other Tho Mayor said he trusted the bttildng would be cherished and cared for and tha each year they would assemble to honor tb Anzaa Mr ff Geddee moved a rote of thanks to Licuteqsat Coloael Pearc and tbe Mayor and referred to both as exee'Jent ritiaena and especially to the grand worg of the Mayor in aseitisr riu committee to raise funds through tho "Back to Pirie cetobruttons snd Mr 1 irmin Jenkins be also exptuseed thanks for hi voluntary service as architect when the gaxa were erected Mr It Srmond seconded th mv tion which nas earned with aecAntu A MAN OUND DEAD While hunting bates ncur Nrtley Ssimday ai'enioon Mi Clement ot Gil bcit stveet Adelaide found the body of Mr it Alexander rr of Jiigol avume JliKon it was found in hnaeUerot and apnaienly had A un od several duva beiurc Tbei'C was a deep cut 11 the ft wrist GREAT GATHERING IN SYDNEY Sydney April Aaxac Day waa commemorated to day by all sections tj the community weaiutr that was gloriously fine As a conasquence Cha open air memoial gatherings the Doa tn anl eAewavre were iry largelj' I attended Xpemi service weie he' in the cataedrals end churetos whet all united to honor ui dead and pun theiving The public service iu tuc Domain made an unpicwive siH ccacle Uicr 30UC returned nxn iu khaki awemblcl in Mor ira pace tn the niorumg anu hnaded by a naval marliej off at tu tue gatnermg in the miatn wetc a nuinoer of bands in the proucseion in i inding one from th polee tores and cue from fire brigade The tot and 53 Division of Che A I were wail repre sented the procession which also em braced detachments trotn Kojal Aus tralia Air orce aul vecerana of the South war Vulone! Eoiepco was the staff officer for the pirade and Gene ra! Godtord who nprcMnlej th Gover nor General at tn Domain service waa also prews at tho ruai ball i A pla otm itooiGed with flags wu erected in th Domau and ten lluu nands gathered rund it in uc miming Whn ibeaeivwe began the pirk waa piac iically filled Tbe returned naval and military men were provided with a ruled in eaclMure Am jpg those present were Slat Governor (Admiral Sir Dudley1 Coair) Mr Bowdon M41 (rwpre eating the Primo mater) Mr Ling (Premier) Mr Baiun (Leader uf the Opposition) General btr Granville Kyrie Cmei luetic and Mr Davidseu (president of the Keimncd Soldiers' Lexgue) Mnen th service had concluded the veterans who had served under General Kyrie chaired tber old leader and earned him shoulder high through th cheering urowds from th Domain to tb Sbaphi statu in Mocquorie stre it thanking them for thuir Jundneos Gewal Kyrie who was visibly by th warmth of the reeeptton oaid if any honor had come hi way in life they oeuld be attributed largely to tha brav bicu among whom it had been hto hapiv lot to be during tbe grim day of the war The ervue in th Cathedral was crowded Tho Goversor General was re praaented by Captain Bobbin A Major Lloyd represented tbe Stat Gover nor Th Rev Paul chaplain at Toe delivered an address Hu oaid the underworld of Sydney waa woraf than that of London Hit knowledge at the Chil dren's Courts showed him that SO per erat of the parent of to day sere unfit to their parental responaibilitie Over 0 per cent of the children ot Sydney bad never heard tbe name of Gid or of Christ except when it was used as an usth and 40 per cent of tbe children were cursed the moment they entered the world Aa t'uc only clergyman allowed into th Court ha could that 70 per cent of tbe case before the court because tbt children lived in alum arc and were out ef touch with their church Mr Paul mentioned the good work that was being dope by Toe tn helping the boys of tb coaunuuty the Boy neouts and the Boys' Brigade Toe was out to break downK the barrer of When the service 'had csicluded a bugler pounded "The Tart St Mary Jtemin Catholic Cathedral was