Transmutation of the Soul - HermesSerpent (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Landing on Áræði Chapter Text Chapter 2: Gaining Trust Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Friendly Dragons Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Crafting Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Honey Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Clouds Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Hatchling Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Shadows of the Past Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Loss Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Little Dragon Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Discovery Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Helping Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Conversations Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Unfortunate Meetings Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Flight Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Reflections Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Cracking Cages Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Haelan Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Honey Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Reflectionss Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Oceans apart Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Family Time Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Cuffs Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Staring Into the Future Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Sneaking Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Bees and Burns Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Gods Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Storms Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Time Passes Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Landing on Áræði

Chapter Text

Hiccup walks through the island silently and silently listens to the very familiar noises of Áræði. The trees shift and rustle in a gentle breeze, making the shadows dance across the roots and fallen limbs. A bit of mud clings to his feet as the dampness remaining from the night before stains the air with a tangy sweet smell. His eyes dart heavenward to watch the birds who ignore him for now.

He reaches a young thin tree and starts to climb low branches, his new prosthetic clinging very well. It made slightly less noise and had a better grip due to the little ridges he had put in the metal. He breathes deeply before leaping to another tree that had not had many low branches. He relaxes on a branch and stares out at the forest around him, breathing with the wind and blending in with the forest

Hiccup freezes in his tree as he hears a loud crash. There should not be loud crashes on their island that he was not part of. His eyes sweep the tree tops and sees them tremble to the south against the blowing of the wind. Something big. Had Dagur heard? Debatable. Dagur had taken up a hobby of cave exploring that took him both underwater and deep into the heart of their island. Now more than ever with both of them growing bored from avoiding the Markets for the last month since the-

Hiccup shushes his brain. He needs to investigate. He hurries off to look for the source, soon coming across broken branches and disturbed roots. He sees blood scrapped across a tree. But the sound of footsteps makes him duck down. Multiple footsteps. There should never be multiple footsteps on their island, since it should be just his brother and he.

He silently stares out at the passing men. Those emblems were not of the Acumens. He bites his lip and then trails them. He recalls the oath to his brother. Death to all who ventured into their land. He hated the idea of killing anyone, but the threat of Berk finding out his home island or enemies finding their home island through word of mouth terrifies him. They had not talked about what to do if/when the Acumens, or more specifically the Grimborns. Hiccup had not taken as much offense as Dagur had but… he follows his brother. And his brother had wanted to put a large pause on that particular alliance for now.

The hunters, who he knows are of the Spiteful Scufflers tribe, follow the broken branches with increasing noises of excitement. Hiccup finds his stomach filling with bile, brain clawing at him about the last time he had been alone around members of this tribe. He then comes up with an idea and dashes ahead. He covers up the trail and alters it. Maybe he can avoid bloodshed if he can make it look like their prey escaped. He scoots up trees and marks them up with blood and broken branches, looping back around to the shore. He then hides in the underbrush nearby and hears the steps approaching.

The hunters curse and spit and howl.

“The Nightfury got away! DAMMIT!”

Hiccup finds his breath stalling.

“I thought I saw you hit it chief.”

One of the men offers up.

“I hit it! It must have escaped the bola. Stupid of us to trust anything made by the Bloodwrathers.”

Hiccup feels a flash of offense but keeps silent. The men get on the boat and sail off in the direction that they thought the Nightfury went. And Hiccup scrambles back to the original path of breakage. A Nightfury!! On their island?! The child of lightning and death, that spat a type of blue flame from on high that exploded the ground. He is terrified. He cannot let such a creature live and prowl on their island. He pulls his knife from his belt to rest in his palm that is coated in what he knows now is dragon’s blood.

He finds the downed dragon lying deathly still, perhaps killed by the fall. Hiccup flinches down and ducks down with a hiss. He recognizes the bola as one that he had designed specifically for shooting higher and faster. He steps forward hesitantly when he sees no movement from the creature. Terror slowly starts to fade. Perhaps it is already dead. The knife stays clutched in is left hand tightly as he pokes the beast with his metal foot. The dragon shifts and huffs out a breath and he flinches back, crashing into a tree with a gasp of fear. He sees arrows buried in its hide. Oh… those look… Acumen. They must have been stolen or bought from the Dragon Hunters. So dragon root. Which either needed treatment or had to be slept off. But it would mean it would be easier to stab it. He finds himself starting to babble

“You're a threat. I can't let you hurt my brother. I can protect him. I can protect him!”

His voice gets louder as he tries to overcome his nerves. The dragon’s eyes open and Hiccup finds himself looking into one of them. Green like his. Green like his brother’s. It looks so scared. So so scared. Scared like Hiccup was when he woke alone. Scared like Dagur had been when Hiccup was being threatened.

He raises the knife, hands shaking violently.

A hopeless fear that makes Hiccup squeeze his eyes shut in an attempt to shake off his hesitation. The dragon makes no noise. No threat, no plea. The eye had such intelligence in it and yet there was no noise.

He looks into its eye again. And this time it is the dragon that closes its eyes, clearly resigned to its fate. Hiccup hates that.

He cannot do this. He cannot kill the beast that was kin with those that had ruined his ex-village and snapped away his leg. He is reminded of the fear he had seen in the eyes of the monstrous nightmare and he looks back over the dragon. It is bleeding too much, the blood on his hands is evidence of this.

“I did this.”

He whimpers, looking at the bola that he knows was shot out of a weapon he made. He had made a creature feel his fear and he finds himself crumpling. He takes a few steps back. But he cannot leave the Night Fury like this. He takes a step forward and then another. And then he falls to his knees to start cutting the ropes, murmuring words to the beast as he works.

“I'm cutting the ropes. Please don't murder me to death while I'm cutting the ropes.”

The ropes start snapping as he cuts.

And then the dragon is free!

Then the dragon rolls over and tackles him to the ground, pinning him with its weight as its wings flare out behind it. Hiccup gasps, trying to stay in the moment as his mind claws at him with memories of other times when he had been pinned. The dragon roars into his face and Hiccup whimpers and then sobs. The noise seems to startle the dragon. The wings fall down and the dragon closes his maw. A muzzle presses closer to Hiccup’s face and the nostrils flair as the dragon sniffs. Hiccup feels no air getting to his lungs and his mind is swirling.

The dragon gives a shaky huff, pupils shifting wildly as dragon root buries into the dragon's veins. The Night Fury sniffs at his leg as Hiccup starts forcing himself to gasp through his racing heartbeat. The beast sniffs his hands and hair gives a soft warble and steps back. Hiccup shivers and whimpers as tears drip down his face. The dragon takes another shaky step back as the dizzying effects of dragon root start to flare.

Hiccup slowly sits up and then blacks out from the lack of air and panic. He wakes up moments later to the dragon stumbling about and crashing into trees. Hiccup cannot leave him out in the open like this. His brother is far less hesitant than him.

Chapter 2: Gaining Trust


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The human smelt strange. There are smells of cave, fire, and smoke, with hints of Viking and a Tide Glider’s hungry maw… But also there is a marking there from a Monsterous Nightmare marking this tiny human as helpful. As friend. A giver of freedom.

The tiny little thing had come over to him smelling of fear and determination, and the Night Fury prepared to meet his makers. Then… the bindings had been undone as the human chatters.

The kindness and the marking on the tiny human’s leg had stalled his plasma. And the tears. Oh, the small little cries. He is used to humans screaming and causing harm. But never simply laying there with tears like a baby drake that lost its mother. Then it is not breathing as it should and he steps back and warbles apologies. He steps back again and then starts to feel horridly dizzy. He tries to stumble away from the little thing so as not to frighten it more but his wings refuse to unfurl to take flight. The world is swirling as his veins burn.

Then one of those tiny paws that smelled like burnt wood, fire, and metal touches his shoulder. The little one takes his paws back quickly and bounces away. It croons and then whistles like a bird. It scurries away, looks back at him, and darts in close before scurrying the same way again.

Okay. Leading him. The little one is trying to lead. That makes sense. The Viking that shot him down would likely come along to do more harm. He stumbles after the tiny being, giving tiny chirps in reply to the chatter to show that he is paying attention. They arrive at a cave that is partially covered in vines and has a small drip coming from the wall.

The poison in his veins makes the world shiver and shake and he lays down with a hiss of pain. He closes his eyes and darkness reigns.


The Night Fury wakes sometime later to a sting to his hindquarters where those false Viking teeth had flown and nipped him. He looks and finds the tiny one there again, putting something smelly on his hindquarters. He growls low in question and the little one looks so scared. It leaps away and lets out a whine of pain as its false leg catches on his aching tail. He warbles low and soothingly, not wanting the tiny thing scared. It seemed to want to help. And he knows he needs help.

The little thing slowly inches back, chattering in that odd tongue, but it seems that he is try to reassure himself and the Night Fury. The Night Fury chuffs and puts his head down trying to make himself smaller. The small human with its soft paws and gentle tone goes back to his hindquarters and puts more of the odd gel. The it puts an odd wooden thing full of liquid in front of him. The Night Fury sniffs and turns his head, not able to do much else due to the pain in his veins and not wanting to scare the little thing further. It seems to want to help. It is not a Viking. That much the dragon knows.

The dragon is surprised when the human chirps and then sips the strange-smelling stuff and then offer it up to the dragon once more. He decides to trust once again. He drinks and then lays his head back down.

Slowly, miraculously, the pain begins to fade from his veins and he is ready to sleep. He settles once more and the little human sits against the cave wall. It pulls a stick and another odd thing out and starts doing something with another strange thing. He churrs at it and then closes his eyes to go to sleep. Maybe the little one would still be here when he woke and he would be able to see what it was doing with the strange things.


Hiccup draws the Night Fury, absolutely fascinated and enchanted by this creature that could have killed him ten times over. He knew from growing up on Berk that dragons supposedly always made the killing blow when given the opportunity. But this one had not. This one had trusted him enough to follow Hiccup to safety.

He relooks at the curled tail and notes the evidence of a part of it being ripped away. There is already scabbing in the area but… would the dragon be able to fly with that sort of injury? Hiccup knows that if feathers were clipped or certain flight feathers plucked took flight from birds. It makes something in his soul ache at the thought. That is his fault. He designed that bola launcher. So he needs to design something else to help this dragon.

He just… had to make sure Dagur did not find the dragon. On their tiny island. That they both frequently crisscrossed. He… he could convince his brother. And come visit during the night hours or when his brother was busy caving.

He slowly gets up to leave and the dragon raises his head. Hiccup speaks low and calm, as that seems to calm the dragon down.

“I have to go home. I’ll come back. I promise. I just have to make sure Dagur does not come over this way till it's safe. Meaning you can fly away. But I will be back. I swear.”

The dragon warbles low and sweet and Hiccup figures that it is okay for him to go. He moves away and goes home, mind already swirling with ideas of how to fix this.

Dagur is already inside their home cave, cooking dinner. Hiccup starts helping him, noting his brother’s wet hair. So sea cave diving it must have been today.

“Hey Dagur… I have a project that I'm working on. And I don't want you to get spoiled or hurt while I’m working on it. So can you avoid a certain part of the island for a little bit?”

Dagur looks up from the food and tilts his head a little.

“Is it likely to hurt you?”

Dagur sounds worried. Hiccup puffs his cheeks out and then shakes his head.

“No. I don't think so. But you’ll know where to look if something does go wrong.”

“Alright. Be… careful.”

There is a flash of guilt in his brother’s eyes.”

“I will. I love you Dagur.”

He knows that his brother is still shaky from their last encounter with the Grimborns. Heck, Dagur is still shaky from Oswald’s death. Dagur relaxes at the mention of love.

“I love you too Hiccup. Just… I love you so much Hiccup.”

Dagur wraps his arms around Hiccup in a tight hug and Hiccup returns it.


Hfapsifso toothlesssss

Chapter 3: Friendly Dragons


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The tiny human comes back midday with a few odd things. One is a long log thing that he connects to the water dripping from the cave wall and it starts filling with water slowly . He limps a little as he moves over to the thing and sniffs. It is wood. The human dumps a container of water into it and the dragon begins to drink, throat quite happy to drink. Then he smells fish.

He turns his head and sees that the little human has a little bit of food. A few fish. He approaches with care, not wanting to make it cry again. He opens his mouth with his teeth sheathed, and the little creature makes an inquisitive noise. He then shows his teeth and takes the fish. The little being squeaks and then offers out some more fish. He eats happily and then checks for even more. His stomach aches with hunger. It always ached with hunger. The Queen, the horrid Queen always took more than she needed. The little one shakes its head and backs up with nervous whines as the dragon sniffs.

Ah, no more. The little thing had given him all its food. But it is so tiny and hungry looking… what kindness to offer up all his food. A kindness few in the nest gave, all just trying to survive. The dragon sits back on his haunches and regurgitates the fish onto its legs. The little makes little noises of protest but finally gives in and bites the flesh as the drake insists on him eating. The little thing smells of disgust and it barely swallows before coughing and making retching noises.

Is it sick? Is it sick!??

It shifts away, empties its stomach, and coughs. It shivers and makes low noises of … pain. The drake had not been around humans enough to understand what all their noises meant. He just knows the ones of fear and anger really. The little thing startles as he nudges its side with his snout. He had not meant to hurt it with food.