filled this inurnin' when solemn rsquiem ma wm held in memory of soldiers and sailors who fell iu the grant war Archbishop Cattaneo the Apostolic delegit presided There was a catafalque on tho a)ur draped with flags and sur mounted with an Atuae hat and a wreath ather Lockington delivered an addrew Rosemary was sprinkled freely on th great galea al vlixitsosloo thivugh winch 11 the soldiers passed on tbeir way to board their rifip and beyond which no rclativ were allowed It is a favorit went for mothers on Antae Daya it there th lt saw thr sonsnd heaid th ir cheer The irvic her was short and simple The hymn God our Help ia A Past" was sung and tae Re rasional sconoik vt jQtrut'n ue igrel to an i gra tox ind inters be encouisged to secure 1 veil ti ue oi competency iy exjinni iou Mr Ayici's cvtiioicut tins J4t rooi itiv jj that it be oi no useu 4 iying into tae hand ot the fsc uiiiymni UK Her l4it 1'rotccton Aaouaaton Ilion ut IV Jltlfjn i Mr lU' it: un liiisuveit mcinocr in Uctooer Ifrjj lien 111a luattcr was under con ulutatiuii w4s tncre a opeily cons i meeting cjle und earned out eim 1W4 uiiniusted by twelve uojymvn on Sairuug fur iiu pmun un Hie Dairv ikMiu uionius ago in oiitt to sii idv tu meat cjiiug 'or timniiiotious up lu tue iue quei when payment ut uc iiu wete ducussedi' Has Mr 'Ayres caiil iiiuleiug ot me new executive since ne W4 appointed to the poe Uon 01 I'ltu ueut ebtuary iiai tnrtaer tbs weak ot the aoM atinr 1 he acting ib tbe best iD oi the Dairymen's Associa tion a 4 whole by attacking ms as vice priaid iiu without niuh aa ask i ng me tor some exphtnriou of nbat took place heivie rus4t1g into 1 waa one oi the lire: metubers of Ue Protection Asaoeia U04 and filled the position ft ton seerc lry the hole tbe time until the ss viatiou could tffoi'd pay wtnenu 1 to do it I aave atieudcd every conference in AdiUide and al far a I cju recollect have neicr a local meet ng aiuie it inception 1 have always supported Aytcs tlirou'b thick and thia gun him to tbe city a a fellow executor for the cream section at hi iciuwst several times at considerable inconvenience to juu hive paid my own expcnM on nt leurt luur cnuMiiw ixx aus tqp association iiad no funds t' pay bat we Were supposed to receive A tile conterencc in bebtuaij list 1 ufleted tu niakc no claim whatever lor any expenses due to roe anu tb Mine ume exptewed the up mon tliat the uw ociatioii elioti'd revOgni'' and hour the debt owing to Mr Ayres for organis ing work done in tho pas Before tny inatnicn to tiio Dairv Advsury Busra 1 wrote Mr Arres iutmaUng that I did not wish 10 take the position over hi head and he promised do all he couldo siipixirt my nomination I represent ird in th 1 crit Cau di hot ed immd Mr a A PLANET JN THE MiTING POl? Nn two worlds in th solar syskni have attracted gieatar attention than Jupiter tb semi sun giant of the heavens whose bulk fir exceeds that ef all the other planwu ccmbiaed nd Shrs aar neighbor cd tto eattii not much grester tn am than (knymere Jupiter' hrgeat satellite Beientists belive Jupiter to be world th leak is waning fen million wbe it might tn Ju while Mars wry of its ge 4 wndrrmg round th sun is Mrctwd and cld and baa bee for miLioas oi The smaller bulk to af quicker than the rstth and it ha puMd to stag whta time it wy bseene Kk dd world of Molqt etstwi and empty plain lik ths bkio Earth ittell must one day rsoeh Hit tt ntoa ovarwhelmsd be forehand by amoe catastrophe Th telescope rev3! that Jupiter un like Mars has at solid surMve It is a rapidly rotating globe that oonobt hrgy if ot entirely of dense atmi spheric vapor or gases There can no question of life on Jupiter a it has no so ld s'uiace crust or caicaiia Billions of years must eApc before th vast semi fluid or pssly cone eould evolve into a soitd planet un whivfi life could