“~I'm sorry.~"

It chirps and chatters in reply but the drake does not think the little human understands him. It shifts to another part of the cave and starts doing something with sticks and rocks and suddenly there is flame!! The Night Fury sniffs and wriggles and tries to figure out where the flames had come from. He pokes the little human with his snout and it hesitantly pats his head. The paws are soft, with blunt blunt claws that would be no good for fighting or hunting.

It chirps a sound it had made when he had gone for the fish.


Is that a name?

Toothless? That sure was an interesting collection of noises. He likes it.

The Night Fury had not had a name before. His sire and dam had died prior to his hatching and the Queen was so horrible, so monstrous, so wrong, that he had never gotten one. The rest of the nest had simply had called him by his species because they all knew if they tried to give him one, the Queen would eat them for the overstep and threat to her godhood.

What a joke.

He refocuses. The little thing is now burning the fish. It makes it smell all funky and interesting. And then it peels it apart with those strange paws and starts to eat. This time no sickness. Oh! So the little thing has to burn its food. Toothless warbles a little and bobs his head. Interesting!

He sniffs and the little one offers a scrap of cooked fish. He takes it out of politeness but refuses anything more. The human needs to keep the rest for himself. After it finishes eating, Toothless decides he wants to feel those strange paws again. He bumps against them with his snout getting confused chitters before the little thing starts flexing those claws and-


That feels nice. He purrs and he hears the little thing trying to emulate the noise. He closes his eyes in happiness, stretching slightly. Sleep claims him and it is more peaceful than back at the nest. And is that not a shame?


Dagur sputters as he crawls out of the water into the dark of the underground cave. He takes a second to breathe then pulls out the fire-making material that he had kept wrapped in a waterproof bag Hiccup had made. He lights the torch that he had stored down here the last time he had come and tucks the three wet ones that he had swam down with in its place. He walks into the cave following the route he had tried to move through the last time he was here. He had left due to hunger and worries about only having the one torch. This time he gets much much further.

A small light appears and Dagur tenses.

“Who goes there?!”

No one should be in this cave. It is underneath the island and only accessible from the water as far as he knew. Another light flickers on and both move closer. And closer.

Then Dagur can make out what they are. Small snakelike dragons with three sets of wings and one set of legs to cling to the rock. Their scales glow light green. He tenses and pulls his ax out. He would not be killed here!

But the dragons chirp and bounce. It vaguely reminds him of his brother and he finds his ax dropping slightly.

One of the dragons hops up on the blade, sniffing and chirping. Dagur slowly reaches out with his hand. It shifts its head back with a flinch and it reminds him all the more of Hiccup. Flinching away from touch. He… He is not going to be able to hurt this creature that offered no threat to him. It does not even growl or have any sharp teeth. And its claws are… not meant for fighting, it does not seem.

He turns his head and closes his eyes, hand out, and steady. And then rough scales. He grins and turns his head back. The little thing is sniffing and chittering. Dagur shifts to be sitting down and it clambers onto his shoulder. Its companion trots over and curls up on his leg. He sticks his torch into the ground and gently begins to pet the dragons.

Petting dragons.



This makes his life more complicated. Because if there were dragons that caused no harm… But a dragon had hurt Hiccup! But… why?

Most creatures had a why. That what made a good hunter. Knowing a creature’s why. But with dragons, it was an always assumed hostility, kill before they kill. Or capture before they kill in the case of the dragon hunters. Violent beasts that would end you…

But the world is full of lies.

They gave Oswald the title of the Agreeable.

They gave Hiccup the title of useless.

And they gave the dragons the title of deadly.


Maybe dragons had a more complex why. Dagur would need to learn more before trying to convince HIccup of anything. and… they had other things they had to talk about too.

He had been withdrawn since the Grimborns and that is unfair to Hiccup. Hiccup needs his family and Dagur had drawn away. Sadness and guilt hits him and the dragons all croon and shift closer, glowing a little brighter and producing warmth. It is… comforting.

He feels comforted as he starts to cry like a small child.

Everything in his life just feels so overwhelming. He loves living with Hiccup, but he is terrified of making the wrong choices that would end with them killed or with Hiccup leaving him. He hides his face in his hands as he has a real true cry. Warmth slowly surrounds him along with chirps and croons.

He opens his eyes to find himself in a pile of … whatever kind of dragons this is. He runs his fingers over them and relaxes. They are slightly warm, much like stones that have sat in the sun. Delightful and pleasant. He lays down and the horde shifts to nestle against him.

He needs a dragon species name to give them.

He thinks for a moment and puffs his cheeks. He is not the best at naming things.

Glory Sparks.

Its a good enough name. He runs his hands over them and finds himself relaxing slowly. He would do better. And he would visit these dragons again to learn more about them.


Dagur getting some dragon love.

Chapter 4: Crafting


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hiccup holds up the tail fin and swallows. He really really hopes that this works. The dragon had let him touch it fairly freely since he had cured it of dragon root, but this is different. He would be messing with its tail. Would it still be so friendly? Hopefully!

He comes to the cave while it is dark, sneaking out after his brother has fallen asleep. Toothless is curled up in the back of the cave, looking bored.

“Heeyyy bud. I got something for you.”

He pulls out the basket fish and offers it to Toothless who chirps and wriggles. He shoves his face into the basket and Hiccup slips around back to the tail. Hiccup sits on the tail to pin it down and starts strapping on the tail. As he tightens the leather he grins happily, it matches the other fin perfectly!!

Then the tail underneath him begins to move and then they are rapidly moving. Oh! They are moving up!



The air buffets him as Toothless escapes the trees with a call and heavy wing beats. But… But Hiccup is unbalancing the tail by being here and the dragon makes it no higher. However, without him, the fin would not open. They fall back down towards the trees as Toothless is unable to overcome Hiccup’s weight and starts to crash down. Hiccup expects pain. Yet only one branch smacks him upside the head before he is wrapped up in black leathery wings. They hit the ground. Toothless warbles and sniffs at him. Hiccup rolls loose and lets out a noise of excitement and laughs.

The tail could work! But he could not sit on the tail maybe…

Thoughts whirl through his mind as his brain tries to solve the problem. He could solve it he just had too… what about some of those boat designs he had looked over with Viggo when trying to develop that stronger hull? Where they were meant for one sailor to be able to open and close the sail without having to climb up the mast. Some sort of pedal and saddle might work! And if his weight was concentrated where most of Toothless' weight was concentrated-

The dragon nudges him and Hiccup laughs.

“Sorry. I get lost in my head a lot. I'll get you back in the sky. I promise.”

The world shivers a bit at his words and he inexplicably is reminded of that dream he had a while back with those three strange dragons. So safe. So comfortable.

He then realizes something and finds his heart-shattering.

He had come to like the Grimborns a lot.

He had not been as offended by their offer or adoption. Had even hoped to convince Dagur to go back and accept it one day. But how could he do that now? After being exposed to such a calm dragon that did not seem to wish him instantly dead? A dragon he is planning on getting back up in the air?

He could never speak to them again.

Not when he would be in direct conflict with their goals. They were dragon hunters! They shot down dragons like Toothless and killed them or used them to make things until they died in pain.

They would not want him. Someone who is becoming a dragon-loving idiot. Just like Berk did not want him for being a horribly weak Viking.

Hiccup just has to make sure to convince Dagur. Hiccup would rather die than have to go without his last scrap of family that had cared for him through so much hardship and-

He is nudged in the side again and he realizes that he has been crying.

“Ah. Silly crybaby Hiccup.”

He shakes his head at himself and scrubs at his face. Might as well test one other thing before heading to the forge to make a pedal and saddle. He begins scratching the dragon, emulating the purr he had heard it make before. Toothless croons and leans into his hands. He gingerly and carefully shifts around the dragon and then starts trying to psych himself up to climb onto the back of the drake.

“Come on Hiccup. It's not that different from climbing on its tail. You're just down a basket of fish. But Toothless did just save me from being hit in the head with several branches. Here. We. Go!”

He slips onto Toothless' back while still scratching. Toothless tenses and then stands, flexing his wings slightly. Hiccup is terrified that he is about the be tossed off. Then Toothless is running and Hiccup is forced to cling on to the neck of the powerful beast. The darkness all around makes the run that much more thrilling as they cross the island and reach the cave in record time.

Hiccup lets out a small noise of appreciation as he rolls off the dragon's back, arms a little numb from clinging on so tightly. Toothless chirps at him and nuzzles his tummy. Hiccup giggles and pushes, mimicking the chirping noise. Toothless grows more excited and chirps again. Hiccup keeps repeating the noises and he gets bumped and nuzzled all the more by the squirming dragon. He emulates the purr that he had heard before and Toothless licks his cheek. Hiccup giggles and relaxes.

He eventually gets up and detaches the tail to take it with him out of the cave. The dragon tries to follow and Hiccup suddenly feels fear.

“Nope, nope. Toothless. You need to stay here.”

A warble and another attempt to follow. Hiccup pushes the drake back to the cave and walks away. And hears footsteps. Hiccup begs the dragon to stay put. He whimpers and Toothless freezes and slowly lays down in the cave with a small noise.

“Thank you Toothless. Please stay here.”

He pets the dragon and breathes slowly to calm down and then moves.

He gets back to the forge to start making the saddle. The design comes easily and he pulls together a lot of the leather he had once used on blade handles and printed books to make the saddle and the connection between the pedal and tail. He works till dawn trying to get everything perfect, not even noticing that the golden light of the sun has broken across the sky, slowly warming the earth with its rays. A frantic knock from the locked door of the forge is the first thing that breaks his concentration. He realizes that he is just about done as he hides all the parts away. He opens the door and then Dagur is hugging him tight.

Hiccup blinks and Dagur is crying in his hair.

“I was worried about you when you were not there when I woke up.”

Hiccup instantly feels bad. He had not meant… He had just gotten wrapped up in the excitement of inventing. He hugs back tightly, hands fisting his brother’s tunic slightly. The armor is heavy beneath the outerlayer of cloth

“I'm sorry. I should have woken you or left a note. I love you Dagur.”

“I love you Hiccup. I love you so much and I was so worried!”

The hug tightens and Hiccup nuzzles closer. He would have to tell him about Toothless at some point. He had to.


Not yet. Flight first.


He hehahinf Hiccup is having a good time for the most part.

Chapter 5: Honey


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ryker feels a note of hopelessness as he stares at the empty spot that the Bloodwrath brothers normally rented. He tries to breathe. And he succeeds. Kind of. He manages to ruthlessly shove down all the pain in his heart for the moment. He walks away, hands tightening into fists. It would be easier to feel anger. It would be easier if he could blame someone other than himself. But ultimately it is his fault. He had pressed for adoption and it is his pressing that got Viggo to agree and then they had…

He tries to distract himself by heading to the food vendors. His feet take him to the honey oatcake stall where the lady looks up at him and tilts her head slightly.

“Are they with you? I heard they were on your island from your hunters a little while ago.”

The seller asks and there is no need to clarify the who of her question.

“We… we had hoped to find them here.”

He admits low and careful not to crack. Not to yell. Yelling would not help here.

“They haven't been here in two months.”

She says softly and he finds himself leaning against the counter of the stall. The seller rounds the counter, gently touches his arm, and delicately pulls him into the closed off part of her stall that is hidden from the rest of the Market. Ryker finds his hands shaking as he is guided to a stool. His mind is swirling and rage at himself battles with a wave of despair. They had searched all over the seas for the two brothers. They had found Dagur’s Grimborn leather band in one of their nets. He has to hope they are not dead. That they had not driven them so far away that no one could help them. If they stopped coming to the market, there is no guarantee that they will be able to get the supplies they need. Like medication for Hiccup, or food supplies.

A hot mug is pressed into his hands cutting into his thoughts. The seller raises an eyebrow as he blankly stares.

“Hot honey water. Drink it. And… From what I know of men, it is easier to cry in private away from prying eyes than it is to mourn in public. I will be back in a little bit when youve had time.”

And then she is gone through the flap.

Just like that, tears sting his eyes. He had not shed a single tear since the hunt for the two boys had started. He had yelled. He had screamed. He had fought with his brother over and over and bruised his hands punching dummies and railings of ships. The warm cup is nice against his aching hands. He bends his head and lets a few tears out. He sips the drink slowly and rebuilds his walls as best he can, blinking away further tears. The heat of the drinks settles him and grounds him to the here and now.

The lady comes back in a little bit and settles on another stool and picks up a box.

“Are you steady?”

She asks kindly. He nods slowly.

“Good. Now I know you because you’re Ryker Grimborn, but I don't assume you know me. I am Clelia Claudius Malleola. And I like those boys. And I assume that you like them too. And I love information.”

She taps the top of the box. Ryker swallows. He is not as good at talking as Viggo. Viggo who had been driving himself nuts since the boys had fled.

“I see.”

He does not.

“First though… I want to know what happened. I know from the hunters who passed that they were stranded at sea sick and were brought back to your island. And were there for a while.”

Ryker swallows again.

“We offered to adopt them. And they ran off.”

“Ah… Well. That's less than ideal. That could make them avoid the Markets. But… my other theories could still stand.”

Ryker scrunches his nose.

“Thanks for reminding me.”

She shakes her head.

“Those boys are damaged and hurting. You offering to adopt them is sweet. But they are likely to never respond normally to that sort of thing. Especially with a father like that Oswald fellow, or with tribes like the Hooligans and Berserkers. Where Hiccup should have died and Dagur was always under threat.”