exist amr is similar to earth in many snect and the vaibili ty of life 00 tbe 11 dismissed by fc ienti' The tric scope rrveab life at rotna son on the pant One can see the changes of rolor with the Martian season that seem tndirot the growth and ttoay of vegetation ot i''mi form The season me ting of oltr ips with the darkenjig of the mysterious ran imply a tmtobihtr a wpijd jnbabitated by strange form being whose intelligence must he far more advanced than that ol the inhxfetant of the etrth With meh a low density the Martians if such theta be could not les mbJe being and must be adapted tn a very different environment Water and air there are but ia much mm er qua UH 'a tna earth Bright white dark greenish and brownpots probably grsst cloud oi vapor flt across the die ot Jupiter ometimes show ing cjcloute motion and with relative rpeeds of hundred of aides a second far ezeeeding th hurrirans that iwev th eoi tbs surface There ar two senn panupont marking on the planet known to "Great Red Spot" and to 6utb Tropical Diattmbaace" Great Rj Spot fcat observed in 30flW miles UI width At first pat pink aoo deepened to brick rjff later faded away to pink od (M nnaily left Ry white notch mj mu of the eeuatorial belt to mark its former PMtlOB drifted lik other marking tbrsuga the atmoephre liousli it Mettled to offer obstruction tn the psaMgo of dw markings mjca as atmo aphrne eloud Within tb pat twenty yearv another toOTty known th South Tropical Dwtorbsnc baa oppswd in the same hlituds dark are fw time greater tho to Red Spot termtnatlDg in a loop at Meh extremity These tw at tun eov wto conjunction and the itcp lormatioa bu then tem Krariiy disappear in form again me believe that these rival formitiona are th first stage in the evolution of Jupiter from a Kate of chso into a solid WOfaQ A Kudy of th interesting rhange taking OM in the planet's atmosphere and ih strange markini1 tny thro Mute hcht 00 the question of ths origin wwag C1U ti posoiWy toe solar system a a whole i unde tnac ic 1 1 eri reniuw tlicj ever portions the erh cti arrested by oiue inuperab birt nr or bygione Aamrr appeals ty vim mon tb di agmi te in order to maintain the Ixi'un oi life and death according bv a nt uudee: mined The Bla Death the Plame ths spread of hereditary di a i the Mdes the Moslem amrk on 'other Europe the reigia i war in toe Low Countries are examp'e of Nature's to sustain an equipoise between th rate motttoty and the reproduc tyenca of man Into this rtegory oim oeiiey that BelAevum fall th: qn' ko Buddhittn or Christianity Bolshevism bring in it tram of destruction con structive or bumanis ng gospel that th cruel ignorant mercenary PI to JaMon rather thu to reason be ubtainod hold upon thousand of rni and' women wnnkeued by the pains of the word war mu in be way that grips hod 0: a eope wcikeued by famine Th Prsparati far LaninNm Ira RriMix tiie power ef resistaace sa nndeinuned by ung period of mgovrn mrnl m'goveriunriit hat by i0 meth of erpioaage and cppreaeoa withholding duration from lue ma had preps eri W4r rimi'rtiu ie lion or nat a century and laP2r pathetiraky ime in om dneted to a saddened Europe the turreut and yndercurrenta a J1' system oi Oriental euly became the piey of ag ran I lunembei when boy Mltitig fn the shora of toe Lake i 'b rtince Gorw hskoff the IIJU Chwue lcr Ju Sons and young niece ve had bees dwnmmgUommsou t1 Gbbou One of us bad mar that at any our civijiu Unman Ito Chatueilor wto had Mtsarsd Th Mid "Do But bslieve ir be invader of our civhuatjqw will be th Our will bs rrntar than that 01 Rome or Babylon" Wq were woe fer Lorn toe horn of Voltaire and a volume of Tourgeucff was lying on ths irm at our feet It i not only in th books al great enters irom £ctov and ty learn how the fouid Kbmu was prepared fo: Lnj OniBd Jerr not been widely hr Once I Had a Ilotw" Both toeae hunks rrfleet the personal observation of tbeir writera Their lesson ia tha blisdnm si al tn the symptoms rf social dweasa our ptonencr to reeoectable entinim Vm dope so tuc eu1t uuuld nut ue been u'a 4 it tne a £10ftec The r'n tora Major rWertoswil Iltilhp Gnmmgndwt) ard ommmdgr A Lndmm flhand (Dts trto Naml OMeerJ Jdtto Mqated events Mahr Clswh tad Captain taraiptenfbMdebMBtops Mr hoot UMtaamat a GsvnfslJ andafl Si Magenta Bmiordat Cmnytitiim kyieal training apraia Dmm: signalling Lietiieamrt fihsjlma Athletic Event A ewer aurter Mr 8efer i MH BmmJiwm Major Dowse i44tb Hatulianl mA Mr A ku*msby: timw kpr Grnbatn Tutf JC1 Jr vTw'rht mptrea Maj' Oliver (43rd Battalk) Capiai If Moers Wth Batla ton) rifle and bay wnihitm Cwtota Andrew J8tof fwps Btowmds Hwaever burK Uewtenant Pwco fpui LienUagg Cowley ten: Pffl" Berras rwum tug of war' Elliott: tor war AL Mton flcoU 'lelnB I' AAf Liewtmuat IabhM dl yds A I Memr aJ riffs ad bamet rampenUw Staff SarmsMt Majur Durrapt fkdst Kgaa lLog and phyrical i ajniat towteasn Thoma band qiuchateg vaptaia 8 Hooking eelsr awards Banff ffemnt Major Da'v number eard atowad lieutenant Pep A coetinn 1 the memoris) in the old cemeterv Rev "'oo l) 14 ta Gr 'er Mtr the erviee mmvM 4 "Mier ru fhe atetnoon ejwHra a eond'icfei the Gaw er oea! digrs auhx tibing the (Otd collections taken np fop te meatorial gar let) MURRAY BRIDGE wa he'd in tbrf k'H era Suadsv atlernoon waen neir an people at IZth'r enf)'e nbe the athers Awocatinn floIdier awemblM at Diamond Park nnd kead by thewn band mjichef tn he intttute The Kev Jrrnr (Methodwti rre de aod vii arted bv the Rev Terrv fQnr' Pfer AinZd rtlinrrh of rjt fi MWi Commandm Gooch iSavation Army) Pitif Arnold deiTered an addreM Hymn re ret here) and the ilirxr under the contrn! of Mr If Drew? lendrred twi "Holy Art in which theolo waa taken by Mrs Moyle aod iu the Lord" Mis Ph'H NichnloB) Mr 1 Divej orehtr i supplied the ac omuan'iueiits ard rele tior rs bv the wn bat und the bit' Me IN TASMANIA Hobart April SA Anzac Day was commemorate to dx wlieo tbe usital memorial services were held in churrhe In troat or th Memoriri on Queen' Domain a servL waa held There was a larue attendance of soldiers and iho gcuera public Two sileuse wa observe! and "The Lust sounded In tin course of an address the Gov ernor tSr Jws said never were there sn heroic deeds a hnc pci foim at the landing at Gallpo'i Id yrat ago Tasmania had given mote thin it quota ti thu iicce t'ut landing Out a ation ni 3I91WO 2'oo ha! miilr tto jrr it acriitce He wou'd ike the Iiirt i ll tron 1 ho illrill fa 'ic freek'c grew (L iter bv mnrwi and (hut whatever rmnsu und j' im ere have begun to fade leaving the associated wifi it si net knjen atthiitis and eurum Trapped sewer tn Chsaeery 'o London by a audden flood and carried by the uudetgrouad toireut irom there tu Blaekiriar Bridge Robert Churchyard ewer man had a wonderful escape from death amazing adventure began at elock when owing to th midden tain torni he and his maim received the warning that is always given to Sewer to ft iitn a flood iiDKuenf TUtt warning tiut be instantly obeyed Churchyard who is 40 and live i Lea Brdge road a th last man oi to gana to reach the shaft ving aecem to ths manliua iQ Chin ery raae and just as ba was on the point c'lmbiog tj fetv an egtra rush of water swept him off ha iet and carrisd bim down th? sewer whir Jj i on! a fcet W4C lnj ordnary to be negotiated in a tact auirt crawling posttton Dencrb ng Jn expoince afterwards to hi wif a ho lay in hoopita' htiretoaidaid ias earned alonz bv the ttoj a whit seemed to him mies an hour lie way aererey bruiatd by be ng flung against the dc of toe sewer and Tils yin arms and lege He wear ng ivy rubber boot but t'ortu was wrahcd off by he tore 01 tue water and