Ryker tenses, familiar licking his bones. He can work with anger. It is despair and sadness he cannot handle.

“Tell me.”

He leans forwards. Clelia tucks a loose strand of brown hair behind her ear and then opens the box. The color of the hair reminds him of treebark after a storm. The box is full of papers, books, and a few knick-knacks.

“When the boys first failed to show up, I started digging about the two tribes that were mentioned. I thought they might have been dragged back down to the Barbaric Archipelago. I cornered Johan, the chatty rat, and got Rune to help me do a shake-down. Rune’s none to pleased that Johan’s loose lips got Oswald to come up here after them.”

She huffs and clicks her tongue. Then keeps going.

“So I got everyone in the market whose a regular to pitch in info on top of what Johan was scared into giving. Tove was particularly heartbroken when the boys did not show up, so he added the most. We then stopped when we heard they were with you, but now we’ll get to digging again if there is any chance that their status as ex-heirs might have gotten them taken to the south. Here.” She hands over the box and he puts the mug on the ground. “For you and your brother. You have more ships and manpower than we do. And we all know you love those boys as much as we adore them. Find them. Bring them home.”

She demands and he finds himself nodding as he takes the box and holds it close.

“We will. If we have to burn down Yggdrasil to do it.”

She smiles and pats his arm.

“Good. Tell me if you need anything else. I’m happy to help.”

“Thank you. The Grimborns owe you a a favor.”

“No favor owed. I like those boys too much to turn this into a debt.”

She says and then rises.

“Take as long as you need in here. I have to return to my stall.”

She gently pats his shoulder and leaves, taking the strong smell of honey and cooked oats with her.


Hi!! pain!!

Chapter 6: Clouds


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dagur emulates the noises of the Glory Sparks as they ride on his shoulders. He is exploring deeper into the cave to see if there is an entrance that is on the island rather than having to swim. The little dragons seem content. He would need to share them with Hiccup soon. They are very good stress relievers, pressing warmly against him till hit breathing evens out and he feels like he can move again.

He sings a song of Tyr to them, his mark warming slightly as he does. The god is watching and is pleased. At least that is what Dagur feels.

The dragons sing along with him when he repeats the song and Dagur laughs lightly before continuing to sing.

While spending time in the cave he had heard a lot about these dragons. They could tell how he felt by sniffing him and cuddling aggressively if he was sad. They ate moss from the walls. They glowed more or less brightly based on wether or not they were trying to bring comfort. And they were blind. There are no real eyes on the creatures. Sure they have small eyes, but those are milky white and have no pupils to speak of. And they spit tiny blue flames occasionally that are not too hot.

Overall very cute and not very dangerous.

Dagur picks up his pace as he realizes that he is walking uphill. The dragons chirp and chatter to him and he chirps back before whistling a bird song that the dragons try to emulate. He comes to a dead end. There is a tiny hole high up, letting a sliver of light in.

He runs his hands over the rock face, finding it to be made of tightly packed stones. He runs his fingers along, seeking out weaknesses. He presses his finger in where he finds one and starts moving the rocks. He finds that his braid, as long as it is, starts to get in his way, so he spins it into a bun, tied which a bit of leather, and then keeps working. The dragons chirp and sniff and start helping him move the rocks about while singing a draconic song. Dagur figures out the tune and rhythm the second time through and begins singing along.

They soon have a hole big enough for Dagur to pass through. He enters another cavern, but this has a hole in the roof. It would be hard to reach but … he could climb. Dagur looks around the rest of the cavern as the Glory Sparks fan out to fill the room. It looks… sort of like it may have once been lived in, with chisel markings on the rock face and what looks to be a rock oven and fire area. Odd. There is no runes to interpret and so Dagur is left to wonder who had been here before. And why had they left?


Hiccup cinches the final strap while Toothless finishes eating the fish.

“Alright, now we just have to hope we can fly.”

Hiccup bites his lip and then mounts the saddle, scratching Toothless' neck. It is almost sunset, but he had told his brother not to expect him till morning. Dagur had hummed and muttered something about having to focus on something of his own. Hiccup is curious but then had to focus of flying.

He sits up and adjusts the pedal. The tail snaps open and Toothless stiffens and warbles. Hiccup chirps back and pats the dragon's neck again. Toothless then bolts from the cave and Hiccup clings tightly to the saddle. Wingbeats slowly raises them into the air and Hiccup keeps looking over his shoulder to check the tail position. Which means he is not looking forward and he is smacked in the head by a branch. Then they are falling and Toothless drags him to his chest. Hiccup coughs after the crash but climbs back on, game to try again.

Toothless roars and launches back into the air. But Hiccup messes them up again and they hit a tree.

“Sorry! Sorry!”

He gasps out as his back presses against gnarled tree roots. Toothless baps him with his tail and then forces him back into the saddle. Hiccup scratches Toothless’ neck and takes a deep deep breath.

How is he supposed to help if looking back makes him unable to see things coming for him and looking forward keeps him from being able to see the fin?

He takes a breath as Toothless walks to the edge of the woods and stands on the sand. Hiccup closes his eyes and tries to think. The mark of Vidar cools and he lets out a whistle.

How to see without seeing?

How to speak without speaking?

Both were similar questions. He just needed to change how he was thinking.

Because speech is a way to give information to others, which can be done with the hands. And seeing is a way to give information to himself. But maybe he could rely on other senses to get that info. He takes a breath and rips the bottom of his tunic before using it to cover his eyes. He leans forward in the saddle and clicks the tail open, ready. He lets out a sharp chirp and purr which gets a warble in reply.

He feels Toothless snap open his wings and feels movement beneath him. He breathes and leans into the feelings as the dragon starts to fly. Seemingly bolstered by their lack of falling, Toothless starts zigging and zagging through the air. Hiccup leans into the wind and breathes in time with the dragon. Then the wind shifts and Hiccup knows they must be climbing upwards. And then weightlessness hits his tummy as they dive. He pulls off the blindfold as they start skimming across the water, leaning with Toothless through the turns and clicking the pedal to the right positions that keep them from smacking into the rocks. They then start to climb again, the rays of the dying sun lighting up the clouds and the waves in golden hues with mad swirls of orange and burning red flickering across his vision. Hiccup lets out a whoop as they reach their peek and dive again.

Toothless begins spinning inside of the dive and Hiccup adjusts, calling out and whooping as they skim across the crests of the waves and stir up a fine mist to trail behind them. Toothless lets out a self-satisfied roar and then shoots plasma. Hiccup coughs and then laughs as they fly through the burnt air. They soar upwards and burst through clouds that are slowly growing inky black and blue with the colors of the encroaching night.

Hiccup reaches out to the clouds expecting feathery softness and finds his fingers coming away wet much like the residue of mist. Toothless lights up the clouds and spins, playing in the skies. Hiccup imitates the shriek made before a shot and Toothless croons loud and happy. They dive back down as the last rays of sunlight vanish from the world and the moon starts to climb to take a turn lighting up the world.

Hiccup urges Toothless to rise upwards, wanting to be closer to the heavens and their stars. Those stars that first peak out in the vast canvas of night reflect off the water making Hiccup feel surrounded by beauty. Is this how the gods saw the world in their flying chariots? Is this how dragons get to see the world all the time?

He breathes in deeply and gives a small prayer of thanks to Vidar for allowing him to be resilient enough to survive to see this version of the world and a small prayer for resilience and strength to do what comes next. Tell Dagur. Just… not yet.

Not yet.


Heck yes!!! Flight!!!

Chapter 7: Hatchling


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Toothless lands, completely exhausted. But in a good way. His wings had finally been able to slice through the air and play on the wind. All with the help of his little strange-smelling human. His strange little human who talked often enough to himself for Toothless to catch on that his name was Hiccup.

But with how the little creature had whooped and sang in the wind and how he tried to make all of Toothless’ noises, perhaps little human is not the right descriptor. A hatchling he decides. A hatchling who needed help to touch the skies.

Hiccup is still sitting in the strange dead animal skin that allowed his tiny friend to stay on Toothless’ back and help him fly. His friend is making tired little noises, rubbing his blunt claws across Toothless’ scales in a very pleasant way that has Toothless purring. Hiccup makes a very high happy noise and the rubbing increases. Toothless stretches his wings with a happy rumble and slinks into the cave he has started to recognize as a safe enough resting place. Hiccup slips off and then tries to take off the dead skin. Toothless lets out a warning growl.

“~Mine! For flying. Dont take please.~”

He begs at the end and presses his head into Hiccup’s tiny little chest. He breathes in the smell of smoke and metal that seems woven into Hiccup’s bones. Hiccup croons and starts scratching again. He does not try to touch the skins again. Toothless chirps and nuzzles his little hatchling. He snuffles at Hiccup’s leg which still vaguely smells of the Monstrous Nightmare marking Hiccup as a friend. It is not as clear as it should be.

Toothless needs to fix that and mark Hiccup as his hatchling so no one else tries to steal his clever little one. He pushes gently at the hatchling crooning as Hiccup makes tiny little complaints but lays down, trusting him. He then starts licking at the soft fluff on Hiccup’s head getting whines and little baps to his face. He licks at the blunt claws too and Hiccup whines more before giving up. Hiccup just lays there and groans and then giggles.

Toothless warbles, nuzzles, and licks with a happy tail swish. The hatchling yawns and smells like tired. Hiccup starts making noises that mean that he is planning to leave.

No! He had just figured out that Hiccup was in fact a hatchling! And hatchlings need to sleep in warmth so their little tummy flames can focus on food rather than fighting off cold. So when Hiccup wriggles out and starts to walk out of the cave, Toothless grabs him by the furs that clothe him and puts him at the back of the cave. There are a myriad of complaints and the hatchling tries again. And Toothless repeats, this time with a growly warning.

“~Stay. You need to stay.~”

Hiccup complains but stops trying to exit. This gives Toothless time to heat the floor and then carefully pull the hatchling into a warm embrace. Hiccup struggles for a second and then begins to rub his belly, causing Toothless to purr. Hiccup makes a few more tired noises and then snoozes peacefully. Toothless gives one more lick to that soft head fur, feeling self-satisfied, and settles down to sleep.

He is sad when he wakes to find the hatchling gone but does not follow after, recalling that such a thing distressed Hiccup. He wants his hatchling back and curls up patiently to wait and sleep some more. Next time he would be more watchful about his hatchling leaving.


Viggo frowns as he stares ahead at the island that they had sailed so far south for. Berk. The thought of it sends anger sparking across his veins. The information that Ryker had gotten from the markets had only further fueled Viggo's insomnia and plot-filled nights. Looking at a Maces and Talons board makes his stomach twist with bile. So he forced his mind to focus on all the writings and carvings he had gotten about Berk.


An island that made war with dragons endlessly without figuring out how to stem the flow of attackers. An island rarely seen at the Meatheads Maces and Talons tournaments aside from one gentleman nicknamed Old Wrinkly, who it was rumored may have been outcasted for his strangeness if not for some relationship to the chief. An island that named runts Hiccup and often sent them off to the waves in boxes, a tradition only recently forsaken.

Viggo had often come across such coffins in the sea, most filled with dead. When a little one is found alive they are brought into his tribe and valued as their own. Hiccup could have so easily been one of those little deaths, taken before given a chance to grow. Just because of his birth. A birth that would have marked him as a seidr user and granted him respect among the Acumens.

Viggo glares at the island of Berk, hating it. How dare they be granted the blessing of once being home to Hiccup and throw it aside so casually? To break both the boys that he had come to love. For he has no doubt they played a role in harming Dagur too.

Ryker stands beside him, hands splintering the railing with their grip. Viggo takes a breath and whispers.

“Stay with the boat brother, if they let us land.”

Ryker turns to him with a snarl.

“Like I'm going to let you on that Thor-forsaken place alone!”

The anger is not unexpected but it does make Viggo growl his response.

“I need information. I can't get information if you dive into a murdering craze.”

“They deserve worse.”

Ryker growls and punches the poor railing which groans in protest.

“I miss them too Ryker.”

His brother stops his rage-filled motions and crosses his arms.

“I know. I know. I'll stay with the ship and you use that stupid clever brain of yours to figure out if they have our brothers or not. And what they did to hurt them so that we can repay them in kind.”

His brother is no calmer, rage still a fierce storm in his eyes and voice. Viggo nods and takes a breath as he sees a ship starting to sail out to meet them that bears the Berkian crest. Viggo folds his arms behind himself and grips his own wrists to keep his hands from straying to his swords. He has a plan. He will stick to it.

The Berkian ship pulls alongside and Viggo keeps his back straight after shooting one last look at Ryker.


Hehehehehehe ^_^

Chapter 8: Shadows of the Past


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Who are you to sail Berk’s waters?”

Asks the large man with a giant red beard, probably Stoick the vast.

“I am Viggo Grimborn of the Acumens tribe. We are a dragon-hunting tribe from the north.”

“I am Stoick the Vast, Chief of the Hooligan tribe. And I don't think that fully explains why you are here.”

“To hunt dragons. We have been hoping to expand our hunting grounds and heard that there was an abnormal amount of dragons centralized in this area.

“We do not need help with dragons and I don't want you messing around on my island.”

Stoick states very firmly. The peg-legged man beside him speaks up.

“It might be nice to trade ideas and show ‘em where our waters end even if we don't let them stay.”

Stoick frowns as he considers the man's words and Viggo decides to sweeten things while his grip on his wrists grows all the harsher.

“I am quite willing to exchange hunting and fighting tips and ideas for a general map of the area and places to be avoided. My tribe is unfamiliar with these waters, and perhaps there are species that you know of that we do not, and vice-versa. A trade that is valuable for all.”

“And why should we trust that this is not some sort of scouting mission.”

A young blond girl stands straight, ax ready in her hands. No adult reprimands her and Viggo supposes that she is someone of standing in the tribe.

“It is a scouting mission. For hunting. It would be foolish for me to bring all my hunters into unfamiliar territory. I have no intention to go to war with any tribes. War is expensive. And bad for business.”

Stoick narrows his eyes and then nods.

“We can host you for a day or so and see if it is a worthwhile trade.”

“That is fair.”

And then they are off sailing to Berk. Viggo has Ryker stay with the boat, and slowly starts digging at Stoick about heirs as subtly as he can. And it stings as Stoick acknowledges no heir other than the girl named Astrid.


Ryker checks over the Bola launcher. Not out of worry that it would not be working, but because he needs something to do.

“That's quite the machine. Reminds me of something that my apprentice would have tried.”

Ryker looks up and finds the peg-legged man.

“Why are you on the boat?”

He growls a little and the man shrugs.

“Stoick wanted to run Astrid through her paces as a new right hand and I wanted to look at what self-proclaimed dragon hunters put on their boats. Gobber by the way.”

The man introduces himself. Ryker suddenly wonders if he might be able to get information after all.

“Ryker. And it is quite the machine. We got it from our inventor in the Northern Markets. You can get a closer look, just don't touch it too much.”

Gobber hobbles over and hems and haws over the machine.

“Inventor from the markets you say? Was their name Hiccup by any chance? Hiccup Haddock?”

The man asks while examining the trigger system. Ryker is not as clever as his brother and would not be able to twist his words. But maybe being direct would get him what he wants to know anyways.

“Hiccup Bloodwrath actually.” Something in the man relaxes visibly. “Does your apprentice still make stuff like this?”

Gobber looks saddened.

“I think so. I think I'm looking at a piece of his work right now. Hiccup did always like testing new things before he disappeared. It seems he finally got this invention down. Bloodwrath huh? Not the name I would expect from him. Was there another lad with him? Dagur the deranged?”

Ryker snorts at the epithet. But he keeps the info in his head. Hiccup is not here. Otherwise, the man would not be so pointedly asking after the kid.

“Dagur Bloodwrath is his older brother and did most of the wood carving work they sold. But you say that he finally got the invention down?”

And that seems to be the key. Gobber starts spouting story after story about Hiccup inventing and hiding out in his forge. Other hunters settle on parts of the ship nearby, having come to respect the boys and adore the inventions that kept them alive and fighting. None had protested the journey southwards to try and find the two boys.

On his third story of Hiccup accidentally blowing something up in the forge Gobber pauses, hands still touching the bola launcher reverently as a mist of tears glitters on the edge of his eyes.

“But I'm sure I'm boring you. The Chief doesn't much like talk of Hiccup, seeing as he's already had his funeral and most likely won't be seen by any of us again given that only warriors go to Valhalla.”

The pain is palpable and Ryker scrunches his nose. Maybe he should not say what he chooses to say next but, he has to. Because this man clearly loves Hiccup on some level to recall so much about him.

“They were alive and well the last time we saw them. And they were together. We came south to check if they had returned here and have hunters with eyes peeled sailing the waters we know them from.”

Gobber’s hands pause.

“How long have you been searching?”

“Two months. there is no evidence of death.”

Ryker states plainly. It is the hope he clung to. They had not found a ship or a carcass.

“Far longer and further than Berk did.”

Gobber says, tone turning a little poisonous. Ryker hums and then speaks.

“This feels like a discussion deserving of mead. I want to hear more about our inventor's early life. And… if you know anything about Dagur… I'd love to hear that too.”

Gobber lights up just a bit at the idea and a few men move to bring out a barrel and some mugs for everyone

“Ah let me tell you about the time Dagur got into an ax-throwing contest with Snotlout over how he would be spending his time while on Berk-”

And the story fills the boat as the drink flows. Everyone relaxes and enjoys the stories that reflect what they already know to be true of the two boys.



Chapter 9: Loss


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Stoick is impossible and Viggo is going to kill him.


Breath. He can do this. He had spoken with pigheaded leaders before and come out alright. He just happens to dislike Stoick, with the man having no reason to know why.

“I mean no disrespect but many tribes have found that having us in the area cuts down significantly on dragon raids.”

“And the Hooligans need no help. If you stay in our waters, we will have war.”

Stoick growls. Viggo carefully folds his arms and stares at the man who had produced such a brilliant son. A man who did not mention ever having a child. Johan had to have mentioned the boys to this tribe along with his mentioning them to the Berserkers. The man did a lot of chattering. Too much chattering. Johan had gotten banned from the Northern Markets because of Oswald's appearance being directly a result of him talking to much.

But Stoick does not ask, despite Viggo mentioning both the Norther Markets and Johan. Fine. He would get no information here, aside from the fact that it is an absolute marvel that Hiccup had managed to grow up as clever as he had when surrounded by such idiocy.

“I see. Mark your waters and I will get my men to avoid them. But we will be talking to other tribes. And if they let us stay in the archipelago, we will be extra careful will not to… interfere with the dragon raids on Berk.”

Stoick’s eyes narrow as Viggo unrolls his map.

“I don't think you understand. You will not be welcome in the archipelago.”

“I don't think you can speak for other tribes. Unless your chief status outweighs the status of the chiefs of the Vistithugs and Hysterics?”

Viggo replies calmly, not even raising his voice slightly while Stoick gets a bit red in the face.

“I do not. But they share Viking pride.”

“Mmhmm. I will just have to take my chances then, no? I do thank you for the prewarning.”

Viggo wants to stab the man through the heart and burn down Berk. But that would be rather counter to his current aims. His goal is not war. Not yet anyways. He has two brothers to hunt down, and he is not fully convinced, that while not on Berk, they are not somewhere in these waters. Plus, expansion southward would be good for business anyways.

The girl, Astrid, grimaces at him, fingering her ax as Stoick marks up the map and even includes the territories of other tribes in the Archipelago.

“Perfect. Thank you. I will be sure to not disturb you in the future.”

He scoops up his map. He offers out his hand and Stoick shakes it, hand gripping tighter than polite. But his older brother’s grip is so much fiercer so Viggo gives a polite smile and signals to his men to get moving.

He keeps his breathing even as he heads down to the boat, disappointed in himself at not getting more information. But the lack of information is information within itself. He can feel the eyes of the village as he makes his way down to his boat. There is a blond child standing by himself who looks like he is trying to build up the courage to say anything but ultimately backs up.

Viggo is a little surprised to find one of the Hooligans on the boat sitting on a box chatting away with his brother.

“And then Dagur dragged Hiccup out of the forge and the two of them vanished into the woods for hours. Every visit seemed to make Hiccup come up with wilder and wilder inventions. Wouldn’t be surprised if sailing off together didnt make Hiccup invent some crazy things.”

Oh. Someone talking about the boys. Viggo finds hope flooding through him as he climbs aboard and looks to Ryker. Ryker spots him and his hands move quickly.

“-Gobber. He knew the two before they ran away. He has been telling us stories. No one else in the tribe is willing to even talk about them. Hiccup has had a funeral here over a year ago.-”

Viggo feels anger stab his heart. But he keeps his tone even.

“Hiccup created a nearly unsinkable boat. And something to make multiple copies of a book quickly.”

Gobber pauses and looks at him.

“Ah, I'd love to hear more about those. I assume the talks are over?”

“Yes. We have been told we are unwelcome in these waters for hunting.”

Gobber’s face does something complicated and he groans. The man sips the mug of mead and looks to the skies.

“Stoick… always stupidly stubborn. We really could have used the extra kills or the advice on hunting. By the Gods…” Gobber sighs and whispers. “I'm so tired.”


Viggo asks, settling next to his brother. He presses into Ryker slightly, needing comfort for a moment. Ryker presses back, likely understanding all had not gone well. Gobber hums.

“I do a bit of advising here and there. Not that I'm always listened to. Especially not after being told I talk too much about Hiccup… I just miss the kid. He was a good apprentice. A little bit out of place anywhere but my forge, but I thought that Id get to see… And I failed him.”

Gobber looks terribly sad. Viggo tilts his head as Ryker taps him and then starts signing.

“-Invite him.-”

Viggo considers it. Gobber clearly liked Hiccup. Missed him even. And if the man had been Hiccup’s teacher, he had to have value in the forge. The only downside might be pissing off berk. Is that a downside?’

“We are trying to find the boys. Would you like to join us?”

He asks and Gobber freezes.

“Join you?”

“Sail with us. We will find them and when we do we will give them a home with us. You can join that, if you agree “

Ryker offers, leaning forward a bit.

“I couldn't. My tribe…”

“Clearly has no love for Hiccup or they would have asked us if we had seen him nor allowed you to speak of him.”

Viggo huffs out just about ready to be done with this whole island that clearly lacks his little brothers. No, not his little brothers. Not yet. Not yet. He has to find them first. And not let them slip away again. Then they would truly be his little brothers. Both of them. Because he wants and loves both of them and the accusations hurled by the scared Dagur had cut his heart so deeply. He is so scared that they might die or get kidnapped or any of the things that had happened to them before and any of the numerous horrors that had not happened yet.

“It would also be nice to have someone more familiar with southern tribe culture.”

Ryker adds.

“You two actually care about those boys?”

Gobber asks and Viggo thinks it might be a good idea to reveal a bit of his heart, something he often is loathe to do.

“We’ve saved them from a kidnapping, a crazed Berserker, and sickness. We met them in the markets and found ourselves spending more and more time with them. Dagur is bright, and fierce in his love for Hiccup and in his fighting style. It's easy to admire his dedication and passion. And Hiccup is clever, always coming up with new things that never fail to astound. He cares for his brother as much as he physically can.”

Viggo clenches the crate beneath him as words start to tumble out.

“They both are so brilliant in their own ways and so small despite being so strong. My tribe does not want anything to happen to them. I don't want anything to happen to them. We have to find them… and I think… I think having you sail with us will help.

Gobber nods, seemingly convinced.

“Sail around to the North West part of the island. There is a bay there. Hiccup and Dagur used to spend a lot of time there. No one else ever bothered to figure out where they spent a majority of their time, and I never found a good reason to tell anyone. Stoick will want to see you sailing off and I need time to grab tools.”

Gobber states before rising. Ryker and Viggo nod in tandem.


Hehe gobberrrrrrrrrrrr

Chapter 10: Little Dragon


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hiccup lets out a bright laugh and Toothless warbles up to his hatchling as he cuts through the air. They soar high into the air and spin a little on the wind. Hiccup whoops and chirps. They land on a small island that Toothless had scanned from the air for safety. There are a few wild dragons but they should leave the two of them alone. Hiccup slips out of the dead animal's skin and then hisses loudly in pain. Toothless immediately whips around with a worried warble.

“~Are you okay? Little hatchling?~”

He sniffs and Hiccup sits down. Soft paws pat his snout but the smell of pain lingers. Then Hiccup fiddles with something on his left leg, and the wood and metal part comes off. Toothless tries to sniff closer, but Hiccup hisses and pushes him back a little. Toothless rests back on his haunches and whines softly. Hiccup makes soft reassuring noises as he messes with the loose skin on his left leg. And then Toothless sees the scars. He gets low to the ground and lets out a gentle rumble. Hiccup swallows and smells scared but soft paws reach out. Toothless squirms forwards on his belly and pauses. The soft paws are shaking and he is terrified of hurting the hatchling more. Hiccup takes a breath and then turns his head away, starting to smell of trust. Toothless presses his snout into the hand and Hiccup slowly guides his snout down towards the scarred flesh. He sniffs while Hiccup chitters.

It is an old wound, made by man and dragon. It seems that it had been treated with Tide Glider saliva. Perhaps licking it would help like licking his own wounds often did. He slowly sticks his tongue out and gently licks, purring reassurances as he goes. Hiccup whimpers at first, but the hatchling lets him keep licking. Toothless shifts about so that he is curled around Hiccup, still softly licking his little one. Hiccup scratches his scales and Toothless rumbles happily.

Hiccup closes his eyes, relaxing and the smell of pain fading as the hatchling falls asleep. Toothless shifts to have the little one under his wings and settles into sleep. He gives the head fur a few more licks for his own reassurance. Then he naps.

When he comes too, he immediately notices that the hatchling is gone. Panic hits him and he darts up. He sniffs about and then charges in the direction that is filled with his little one’s smoke and metal smell.

He crests a hill and finds his little one much too close to a wild dragon, small paw held out and head turned. The Nadder chirps low and presses into the soft paw. Toothless feels like he is too far. He bolts forward quickly to keep his little one from being hurt. But he stops short of firing when he is close seeing that Hiccup’s clever paws are working on undoing a teethed bit of metal that is trying to eat the Nadder’s leg.