stiowjn great nresem eimrnd managed i ni hlrneej of tlie ot Til undo ibtedly his lic fcr wton washed over the sluee gate at Barauiti Bidsc tntv th Tnmee qu rter 4 mile irom when ht a IrapP'd he remaned tfi nria hit 7 ind liira done lia) a beeu we itl vn by hie heavy boot How he remained afloat mv erv (nv a he no i miner waaticd out core to bang paailns irrar Drdge and th crew fortunate 7 ssir and resi uM him Churchyard wi vnconaciou He was taaen an ambulance to Baraboo mews Hopu where hs recovered after treatment missionor at olia (Brigadier General I tbs Cbief besot LowuMWower ipuun 8 A White) the prnMeat of ths Ssciely (hit Andrew houngt and otbr leading citumn xh' vs relatives with wreaths formed on the approach to the cross while atari sarvir wm etmducted bv the Rev JohBSon The "Lt Sflff were sounded by buglers from ths Infantry Brigade led Tramwatsr Batyant narrie after fferti tributes were laid at the toot 1 th crons Mr Irien Mr Ira Ill ri Sttnsbury Tse ri 1 Hi On rwM4je tr anirac nr i net rd Mt in niiit airi' ia Scu'b tour Bri ef In angr ls Qd virion thinhentase of all genius fro a a eguteQce earth and in the ability of mankind to attain a State oi viaMB are toe outstanding chara teris Ira of a new school of ririt iil (huightwhieh ia aitraa tiag a great deal at tention ia London The founder of this cult th AathrofM Bopaical Society wm eu Austrian doctor of pbileoophy Rudolph Steiner who be gan ua th poor oo of villarstetionmaottr He is now retarded by' his fojt wer a to greatest Christian prophet oi the age and th iacrMtion of one of th great Christian preacliere who lived a thousand years ago Antoropoeopbuita arc not dogmatic oe freakish They believe in God tu 1 th priucinlee of the Chris: ian faith out to this the add th belief that by trojita tion and intensive tlrught man may be to "sea" the spirit tnlluencea which direct eur lives people think br lori and ratiunl processes" said Mr Kiufninn the secretary the Anthropoaophival Society to London Expreaa" rapreaentntjve "They are scabiet to toe plijsical and elieuiical compitcD'a w'hih form a plant or au anima! the aolide wau rs acids and so and they can un 'eitun the processes bV which those ci uiponentg junction i every day life What they have no knowledge if tbe life tot and the sp ririal tets uhi compose and nt nl tint life foi believe that by thought an" ntratioo theae apintual fot can to cvmo us underMandubk to the ord nary person aa ar the ctemical and mediant ferecs which harnesa 11 everjdjy "Tlu mesas that peep's may st! se und tor angela dit lives individual! just arcb CriS't the dcatnic oi cat on may see virions end guided by them just aa was Joaa Arc "Our conception of th hereafter IsIso somewhat different from the ortho dox for think that when man dies bi soul goes into Heaven for pe loi of tt and recuperation which nlly lasta 1000 years At to end ot that time he cornea back to earth refreshed re iavigwated and backed by tbe it st nc implanted development ot mini watch has achieved iq fomsr existence "Many grit natural sciert's! wlii have bcied their work since the tier of Bjcob lived tbeir last life on in the midst tbe Ataide civilisation and learning which Anu and about IGgdod otic thousand "The Church tor too Ion has ta'ieht it people to avoid 'dabbling' with spritua kno vlc Lte The rcs iit ia Out ii have now forgotten that there i a o' and NeuieMs fais i toe ihurchrij2ikl2 iik THE ADELAIDE APRIL 26 1927 JUE DAIRYING JNDl'srRY irom GOODE In iaa cr to the letter apjnjuug in your issue of AptiJ i trotn 1 am sn ry na'e to debate wn (ne who is not gantu to Mgn his name wlic be a aonal attack un mo because vt my action in connet tiuri wnh toe Dairy Advxoiy 'I i Ayres has also ukcu up the same miner and apeak on bra own icspotiMhiluy tot the Dairymen' Pro tea Ats ication without having 1 fxeeutnc Or other mem tors iu dea with tlu xiljvci 1 Will endeavor to anwer beta writers and at the same tme 8've to otacr darymeu 4 proper eiawnien: ot the aole waiter At a mfeence of rrr nuttv of butter factories and the AevuMry Dairy Board held in September Iat 3 mode tu all itter ractoncs to the State tout thsr should show on their account vale the date cans net weight i ream tert grade ot cream and price: tj ill butter fra tone in the Stat th: iivment forream and be mane tortuightly was aboent from chn meeting harm just un Jeirune an vpvrxlon and it was itn possiule for me to attend had no: alv idci until after the meetin? bid been held tbut any alteration in time 4 payment was being advocated but th is only ui minor importance to dairymen comtirm! with the subjects under duuniMion andm yet to be decided I would remind Mr Ayrei that he hu yet to prove to the men who have lway stood oUdly behind that he i able to carry his projects to a iuccomuI issue If he spent less time tn destructive criticism oi hie fell iw men and more energy on conttrui tive woik be would bare more support from 1ii jcllew dairymen Tu meeting referred to was the result ot a resolution aucundvd by mv the board meeting in August las: asking Mr Barlow clief dairy instructor to cril a coafcrence of the representative 't alt tbe butter factories in thia State to discuss the question oi factory payment for eream Ac This was done because the attention of tbe board had been drawn to tbe fact that so many different system were adopted by local factories Ac the 1 above mentioned conference Mr waa aked to submit some chrm i fer sujiervuinn ri cieatn grader and testers At a Jater conference (held on Iteeemltor 1 1 I was informed that eotne factories were then paying fortnightly and other monthly and that the whole of ihetu had agreed to pay fortnightly and to pay cluse up to the day of making up account sale I 1 0 had the asMranee tbit a supplier could at any time get an advau on bis rrcJm by cheque ahould I would remind Mr Ajre tint the wvsg in office expenses de which will he con siderable will money in the ro kete of hi shareholders in the proposed co opera tive fvtory which he is working haid to establish I met with pretty irni criti cism before he conference finished after I had iKken on behalf of the man who did nil the milking ii the farm an! had to take whatever wn giv factory proprietors I stated I waa prepared to back the 1 li dairy in truvtrr un to th lult in arc endeavor he made ior tlie uplifting of the industry an! tt could not be dine bv voluntary means 1: should lo accomplished bv At th confercu titeie were cnnsi ier the advisnbilit travel out of exist vc are pjhim i to con ti An and disinterested wu welcomed hu: irpre sive measures will meet with the strenpt opp jhoB not nnlv irom th service but from th country distri ta they are enter ing tor At present these services arc heavy taxed and I presen ed figures concern tig tb: to the Hoys! ('omtnion a ready aIudrd to I would riectluhr I race A I rajyVffv 441 IGLK'r thee figures The Vietnam ernnint embarked wn rrnrrs i and potewor hy he rai wajs of tint fl at stj'! present a dclir it (or tax payer to wptidate and tne ony apparent rceu't is a split Liiera rank with the probault rnihronemcnt on the Treaouty benches tne Labor Party liakcd by number of Lioera of represent ing Lx rai contitueitexs wli made the treatment meter! ou to the motor servue thoprincipal item in tbcr appeal to tiv pefi irJcrrl Ihsliitd quarter of ri sfcr SU eitb bst en Vi ria std bjuil Australia prayM'n Ov! 03 Ju'v 1 Ht was I'li'tnj tulf tuck on tb wing at tbe city isfeemation too trhy for till cohimn rou treh a rtwaia rlnff the ftriim tiCton you paid Cino you fte cl 110 on th hui If yot CtXn xHlld Se hl'ar of £200 hf'i "ulJ your depratt nj jou 4 1 