The Nadder spots Toothless and hisses, moving a wing to hide the little hatchling who starts making soothing noises and little chirps he had learned from Toothless.

“~ That's my hatchling. My clever curious hatchling. Dont hurt him.~”

It is a bit of a demand and he flares his wings. The Nadder relaxes slightly and Hiccup croons before getting back to work on the metal teeth.

“~Little one brought food. And is helping me. Will he be able to fully help?~”

The nadder asks, tilting his head slightly, and swishing his tail.

“~He gave me back flight. Lay down. I’ll keep my hatchling… and you safe till he is done.~”

Toothless decides, shuffling forwards. The Nadder lets out a soft croon and then lays down. Hiccup hums and purrs and sticks his much smaller paw into the evil trap that could remove a dragon's leg or permanently damage it. Hiccup pets and chatters and works quickly. The teeth come free and Hiccup quickly does something that makes the jaws break and will keep them from snapping again. The Nadder chirps in surprise and shifts to sniff its leg before licking the fresh wounds. The dragon then licks Hiccup who laughs. Toothless snarls and yanks his hatchling back by the loose fur immediately sniffing the marking. It just means helper. Just means friend. It is not an attempt to claim what is his. Toothless had so little he is very willing to fight for what he does have. Hiccup is making fearful noises and Toothless starts nuzzling his belly and licking his hands. Scenting him up and down with ‘my hatchling’. He does not remove the scent meaning helper, but only because it could save Hiccup one day.

The Nadder blinks at him.

“~I would not take a hatchling.~”

“~The Queen would. And then eat them. I can't be too careful.~”

Toothless warbles and worries. Hiccup croons and purrs, no longer smelling fearful, just concerned. The Nadder clicks its tongue and scratches the ground.

“~ That's a bad Queen.~”

“~But she is mine and I have to keep my hatchling safe.~”

“~I could help?~”

The offer is genuine but Toothless hisses anyway. It is too close to treason for that song that always always lingers in the back of his head thanks to the Queen Voice.

“~No! Just… Let me keep my clever stupid hatchling.~”

“~I would never take. Only help look after.~”

The Nadder hops forward and bends down, sniffing at Hiccup who is making comfort chitters. Hiccup twists a little and sticks out a paw. The Nadder gently nuzzles the paw and then bumps Toothless. Marking both with a promise of returning favors. The Nadder then flaps away. Hiccup makes a sad noise and Toothless huffs.

His little hatchling is too kind and too curious. Hiccup then starts really scratching at his chin and Toothless gives a rumbling purr. Hiccup mimics the noise. He starts wondering if he could teach his hatchling to speak. The little one seemed able to make the noises. He would have to try. He starts by trying to teach the basics. Like one would with a freshly hatched dragon, still sticky with egg goo.


Oop toothless has his own rough past. Ahhh.

Chapter 11: Discovery


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dagur slides down the rope into the cavern, chirping greetings to the Glory Sparks that hop up and down in excitement at seeing him. They clamber up his back and curl around whatever limb they can reach when he lands on the floor of the cavern.

He chitters and purrs to the dragons as he moves through the cave. It seems like it had been carved out by people long before he or Hiccup had landed here. People who lived with dragons. There were areas carved out like nests and places

There were more walls built out of packed-together dirt and stone that holed up entrances to the maze of caves beneath the island. Rooms upon rooms full of bones of food and other rusty dusty remains of life. There are dragon remains, but not broken with axes or pierced with swords. No, they are reverently wrapped alongside the wrapped bones of people. Dagur seals off those Halls of the Dead after whispering some prayers, hoping to keep Hel from being mad and to keep Dragur from walking their home. He ends up in the big main room that seems that it once had served as either a gathering place or a place for water.

He lays down in the bed of moss that the Glory Sparks had made in the very bottom of the largish hole in the center of the room after the small dragons had gotten access to the room. The dragons shift around and curl up on him. He takes a few deep breaths. He needs to bring Hiccup down here soon so that his little brother can meet the dragons. He knows that dragons had hurt Hiccup, both taking away family and a limb… But Hiccup is kind and nice, and maybe would be willing to listen to him. Listen long enough to see. He takes a deep deep breath.

Did Hiccup hate him for rejecting the offer of adoption? The Grimborns… may have been genuine. They had saved them several times. And Dagur had rejected them without consulting Hiccup at all. Does Hiccup resent him for that? He hopes not. He hates the thought of his brother hating him. What would he do if Hiccup decided to hate him? He takes a breath as the dragons warm up a little more and nuzzles him more firmly. He relaxes. Dagur should have talked it over with Hiccup and let his brother have a voice in such choices. That chance had passed with the Grimborns. That bridge is burned. But other large choices in the future… Those he would share with his brother. After laying there for al little longer, he leaves the cave and heads home to begin to cook dinner, ready for his brother to come back home.

Hiccup soon joins him and Dagur gives him some food. They talk back and forth and then settle into relaxing for the evening.

Dagur sits beside the hearth carving as his mind wanders. He had to figure out the gentlest way to bring Hiccup down to the caves. He is so sure that Hiccup would love exploring them and figuring out everything about those that had once lived on this island. But… he would need to have Hiccup accept the Glory Sparks who very much are a part of that cave system now.


Hiccup’s voice stirs him from thought. He blinks and Hiccup is touching his arm gently. He had not noticed Hiccup getting close.


He asks tilting his head.

“What sort of dragon is that?”

Hiccup asks and Dagur looks down at his hands. Oh. He had carved a Glory Spark without thinking about it.

“Glory Spark. It's… more of a cave dragon. They wouldn't do raids, I don't think.”

He says, not wanting to lie outright to his brother. He never wants to lie to Hiccup.

“Oh, okay. Do… Can you read to me tonight? I feel like… I haven't heard your voice as much lately. I mean… I see you at dinnertime and sometimes throughout the day. And that's on me for being so busy with my side projects! But… I-”

Hiccup shifts into hand signs, continuing the same line of thought of missing Dagur. Dagur places his carving down and gently takes Hiccup’s hands, silencing his little brother. Those forest green eyes glitter up at him, reflecting the flickering flame of their hearth. Dagur leans forward and kisses Hiccup’s forehead.

“I would love to read to you Hiccup. I'm sorry we haven't spent more time together. I'm partially responsible for us not spending time together.”

Hiccup relaxes and leans into Dagur, their fingers twining into each other like they so often did. Hiccup breathes as he shifts to be in Dagur’s lap. Dagur pulls him closer and Hiccup pulls gently on Dagur’s braid with his free hand.

“You would love me no less if… If I had secrets?”

Hiccup asks, eyes shifting to stormy with hints of fear. Dagur takes a breath.

“No secret you keep would divide you from me. Not ever. And you don't have to tell me now… but…”

“One day. One day soon Dagur. I promise.”

Hiccup whispers and presses close.

“Good. Okay. I… I also have something I'm worried about sharing…”

Dagur admits. Hiccup chirps then purs, rubbing his face against Dagur’s chest.

“Nothin would make me leave you Dagur.”

“Not… Not even you being mad I rejected the offer of adoption aimed at both of us?”

Dagur has to know. Hiccup puffs out air.

“Not even that. I still think the Grimborns were genuine. But it might be for the best for us to stay separate from them. I promise I'm not mad about your choice. I understand it.”

Dagur feels reassured.

“Next time there is a big choice, I will consult you as best I can before we make a choice.”

Hiccup nods against his chest, letting out a noise he had never heard from his brother. A rumbling purr. He says nothing about it, knowing that they both have a lot of noises not typical for people. He moves his hand to scratch his brother’s scalp and gets a hum that rolls over the purr in reply. He then shifts us to the bed area and then he pulls a book into his hand. Hiccup snuggles closer with a chirp as Dagur begins to read.


DAGUR love him. Love him so much

Chapter 12: Helping


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Viggo tilts his head as they help Gobber haul bags and barrels full of things onto the boats in the darkness of the night. His brother asks the question for him.

“What is all this stuff?”

“All my forge equipment that I made. Anything I've made and modified for myself. I'm not leaving any of it for Berk.”

Viggo pauses.

“That's almost a declaration of war.”

He taps the nearest barrel with his fingers. Gobber shrugs.

“Hard to go to war without a smith to fix weapons. They never bothered to try and keep my apprentice safe and they never helped guide someone else into the forge to help me out. Why should I bother protecting them or helping them? I- I loved Stoick as my chief. But I love Hiccup more. And you lot are looking for him. Even if this can't be carried everywhere, I'd rather it be dumped in the sea than used by them. They were stupid enough to reject the help of dragon hunters. Maybe they’ll get smarter with a little pain.”

Ryker gives a vicious smile and offers his arm to Gobber who takes it and they grip forearms.

“Welcome to the Acumens Gobber. I think we can manage to sail with it all without having to dump anything into the waters.”

They haul everything aboard and secure it all before sailing off. Gobber reaches into his bag and pulls something out of the bag he had kept on his person. It is a small leatherbound journal with crinkled pages and a bit of wear.

“This… this is one of the only things that Hiccup left when he sailed off. A journal from when he was ten. I found it in the back of my forge last winter. It has a lot of his doodles and early inventions. I don't mind sharing it. It helped me many a night when I missed him. I… I don't have anything for Dagur, I'm sorry.”

“Thank you.”

Viggo replies, sincerely meaning it in the face of such a grand offer. Gobber looks at him, long and hard before nodding to himself in a self-satisfied way.

“You both are looking longer than anyone else has for them. And looked after them when they were on their own.”

Gobber nods and then they are off, sailing to a new dawn. And hopefully off to find the boys. They chart a course to the Hysteric Island to see if they would agree to working with them.


Hiccup scratches at Toothless’ neck as they land on another island. He giggles as he slowly comes down from the adrenaline high. The dragon warbles up at him and twists a bit so that Hiccup easily rolls off his back. Hiccup laughs as the dragon nuzzles his stomach. The dragon pokes at his leg making a noise that Hiccup had come to associate with the dragon asking him to take his prosthetic off so that Toothless can lick the scarred flesh.

Hiccup tries repeating the noise and points at his leg. Toothless squirms excitedly and hops up and down. The dragon repeats the noise. Hiccup repeats it back while rolling up his pants and taking of his prosthetic. Toothless licks the stumps easing any remnants of pain. The dragon then chirps and makes another noise, poking Hiccup’s hand with his snout and then rubs his paw with his snout repeating the noise.


Is he trying to teach him body part words? Hiccup tilts his head and taps the dragon’s paw and repeats the noise. Toothless gives a noise of encouragement. Hiccup lights up. He could learn to speak dragon! Dragonese? Dragonese.

Hiccup starts pointing at different things to get the noises for them. He says the Norse word and makes the sign for it so Toothless could understand humans. They go for hours, Toothless remaining just as excited as Hiccup.

They only pause when there is a call from above. Hiccup looks up and spots the Nadder that he had helped not too long ago flying with another dragon. Toothless picks Hiccup up and tucks the boy under his belly. Hiccup grumbles and is starkly of his brother.

He wiggles a bit as the dragon lands and chirps and barks. The Raincutter twists and whines. Hiccup had not seen one of these dragons often attacking Berk. He wriggles forward a little and Toothless hisses in a noise that Hiccup has started to understand means stay. He reaches up and pets and scratches at the inky black scales that are so warm against his fingers. Hiccup croons and purrs, hoping to convince Toothless to let him out.

Toothless lets out what sounds like a sigh. He licks Hiccup’s hair aggressively and then lets Hiccup up. Hiccup shifts out and croons to the Nadder.

“Hello again!! How are you?”

The Nadder bounces forward and butts against his outstretched hand. Hiccup scratches their chin and the dragon croons before licking his cheek and turning to the Raincutter. The Raincutter eyes him warily as the Nadder chirps and croons. Hiccup catches one of the noises that he has learned. He repeats it with a small head tilt.


He taps at his teeth with his fingers as he tests out the sound on his tongue. The Raincutter startles while the Nadder croons and Toothless gives a small approving noise before licking his face. Hiccup slowly moves forward, fingers splayed out to the Raincutter. The dragon sniffs and then presses into his hand. He gently rubs its snout and then makes encouraging noises so that it would show him the problem.

He sits down slowly and the dragon rests its head in his lap. Toothless curls up on his back and growls in warning to the dragon. The dragon just whines pitiously. Hiccup purrs and croons as it opens its mouth. Ah. There is a bit of metal in there, an arrowhead of some sort stuck in some bird skeleton. A bird must have gotten away after being shot and then the dragon was unlucky enough to eat it. Hiccup massages the snout of the dragon, takes a deep breath before reaching in. He had to help.

It was in pain. Toothless keeps giving the other dragon warnings as Hiccup wiggles out the metal and skeleton. His hands are warmed by the dragon’s breath and wetted by its spit. He chats to the dragon in Norse, keeping his voice calm and sweet as he works. He pulls it all out and the dragon freezes and then lets out a trumpet of victory, moving its mouth open and closed. It shoves its face into Hiccup’s stomach and licks him up and down, gaining a screech from Toothless who bats the dragon away.

“Aww Toothless. Don't be such a baby~! You are the only dragon for me bud.”

Hiccup wraps his arms around Toothless’ neck, both to stop a fight and to rub his face against scales that smell of storms and night.

Toothless warbles and chirps at him. The Raincutter lets out another noise and launches into the air. The Nadder stays and starts making noises at Toothless. Hiccup shifts to lay on Toothless’ back and enjoy both his dragon and the warm sunshine.



Chapter 13: Conversations


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Toothless watches warily as the Raincutter returns with a belly full of fish that she spilled out on the grass. His little hatchling makes a noise of disgust and presses further into Toothless' back. His little one cannot eat raw fish, as much as the gift in return for his help is kind. The Raincutter chirps.

“~This is for him and you. For helping me. I know it cannot cover a whole debt…~”

“~He has few words right now, so he cannot thank you. Human-hatchling has to have burned fish. He will appreciate being fed!~”

Toothless explains and drags some sticks together. Hiccup makes curious noises and shifts off his back to start to pull together sticks and small logs. Toothless lights up the pile and then nudges him towards the fish. Hiccup hesitantly picks up a fish, chattering his human words. He then starts burning the fish. Toothless scoops up a few fish to eat himself as the dragon has brought enough for him to fill his belly a little. He then curls up at Hiccup’s back. Hiccup croons and then purrs, running his hand against Toothless’ scales.

When the little one has finished eating, Hiccup starts pointing at things, making a noise that Toothless now knows is his hatchling asking for the right word for it. Toothless indulges his hatchling and the two other dragons join in. Hiccup makes excited noises after he repeats noises correctly. Toothless is quite proud of his little human, giving plenty of purrs and licks to encourage him to keep learning.

Hiccup then starts to make home noises and Toothless chirps and gets his little one up onto the dead animal skins. The two dragons bid farewell and Toothless launches up into the air, wind slice across his scales. His hatchling croons and sings into the sky. Toothless spins and croons, happy with his hatchling's joy. He calls out the sound for sky, long and loud. Hiccup repeats in and Toothless calls it out again before calling out to the god of the sky. Fyrwynd. He roars out to the god he favors that he hopes will favor him. A warm wind lifts him up slightly and that has to be his god. Hiccup tenses a bit on his back, pressing tighter against his back, probably sensing something. Toothless croons reassurance. He glides on the warm air, breathing in the smell of fire. Hiccup slowly relaxes and the warmth wraps around them both comfortingly before slipping away.

It is dark when they land. Hiccup bids him goodbye and scratches his chin.


Hiccup murmurs and then vanishes from the cave. Toothless whines and curls in on himself. He hates that he is sleeping alone. He wants his hatchling to stay. What does his hatchling fear that Hiccup feels safe going to alone but refuses to let Toothless follow?? He would need to investigate. Even if Hiccup came back fine every time… if it is anything like his own nest, then that may not be true forever. He would need to follow Hiccup next time. He has to. He has to know his hatchling will not be eaten.


Gobber talks.

Gobber talks a lot. And is nearly always in motion. It reminds Viggo of Hiccup. It aches how much it reminds him of Hiccup. He finds sleep evading him more and more. His brother is getting closer and closer to threatening him to get him to go to sleep. But Viggo’s mind is too busy plotting, trying to think of how to approach the Hysteric tribe.

Gobber is currently off the side of the ship scraping barnacles, telling a story from Berk while Viggo leans against the railing. Viggo is not used to people just telling him folk stories anymore. His brother used to tell him tales… before he thought he was too old for them. Gobber did not seem to think him too old.

It… it is sort of nice. To hear a tale of one of Gobber’s great-great-great uncles getting into a match of wits against Loki. Viggo knows some of it is exaggerated, as all good Viking stories are. He breathes and leans a little more heavily against the railing as he listens to Gobber ramble his way through the story. He closes his eyes, breathing in the salt air. Everything was heavy. So heavy.


Viggo opens his eyes and looks down at Gobber. The man is halfway through scraping that side of the ship. He looks concerned and Viggo knows he needs to redirect the conversation or have yet another person chasing after his health.

“You know you don't have to do that Gobber. You are a guest after all.”

Gobber shrugs and grins.

“I like being useful. And I feel better when my hand is busy.”

“Hiccup and Dagur always had to be doing things too. Dagur carved a lot. Made a puzzle box based on Hiccup’s designs one time.”

Gobber asks for further description and Viggo is careful to describe it to the man. Gobber is excited and asks further questions about its design while Viggo continues to lean and he continues to scrape barnacles.

It is…


Not too unlike a moment with family.

Viggo finds his eyes growing heavy as Gobber finishes scraping and hauls himself up the side of the boat.

“Off to bed with you, your voice is starting to get all scratchy with use. If we were on an island I'd boil up some of my great aunt Ryth’s voice tonic to knock off the edge, but we’re at sea, so sleep will do in this pinch.”

Viggo tries to protest, to be chief, but he somehow ends up herded back into a bed, tucked in with several furs piled on his chest. The only other person to ever have tucked him in was his brother. His mother had died in childbirth and never had the chance. And his father was not that kind of man. Gobber pats his side through the layers and Viggo can hear him step away, the uneven steps reminding him of Hiccup. His sleepy brain can almost imagine Hiccup there, safe with Dagur somewhere close by because the two never were very distant from each other.


Gahhhh love all of them so much!

Chapter 14: Unfortunate Meetings


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Toothless and Hiccup land and Hiccup scratches his kneck. The little hatchling then makes the noises for stay and moves away from him. Toothless follows after his rider hatchling in secret, knowing his little one hates him following him. But he is much too curious about his little inventor's nest and must see it. And perhaps decide whether or not it is worth the tiny hatchling returning to or if he should go back to trying to force Hiccup to stay with him. If Hiccup also had an evil Queen, he had to keep the hatchling safe. He keeps his body hidden in the shadows while he follows, careful to make no noise like he is stalking prey.

Hiccup goes down a hill and walks along a riverbank. Then a Viking appears and Toothless goes into panic mode. He had never seen another human like Hiccup. He is pretty sure his little rider is not human at all, and is actually a dragon beneath the strange furs and skins. His little hatching who lacked true wings.

And Vikings kill dragons!

With no remorse!

Toothless leaps down and shrieks, pulling Hiccup to his chest and covering his hatchling as he screams at the Viking. Hiccup is wiggling and chattering as the Viking howls and pulls a weapon. Toothless snarls and snaps.

“~Mine! Mine! Do not hurt!~”

Toothless howls. Hiccup squirms and the Viking screams moving forward to hurt his little hatchling. He hisses and tries to shoot at the Viking. But Hiccup shoves his head enough to make the blast go sideways and miss. Toothless’ first ever unintentional miss. He lets out a confused noise and then has to fight off the Viking, trying his best to keep the Viking from being able to harm Hiccup by not moving. He tries to bite and claw, flaring his wings and howling. But the Viking is quick and clever and keeps dodging.

Then Hiccup is no longer under him, the foolish brilliant little hatchling that he is. Toothless lets out a loud worried warble as Hiccup tackles the Viking. Toothless flares his wings with a warble as Hiccup sits on the Viking. Hiccup opens his mouth and then makes noises that sound like an imitation of the noises that Viggo had made before.

“~MY! MY!~”

Toothless warbles his confusion pacing back and forth and snarling at the Viking that is wriggling. Hiccup chatters his human noises to the Viking and it stills. Toothless smells no fear coming off the Viking, but it wafts off of Hiccup in waves. Hiccup stares him in the eye and then nuzzles the Viking. Toothless slowly lowers his wings and warbles again, pawing at the ground. He just wants his little one away from the dangerous Viking that could kill him like so many dragons had been killed by Vikings before. He can still smell the distinct smell of cold metal on the Viking that means it has hidden weapons. Weapons meant to kill and slice.

Hiccup huffs and whines and then chitters some more to the Viking, who makes a confused noise. Hiccup then starts licking the head fur of the Viking like Toothless did to mark Hiccup with his scent to warn and inform other dragons. Like other dragons had done to Hiccup when they dared get close. Toothless feels his tail swish in agitation and he creeps slowly forward sniffing.

The Viking tenses and Hiccup croons. But not to Toothless. To the Viking. Who calms instantly and closes his eyes, reeking of trust. Toothless creeps closer and presses his nose into Hiccup. And then slowly sniffs the Viking. They smell of each other. Enough to assume that they might be clutchmates. Toothless blows out hot hair at the Viking. But it does not even flinch. Hiccup taps his nose, and says the noises that were his Hiccup-given name. Then Hiccup touches the Viking with a noise. Hiccup repeats this a few times.


Toothless gets it and gives a grumbly chirp. If this is Hiccup’s clutchmate, that means Toothless will have to share. He huffs with irritation. He does not want to share his tiny precious hatchling-rider. Hiccup relaxes and lays down on the Viking’s chest. Dagur cracks open an eye and gently runs a finger through Hiccup’s head fur. It is a friendly gesture and it is too much for Toothless to handle. Toothless grabs the back of Hiccup’s loose fur, picks him up, and carries him a short distance away with Hiccup making his complaining noises. Dagur hops up and makes his own noise of irritation.

Hiccup then makes panicked noises and Toothless gently puts Hiccup down and covers him again, wings flaring. Hiccup keeps chittering and Dagur seems to understand him, taking off the weapons, dropping them to the ground, and then stepping to the side. Toothless lets the now less dangerous seeming Viking closer and then picks up his rider again and prances a little further away. Dagur makes a noise of anger and Hiccup makes more complaint noises and presses on his nose. Toothless puts Hiccup on his hind legs and then forces Hiccup up and onto his back, onto the saddle, and takes off at a run. He would not be able to fly because he doubts his hatchling wants him to be running if all the noises of irritation and frustration coming from Hiccup are anything to go by. If this Viking wanted to be around his hatchling, he would need to prove his dedication. No one deserved Hiccup’s attention but Toothless. But if he had to share, Toothless wants to know that they are worthy.


Ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hi. Im screaming.

Chapter 15: Flight


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dagur bolts after his brother who is in the saddle on the back of a dragon. A saddle that Hiccup had probably made himself if the tailfin and pedal he spots are anything to go by. Hiccup had told him that the dragon was safe and named Toothless. This had to be the side project that Hiccup had been talking about. Which…

It is objectively cool that his brother is riding and befriending a Night Fury. But also.

So terribly dangerous. But now after the initial shock and flash of fear had worn off, he is sort of excited. This is some sort of keep-away game. And sure the thing being kept away is his brother, but that meant the dragon meant no harm to Hiccup. So he can play along for now to figure the beast out.

He hops over a large bolder and bounds after the agile beast.

“Sorry, Dagur!! I don't know why he’s acting like this!!”

Hiccup calls back, hands tight on the saddle. Not scared. Just… a bit confused. Dagur lets out a wild cackle and rolls beneath a fast-swinging tree branch.

“I bet this is some sort of dragon game! And I'm going to win!”

He then ducks off from following right behind, moving much quieter now. The hunt is on. He would win. He creeps along the underbrush and follows the noises of the dragon. He can hear it sniffing and moving and he makes sure to stay downwind as he goes along. He clambers up into the low branches of the trees and quietly jumps between them.

It takes a little bit, but when the dragon pauses and swivels its head. Hiccup is whispering to the dragon, sounding vaguely annoyed. Dagur launches himself down from the tree, tackles Hiccup off the dragon, rolls to keep Hiccup from being hurt, and then is running away with his brother as the dragon roars.

Dagur and Toothless go back and forth running around the island and stealing Hiccup from each other. Hiccup just seems to have given up on trying to resist either of them and acts much like a sack of flour.

Finally, Dagur gets his little brother tucked into the back of a cave with an opening too small for the dragon. It snarls and hisses and paces a bit once it realizes that it cannot get in. Dagur shifts a bit to have Hiccup sitting in front of him so he can start combing through his brother’s messy locks with his fingers while keeping an eye on the beast.

“So, you befriended a Night Fury?”

Hiccup relaxes into his motions and makes a soft warble to the Night Fury that warbles back and lays down huffily outside.

“He… was shot out of the sky…”

And the whole story tumbles from his little brother’s lips, from his clever plan to get the men off the island without them knowing that they lived here to his first flight. Hiccup then takes a deep breath.

“I'm sure if you let me introduce you to him, he’d let you fly with us.”

Hiccup looks up at Dagur with hopeful big eyes. Dagur lets out a soft breath and nuzzles his brother’s hair. He presses his nose to Hiccup’s temple and breathes in the smells that cling to his little brother’s skin and hair.

“Alright, Hiccup. I trust you.”

He means it. He trusts Hiccup. He gives a little snort and speaks again.

“Though it's a little funny. You befriended the big scary dragon and I befriended the tiny ones.”


Hiccup chirps, spinning fully and poking at Dagur’s ribs.

“The Glory Sparks. I found them in the caves that crisscross underneath our island. I’ll introduce you to them later. And the whole cave system. I think your ‘Toothless’ is getting restless out there.”

He looks back at the Night Fury which is still staring. Hiccup hums and then squirms out of his arms, quietly crooning to the dragon as he exits the tiny cave. The dragon licks Hiccup's hands and purrs as his brother scratches his scales. Hiccup turns back and holds out his hand.

Dagur rises and gives his brother his hand and Hiccup slowly draws him closer. The scales are warm and smooth. The dragon huffs and then sniffs again, grunting something. Hiccup croons and chirps, shifting to slide into the saddle.

“So, want to fly?”