to rorwi ion I lux a I'offe P4 to prri for builds' i mb flCAMMELL min Motor Travel and Tout Aguiji Hon 1 Buter speaking 10 lurniheti 4 Ui'UiCD OL lydarauun degt wth ths t' riH a wtiicQ PI4 bou: to grapple Tne a cu aa in sir a a that accoun' i etoi thi pcieii ul 01 anais: jnt JI I aimshat rchabditat on scuctac is to blame Mr Butler cite the pttvac motor er vi as th prneiptd emits of th trouble Mr Rutter speaks ef unfair onitct tion and states tiia: nt I berak 4 in the qamng year to protect tbe aiways trm the depredation oi theervee wni 0 on: out to th J'temer that the loss which the ra i sustain fmm jMengr motra vi voos negligible If he desties to trace decrews in pengr uafic receipt to tU source he find that hi rescan will lead htn to the prvately owned motor A large percentage ot the pas encon rarrted by tbe motor servieM ale persons owning their own cars who ndt cheaper to th ewe service than dnv 1 heir own molar te and from th city Io hra percentage of car owner cam4 Iy ins puniM eme ean Be ad ied number of firat elaaa paawngcr wir pie tar tne xpedition of rood transport raiway travel The contention tht th competition of tliete rvicc i not stand inveiligution Tho nieti owning th tn are engaged in a perfartiv logitimste buainoM They hav wvct tMir capital time and enargiea in pr Vainv adrli rtnn I wiifT ae bouu and a blessing tu manv par ticiiiariy to country resident it is a striking commentary on th Pretn ina tha: when Bnyrl nims'u wli' ll recently Iwen inves'igatiiff the rjnspoit problem ot th went ort rie to take evidence it was hr road they travelled snd not by rail Jn? lexson for so doing wa th sit ing of time ur the same reason other perron tnvor mat mono rt ir cuns jcting rai wiy finance mer wii well advid to de J(e cannot push ciXb year Motors brae to stay some fn utf improvement in ti: rw RDie co it men now engaged in thgas scerlcck fnlf Vt't VXiWf ewsra A ls fa i a example 8 hour of travel between Ade just over 80 mites Thur oy car only it will be by private iBsteod of publie one More than he will also do well to tnvraige the ing of air trawl when laying lor th ftin of South Australia's way system Inside two year aervie will be operating between mark and Ade aide and wil' Ls doing tuc journey in less thin two hours The of th journey Will he greater tnxn firstH iaee faros in t'ir railway whirn was opened with su a fanfare of tium pete a few we as ns Wifi Prcin o' vr Anri gj A nKned aervie jn th Gawfer Ini tute Hall ihs mnmiug at lujn marked lanmversai of Antae Day Tber was a splendid attend in the service bciu crwitro by th Miai'tier' raternal in th ucal branch vf the Th mmitera takinff pirf were the Revs Dwyer Willet' vn If Jsir (Metho Vti lAnglwsn) sm ifivirah nf hnst) Captain Wi'ter a iion and Kev fltju tsken uu fnP den eatahishe ale uriatieg leoma ri use aM 10 eadrrt toui sc rln cede bti lv 'h with tt? poitvs i 'ld the Llril' Bill yrr Ctiaaap uerius I tontalin) 1: A lew (In t'i7) 3 Unn bv 1" M0 tun Yard Chsmrirtisb'n A intir rilrd Hitute n) 1 rxj ra WUsoft 10 Ltgt Horsey Asa by a fit Tine 10 4 aoe RJs sn i Baj wes nl 'lltl seiot 1 3ni Battalion poBU i Ul Ba ri al on 0 pe 410 Ywl tbsBOt'mssiP Brilti Mcr (i'tb patlalinaj I A law (1st Sm ffiitsryj 9 by tone yard 40 YsriU rhamslsnahip cl*tas Tw fer Wtlam (Otlt Lgftt Hone) 1 Cwworal Hi UgH Moras) 9 Tas '4 War t'itra enn beat Co pril out ri 3r Itet'ah bastfaMh Bstia hn best 10th Battalia supersedes them It i trne that he uiv he able to lum th reputable body men now engaged in thgo MrvJra hi: bat wtd not make tho public take for laidc and But by trim dratam 0 srlU stll travel ones ure nrucaf in abor 0sra 0 eid st ot MMRyt on iMafe VI: 111 tree tor many vears Even ibv tna firm wr fot nri into a lim ill in? anj in JfritJ Jahn Valiun IB JI IW a 5 4 fttnam ma drro Cm Vrssri ff 1 wtdrtMsT 507.