Hiccup offers. Dagur gives one final look into the dragon’s eyes, trying to judge if it will attack him for daring to climb on. Toothless stares back, looking just as wary of him as Dagur is of the dragon. He nods and then clambers on behind Hiccup, hugging his brother tightly from behind.

Then they launch up into the sky.

The wind rips at his braid and his skin, icy cold in comparison to the warmth of his brother and the dragon's warm scales. Hiccup leans forwards, letting out a shriek. They dive and Dagur cackles as his stomach goes weightless. Hiccup croons as they spin violently and coast right over treetops. They climb back up into the clouds, playing on the wind and between cloud cover. Their island looks so-so tiny as they dance in the sky around it. Dagur presses tightly into his brother as they spin a few more times. Then they are gliding above the clouds, skimming on sunbeams.

“That… woah.”

He whispers, fingers tight as he breathes in the wet air. Hiccup giggles.

“Amazing right?”

Dagur nuzzles Hiccup’s back.


He feels breathless. Hiccup purrs and Toothless croons, flapping his wings and then gently diving back down to the island.




They land but neither dismounts. Hiccup starts petting and scratching Toothless’ neck, seeming to draw comfort from the motion. His little brother speaks again.

“I have helped a few dragons out in the wilds. Dragons impacted by hunters. And… And I want to keep helping. Keep saving. Because… I know that dragons have hurt those I love. They killed Old Wrinkly and stole and likely killed my mother. But… we killed so many of them in return. I played a part in better-arming hunters against them. But dragons are more than killers… they have language… they can care… they…”

“No. I get it. I’ll help. We’ll need better armor and some masks. But I'm on board. I've… met good dragons too.”

Hiccup leans back against Dagur, meeting his eyes. Those forest green eyes glitter like trees at golden hour.

“You really are the best brother I could have asked for Dagur.”

Dagur grins. Toothless makes a huffing warble, sounding put out. Ah, jealousy. He can recognize the thing that so clearly taps in his own chest when Hiccup seeks comfort from Toothless.

They would just have to learn to share.



Chapter 16: Reflections


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Viggo swallows and grips the railing. He watches the waves rise and fall under the pale moonlight. Wind swirls around him, almost like it is trying to cool off the rage that burns him. The heat of his rage at himself threatens to tear him apart. He watches the waves as they rock the boat, watches the endless oceans that had acted as an escape route for children that had no reason to fear him or Ryker, but feared anyways.

Could he have stated his intentions differently? More neutrally? More flowery? What could he have done to make the answer a yes and not a terrifying no that could be permanent? No. It cannot be permanent he refuses to accept that and-

“Long night?”

His brother comes to lean his back on the railing beside him, polishing one of his blades that really does not need polish. But Viggo cannot blame his older brother for seeking comfort in familiar motions. Viggo frowns down at the waters that keep moving, uncaring of the human fates that are made upon them.

“Yes. Too many thoughts. A southern fort with the Hysterics will be beneficial but Im not sure they are here.”

His brother hums in reply. Out of the two of them, Viggo was the planner. And he should have planned the offer of adoption better. He had known better!

Air comes out of his mouth in a hiss.


He snarls at himself willing his brain to just shut up about his failure so that he could sleep for the first time in four days. Though really the two hours he had gone four days without sleep means very little.


His brother’s voice has an echo of worry he does not deserve. It is his fault, after all, that they are on this journey to find the two children. The two children he should have been able to keep safe. But he failed over and over. He feels tears warm his cheeks. He wonders if Hiccup had shed any more tears, fist in his mouth to silence the noise to hide away. He wonders if Dagur had to fight to keep his brother and drawn blood with his blades and had his own blood drawn in turn. He wondered if either was less whole than he when he saw them last. Had a leg or arm been lost? Had they lost those delightful sparks of life that merrily burned in their eyes that lit up in defiance of a cruel world that had cast them aside?

Viggo gags as he forces down sobs that threaten to rib him like the Raincutter’s talons that had tried to snatch away his own life. He clenches the railing, bending his head in defeat at the weight of his pain.

“I… I'm sorry. I scared them off and I should have-”

A familiar warm hand comes to rest on his back.

“It is my fault. I pressed and pressed you, brother. You never would have done anything if I had not been so pressing.”

“And yet, I was the one with the choice to act, brother dear. Have you ever known me to be someone who can be forced to do what I do not wish?”

He asks, while his heart screams. He is a fool. A fool that could be oh so clever and then fail at the most important moment. His tears warm his cheeks, but no tremble enters his voice and he is not sure that his brother knows that he is crying. He hopes not. His heart throbs and he tries not to crumble like the ash from a burning forest. Viggo has to go on. He does not flinch as Ryker punches the railing, sending rattles through the wood.

“How can you try to take all the blame?!”

“I've always been the more selfish of us two, my dearest brother.”

He whispers deathly calm filling his voice as surety of his guilt soaks his chest. His moves to be head tilting upwards as tears drip down his cheeks, touching his lips, slipping down to his neck, and then winding beneath his armor. The wind picks up as if agreeing and it spirals around them. Ryker hits the railing again and snarls ferally.

“You’re not! You aren't!! You have never been- you always- How dare you say such things?! Do not take on my guilt!”

Ryker snaps and snarls and hits the railing again and again, splintering it again from rage. A rage that is a screeching blaze demanding to be heard and felt and yet… Viggo looks to the stars and wonders for a moment what it might be like to join those lights in the infinite void of darkness that fills the night. He knows the stars would reflect in the water below if he just looked. That he could join those lights if he just stepped over the edge. But then he would not find the two.

“But I am-”

His sentence is interrupted as Ryker yanks his arms and grips both of his arms hard enough to bruise and Viggo is forced to look into his bothers pained face. Ryker is red with rage and grief and Viggo is silent in his tears. They stare at each other. Ryker’s hand comes to his cheek, wiping the tear and leaving a thin trail of blood from his broken skin in its place. Viggo finds his tongue.

“I am chief. I make the calls. And I made the wrong one.”

He whispers, voice finally trembling.

“And I advise you. And my advice was wrong.”

Ryker’s voice is now hushed.

“Maybe you should both just say you hold part of the guilt and the other part belongs to those boys’ fathers for being unsuited to raisin’ either of them and get some sleep so that you might actually be of use tomorrow.”

Both startle at Gobber’s voice cutting in and the man raises an eyebrow.

“I… yes. That would be wise.”

Viggo whispers. Gobber nods as they start to move.

“And treat that wound.”

Gobber adds. Ryker makes a small embarrassed noise.

“I.. didn’t notice that.”

Gobber snorts at Ryker's words.

“You’re a lot like them you know. Hiccup was always overthinking and Dagur was a quick spark to rage.”

Both stutter a bit at the comparison.


Hehe love gobber

Chapter 17: Cracking Cages


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hiccup chirps and purrs as the Glory Sparks crawl all over Dagur, Toothless, and him. The large dragon looks confused and sticks close to Hiccup’s right. Dagur sticks just as close to Hiccup’s left. He relaxes against both of them, tiredness beginning to tap at his mind after all the excitement of the day. Toothless chips and licks his hand. Hiccup sleepily giggles and wriggles a little to be closer to the warm scales.

He is so glad that Dagur had not killed Toothless. And that Toothless had not killed Dagur. He reaches out to Dagur with his left hand and squeezes.

“These caves… so fascinating. I can't wait to explore more of them with you.”

He closes his eyes as his head presses into his brother’s shoulder. Dagur squeezes his hand while Toothless rumbles and licks his hair a little more aggressively.

“I think he gets it you big lizard.”

Dagur huffs irritably and Hiccup giggles sleepily again. Toothless gives a sharp bark and gives him a slightly harsher lick. Hiccup hums and moves his arm so that Toothless’ head is pressing into his chest.

“I told you bud, you're the only dragon for me. But you have to be nice to Dagur.”

He whispers to the dragon, yawning a little and then drifting off. So warm. So safe. No one would be able to hurt him with Toothless and Dagur right here. Not even Stoick could snatch him away.


Dagur eyes the dragon that eyes him in turn.

“Look. We both care about Hiccup and want him happy and safe, so let’s… just be civil.”

The dragon eyes him a little longer, and Dagur is not sure that it even understands him. Then it huffs out a plume of smoke at him and shifts. It lays on its side, belly exposed. Toothless opens his wing, the other underneath the dragon. Dagur sees the invitation for what it is and draws Hiccup and himself to the dragon's side. A few Glory Sparks crawl in with them, purring and singing softly. The wing loops down around them both and they settle in the warmth. Dagur runs his hands gently up and down his little brother's back.


He should have been there for Hiccup, not been traipsing through caves and crying over his choice to be afraid of the Grimborn's offer and running. He should have been there. Hiccup could have been killed or taken by those hunters.

But Hiccup had someone. Someone who had spent their time with him while Dagur was gone. And as much as it hurts. As much as sharing makes him ache, Dagur can see that he is only a man. Only human. He touches the dragon, who snorts and huffs at his touch.

“Look… I … thanks. And help me keep him alive okay? Between the two of us he should be able to reach a good prime age and really earn that epithet of Hiccup the wise. I just want him to get a chance to have wrinkles and grey hair.”

He admits. The dragon is silent for a bit. Then Toothless rumbles and croons, quickly giving Dagur a lick on the hair. Dagur figures that's as much agreement as he is ever going to get. He settles into sleep.


Things change and things stay the same. Dagur still explores the caves, but now Hiccup often comes with him and they map out large sections, figuring out what might have been done in each place and finding more exits and windows with strange glass unable to be seen from the outside. Toothless travels with them, sparking debates between him and Dagur about who gets to carry Hiccup if the smallest gets tired.

Glory Sparks start roaming the island at night, lights making the island feel otherworldly at times. Dagur worries that it might draw unwanted attention, but Hiccup points out that Toothless is here now. Along with a Nadder and Raincutter that had come a few days after the two boys had shared secrets. Hiccup admits to knowing and helping these dragons and that makes Dagur less jumpy.

Hiccup still flies, occasionally joined by Dagur. Often it is full of playing on the winds and seeing how far and fast they can go and just as often they are aiding hurt dragons.

They soon develop armor and helmets to obscure who they are in case they ever come across an active hunt. Hiccup has something to hide that his leg is metal but prefers to not keep the covering over his prosthetic as it makes him more likely to trip.


Hiccup sits in a tree watching the hunters moving around below. Dragons cry out, in pain and fear and Hiccup can understand so much more than he used to be able to. He had not meant to come across a camp of hunters while on an exploratory flight, yet here he sits. He grips the barks with his hands, still having not perfected claws for himself yet.

Toothless quietly chuffs and pokes his side. Hiccup lets out a soft chitter, tugging his helmet to be more secure. He is glad for the crown braid that Dagur had given him this morning that keeps his hair in place. He slips onto Toothless' saddle and has the dragon crawl through the lengthing shadows. It would soon be night, a half decent time to strike and help get dragons out of the cages.

He pulls out a thin bit of metal and starts working the locks, knowing Gronckle iron is resistant to all the but the highest flames for a long period of time. And he is not sure a plasma blast is hot enough nor sustained enough to test it out. He moves quick, like a leaf in a gale wind from cage to cage, softly crooning and purring to each dragon to get them calm and then gets them to escape.

Yells alert him that his work has been noticed. He tugs on the strap that keeps his repainted shield affixed to his back, mentally assuring himself that it is there. He hears Toothless shriek and the warmth of a blast makes his bones tingle.

There! The last cage done!

He hops onto Toothless’ back and they launch upwards as the Hunters start yelling loudly and firing off into the night sky with a combined shriek. Next time he would try to have Dagur at his side so that fear did not hammer so fiercely at his heart. Dragons trail behind them as they arch into the sky.



Chapter 18


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ryker walks the market, heart aching ever so slightly knowing that they had not found the boys yet. He takes a breath, breathing in the scent of the Markets. A hand gently touches his arm and he spins, ready for a fight.

Her hair is still such a dark brown, framing piercing brown eyes that have the beginning of crow's feet at their edges.

That is the first thought to enter Ryker’s mind as he turns to look at Clelia. Her long single braid is a little loose, with a few strands having slipped out. Part of her hair is swooped rather intentionally over a part of her face. Edges of scars peek between the strands of hair on the right of her face.


The greeting slips out, with no grandness about it. Not a very impressive greeting. He wishes he had better spur-of-the-moment diction like his brother, if only to be a bit impressive. She gives a grin.

“Hi. I guess you didnt find them. I can't imagine that you would be wandering around without at least one of them on your hip if you had.”

Ryker looks away embarrassed by his failure. She tugs on his arm.

“I'm sorry, I did not mean to-”

“No, it's alright. I failed to find them and that's a failure I have to live with.”

He interrupts, looking back at her with a shrug. She gives a soft but thoughtful frown.

“I don't think it's a failure on your part. I think those boys are probably scared and hiding. And people who are hiding are naturally harder to find. Come, I have more mead for you. And I’d like to catch up if you have the time to spare.”

Ryker finds himself willingly led back to her stall, ducking into the tent and sitting down on the provided stool. She supplies him with honey-soaked oatcakes and a warm tea-like drink made of honey with dried lemons boiled in water. He sits and speaks of their journey southward, of the Berkians and what had been true in her research and what had been absent. She moves about, working as they talked. She provides him with the going on of the Markets and new information that might be nothing, might be something.