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The Advertiser from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)


Who owns the advertiser in Adelaide? ›

The Advertiser is a daily newspaper published in Adelaide, South Australia. It was first printed on 12 July 1858. it is owned by News Limited.

Who is the advertiser editor Adelaide? ›

Gemma Jones

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  1. Frequently Asked Questions.
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What will it cost, we hear you ask? It's just $7.50 a week* for the first 12 months (minimum cost $390). Making it even easier to get to the news, The Advertiser app has been pre-loaded on the tablet for you, so all you have to do is simply log in to get reading, listening and watching from the moment it arrives.

What is the main newspaper in Adelaide? ›

Latest Adelaide and South Australia News. The Advertiser.

Who is the political reporter in Adelaide? ›

Rory McClaren is Nine News Adelaide's state political reporter.

Who are the journalists on Channel 10 Adelaide? ›

Led by News Presenter Kate Freebairn, Sport Presenter Max Burford and Weather Presenter Tiffany Warne, 10 News First Adelaide delivers all the latest breaking news and up-to-date reports on local, national and international stories, each day from 5pm.

Where is the advertiser printed? ›

From Wikipedia

The Advertiser is a daily tabloid format newspaper based in the city of Adelaide, South Australia. First published as a broadsheet named The South Australian Advertiser on 12 July 1858, it is currently a tabloid printed from Monday to Saturday.

Who owns the Australian newspaper? ›

Parent companies

The Australian is published by News Corp Australia, an asset of News Corp, which also owns the sole daily newspapers in Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart, and Darwin, and the most circulated metropolitan daily newspapers in Sydney and Melbourne. News Corp's Chairman and Founder is Rupert Murdoch.

How do I write a letter to the advertiser? ›

Answer. Dear [Advertiser's Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in the job posting for the [Job Title] position that I recently came across [mention where you saw the advertisem*nt, e.g., on your company's website, in a newspaper, on a job board, etc.].

How much is a Sunday mail? ›

From Saturday 30th December 2023, the bestselling Saturday and Sunday national newspapers will be increasing their cover prices by 10p each day. Saturday's Daily Mail will move to £2.00, with The Mail on Sunday increasing to £2.60.

How do I contact Adelaide media? ›

For all media enquiries or interview requests, including with the Lord Mayor, please contact the City of Adelaide media team at or call our customer centre on 8203 7203.

Is the advertiser app free? ›

It is free to download the app. If you are a subscriber with full digital access you will have unlimited access to the app for no additional cost.

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How do I cancel, change or upgrade my subscription? If you wish to cancel or change your current subscription offer, you can do this by calling 1300 MY NEWS (1300 696 397).

Why are newspaper ads so expensive? ›

More prominent ads will naturally cost more than smaller ones. Newspapers typically price their ad space based on column inches or modular sizes. A full-page ad, for example, will cost more than a quarter-page ad.

Who owns News Corp? ›

Who owns the Montgomery Advertiser? ›

It became the Montgomery Advertiser in 1833 and emerged as the leading newspaper of the new Confederate states by 1861. Today, it's owned by Gannett and is part of the USA TODAY Network.

Who owns all the media stations? ›

In television, the vast majority of broadcast and basic cable networks, over a hundred in all, are controlled by seven corporations: Fox Corporation, The Walt Disney Company (which includes the ABC, ESPN, FX and Disney brands), National Amusem*nts (which owns Paramount Global), Comcast (which owns NBCUniversal), Warner ...


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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