They run out of information relating to the Bloodwrath brothers and they slowly begin to speak of other things. She occasionally ducks out to take care of her stall and ends up closing it early, with Ryker helping her store everything and lock up for the afternoon.

They begin to walk around the market together. They do not hold hands, nor touch. But they walk side by side through the stalls, meandering back and forth. They talk in soft tones about life and the world, the sunlight starting to fade, the last bits of its gold light catching in a rather fetching way in Clelia’s hair. However, the walk has to end and Ryker starts to give his goodbyes.

“I will let you know if I get any more information when you come back to the market… You will be back? Right?”

Clelia asks, hands folding into each other as she looks up at him. Ryker bends his head slightly.

“I do plan to return. We do have to keep our tribe running while we hunt for them.”

“Then I look forward to seeing you once again.”

She says and he takes the gifted mead with a deep thank you. He returns to the ship by the light of the moon and finds his brother and Gobber talking on the deck. Viggo looks at him and Ryker shakes his head slightly.

“Clelia hasn't heard anything about them. Nothing good, nothing bad. She will keep listening for us though. So if any information about them passes through here, she’ll let us know.”

Viggo nods quietly and looks to the sky that is starting to fill with the guiding stars of night. His brother’s eyes are like ice, glittering and cold. They are determined. So determined.

“We will have to divide up to keep our business going and to put more eyes out on the seas. We have continued working, but only half the fleet. Our business needs a return to closer to full ranks. Or risk our tribe. One bad hunting season won't ruin us, but I cannot justify it to the whole tribe.”

The last bit sounds empty and cold. The hollowness of Viggo’s voice hides his anger underneath is stretching neutralness. Ryker feels a flash of his own anger and then touches one of the barrels of mead, a flash of memory calming him.

“Take Gobber with you. You're keeping further south, right? Gobber, you know something about all the tribes, yeah?”

Someone needs to get Viggo to eat. To drink. To sleep. Gobber seems like a good man for the job. And maybe Viggo can convince the man to calm down on all the work he did around the ship. Viggo blinks and Gobber replies.

“I do. Gone to war with a few of them and participated in at least a Thing or three with most of the rest. I'm happy to help, especially if it means fewer Vikings having to suffer through heavy dragon raids.”

Viggo looks back from the stars and looks to Ryker.

“My ships will take longer to hunt and sail here and the other markets. I will be able to return here every three or so months. If you stay in the area you'll be able to come here most months. So on the last week, three months from now, I will see you again.”

Ryker sighs softly. Not the longest that they had been apart, but it felt heavier somehow this time. Gobber hums and then speaks, voice jovial.

“Well, if this is to be our last night seeing each other, then let's not spend it moping! I say let's eat a hearty meal and make some memories to keep us warm on the seas, ey?”

Gobber’s energy is infectious and Ryker finds himself smiling slightly.

“Sounds good to me, what say you, Viggo?”

“I still have plannin-”

“Too much planning will rot your brain, get a move on boyo, there is meat to be eaten and stories to be shared.”

Gobber interrupts Viggo and pushes at him to get him off the ship. Ryker snorts at Viggo’s confused face and helps Gobber escort him off of the ship to go enjoy themselves. The worry and fear for the two boys are still present, lingering like dew on grass blades in the early morning. But right this second is not the time to fall completely into those feelings. For right now they can have a small spark of happiness to tide them over for the rough times that are sure to come. That always seemed to come.


Ahhhhhhh clelia ahhhh ryker.

Chapter 19


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dagur passes a bowl of stew to Hiccup. They lay in the moss beneath trees. Glory Sparks dart about above on the branches of Oak and Birchod. He wishes that he had his little brother curled in his side but Toothless is currently hogging Hiccup. Dagur huffs and starts eating his own stew moodily. He like that his brother has a big fierce beast at his side, but hates having to share so much. If he was down to share Hiccup, his interactions with the Grimborns would have started out friendlier.

“It tastes good Dagur.”

Hiccup says licking his spoon and letting out distinctively dragon chirps. Something, something, good food if Dagur's understanding holds true. Hiccup had been working to teach him everything that Toothless taught him. Dagur churrs back and then chews on his own spoonful.

Hiccup sighs and Dagur makes a questioning noise.

“It's just… I sort of miss honey. And berries aside from the ones on our island.”

Hiccup gives a little shrug and Dagur feels bad instantly. While they both agreed running into the Grimborns now would be less than ideal and they still needed to avoid the markets, the initial choice to avoid them and the markets had been made by Dagur. He had snatched away Hiccup's chances for sweets and comfort. He stands abruptly, full of determination.

“Let's hunt down a bee hive. Toothless can make smoke to make them sleepy and then we can get some honeycomb.”

Hiccup looks at him with startled green eyes that look like wild glades full of grass.

“I- It's okay Dagur. You don't have to try to get me sweets. I don't need them to survive.”

Hiccup murmurs running his hands across the midnight black scales of Toothless' hide. The dragon peeks out at Dagur, seemingly irritated by the teen’s noise level. Dagur huffs.

“But you clearly miss it. Let me fix this.”

He almost begs, hating that he cannot give his brother everything in the world at the snap of his fingers. He oh so wishes he could. Hiccup deserves it. Hiccup shakes his head.

“There is nothing to fix. Sure I miss it. But I have you and Toothless right here with me, so who am I to complain? I love you Dagur. But if it makes you feel better, if you spot a beehive while we are out you can get some honey for me. I would welcome it.”

Dagur sighs but accepts what Hiccup says sitting back down. He watches as Hiccup chirps and croons to Toothless, a smile on his face. Hiccup is happy. And while not all that happiness comes from Dagur, the teen supposes that he would have to be okay with that. As long as Hiccup keeps smiling and laughing, he would be okay in the end.


It is probably unhealthy to think that Hiccup would never grow closer with others. He dislikes the thought but all great men had their friends and followers. And one day Hiccup will be a great man. Dagur can feel it in his bones.

So he will deal with having to share Hiccup with the dragons. It is not as if Hiccup would stop loving him because of his closeness to these creatures. Hiccup was not the type to abandon loved ones so easily. There would be a fight or breaking point. Hiccup had stayed with Berk and been loyal to them for so long because of that character trait.


Toothless wakes with a start as he hears his hatchling scream. Hiccup's paw is in his mouth muffling the sound nearly instantly. Toothless lets out worried warbles as his nostrils scent the metallic tang of blood. He pulls Hiccup close and croons but how little one seems to grow ever more hysterical, crying and whimpering and biting himself. The other little one, who is much more of a Viking but isn't a Viking and is his hatchlings clutchmate, starts shoving at his wing.

Toothless snarls, keeping Hiccup hidden and close. Dagur growls at him and stomps his foot while his teeth nash. He then says Hiccup’s name softly and smells of desperation. Maybe… maybe this Viking could help where Toothless' own ministrations seem to fail. He lifts a wing and Dagur darts forward drawing Hiccup to his chest and starts singing.

The drake understands little of the melody's word meaning, only picking up a bit of Viking language here and there. But Hiccup quiets. Hiccup nuzzles into Dagur's chest and whimpers and whines, awake and scared. Dagur rocks the hatchling, crooning. Toothless warbles with worry and Dagur paused before holding out a hand. Toothless sniffs and lets the not-Viking guide his head gently to Hiccup's chest. Toothless lays down with his head pressing gently into his hatching’s belly as Dagur continues to sing and work with Hiccup's head fur to make a pattern.

Toothless tries to emulate the song Dagur is singing and his little hatchling giggles and relaxes further, scratching his scales in a pleasant way. Hiccup eventually falls asleep. And soon Dagur joins the the little one. Toothless hesitates for a moment but then licks family scent onto Dagur's head and brings both hatchlings under his wing to sleep.

His hatchling is human. So it makes sense that Hiccup would need other humans. And this one meant no harm to Hiccup. None at all. Dagur feeds and cares for Hiccup, in ways that Toothless cannot as a drake.

He practices the song that Dagur had sung, some human thing that he is unsure of the meaning. But if it helped his little one…

The small dragons, that had happily taken the title gifted by Dagur, sing along with him.

“~It is a song of hope.~”

One chitters as it sneaks under Toothless’ wing to press against Dagur.

“~It is?~”

“~Fyresaule sang it a lot when he’d get lost.~”

Ah their name for Dagur. Toothless looks down at the two sleeping boys. He had thought it before but now the thought is more firmly affixed in his brain. While Hiccup would always be his first priority and his little rider and little hatchling, Dagur is his hatchling now two. So he licks both, marking them as such, and settles to sing again. The Glory Sparks giggle at him and call him a fool for waiting so long to claim Dagur too. Did he not smell that they were a pair? They ask, and proceed to call him silly before all settle to sleep.


WHhooot I love Toothless so much.

Chapter 20: Haelan


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dagur grips tightly to his brother as they fly through the night. They had been scoping out an island that had an ongoing hunt and they were going to go in and free the dragons there. It is a bit exciting and a bit nerve-wracking. This is the first active hunt they are intentionally going after rather than just random traps or running across hurt dragons. He rechecks his ax and helmet and then slips onto the ground as Toothless lands.

Both brothers had a planned role and he is going to execute his part perfectly. His traps are pain easily and he can hear hunters being ensnared nonlethality as they rush towards the sounds of escaping dragons.

He comes across one cage not yet emptied. Oh… A Thornridge is defensively standing over a Monsterous Nightmare and her three eggs. Ah. He breathes softly.

“~I’m friend. Please. Free. Sky. I help.~”

His dragonese is not as good as Hiccup’s but he is trying. He holds out his hand and the Thornrigde presses it into his palm. He scratches the chin and it seems like it will follow him.

“Hey! You!”

A loud snarl of a hunter. He twists and draws his ax, getting between the hunter and the between dragons. He twirls it and growls lowly.

“~Take friend and go!~”

He calls back and then leaps forward. Metal clangs on metal. He ducks and spins under a strike. He kicks out the hunter’s leg. And then another hunter enters the fight. And another and another. And Dagur fears that he might have to go against Hiccup’s request to kill no one when these men are so determined to kill him.

Suddenly, flames dance around them and the hunters leap backward. The Thornridge howls and stands at his side. It lowers its neck and he clambers on. He notes that the Monsterous Nightmare is already gone. Good.

The Thornridge roars and then takes off into the sky. He gently steers the dragon by the horns towards where he knows that his brother will be. And it listens.

Toothless and Hiccup croon as they join the flock of dragons flying free. Dagur gives a wave and Hiccup shifts to fly beneath. Dagur adjusts his weight and then leaps down. He would not force the Thornridge to fly with them back to their home. He is a free dragon now.

But the Thornridge continues to follow them even as other dragons peel off. The Monsterous Nightmare follows too. When they arrive home the Monsterous Nightmare settles her eggs down in one of the caves under the island and when the boys notice that the dragons all are dragging branches and dry leaves down to the eggs, they immediately chip in.


Toothless licks Hiccup’s head fur, purring contently to himself as his hatchling works with his hands to repair his false scales that kept his skin safe. Dagur is currently being followed around by the named Thornridge, Haelan. Haelan is trying to catch Dagur and Dagur darts about laughing. It is a good game to play with a hatchling. Teach them how to keep an eye out in all directions and avoid predators.

Haelan eventually captures Dagur and trots with the complaining hatching over to Toothless and Hiccup. Haelan places Dagur at his side, pinning the fierce hatchling with a wing and then nuzzling and crooning happily to the little one. Dagur relaxes slowly and breathes deeply, chittering a little bit to Hiccup. Bits of dragonese slips in and out.

“~Happy Hiccup?~”

Dagur asks, curling into Haelan’s side.

“~Happy and safe clutchmate.~”

Hiccup croons, patting Toothless’ snout.

“~Love my little hatchling.~”

Toothless croons, licking Hiccup’s cheek and getting a giggle. Dagur puffs as Haelan licks his red hair.

Haelan had sought Toothless’ permission to look after Dagur as his hatchling almost immediately after meeting Dagur a week ago. Toothless had been a little offended at the thought of sharing at first, even if Hiccup is more of his priority. But Dagur is bigger and better at scaring enemies. That did not mean he wanted to hand over the responsibility of caring for one of his to a stranger. Haelan had been a bit confused at first, before gently explaining that in nests and outside of them, it was not unusual for many dragons to look out for the same hatchling. Toothless had snarled at the idea of sharing his loved ones. And it took a day and a half of convincing and showing that Haelan can provide and protect for Toothless to let Haelan make a shared claim on Dagur. But only on Dagur.

Dagur shifts and paws at Haelan’s muzzle. He purrs and Haelan churrs.

“~Sleep hatchling.~”

Haelan pushes Dagur further under his wing.


Dagur whines trying to wriggle out. Hiccup and Toothless give warbling laughter at Dagur’s plight. Dagur struggles more.

“~Hiccup not sleep!~”

The dragonese of the human hatchlings is still broken but much more understandable now. Toothless hums and then agrees, Hiccup needs a nap too. He picks up his hatchling with a chirp and starts carrying him to the cave. Haelan quickly follows with Dagur. Both hatchlings complain loudly. They curl up in the home cave and settle into restful states.

Toothless wakes a little later and finds that somehow, Dagur had snuck under his wing to cling onto Hiccup. And… Toothless is tucked under Haelan’s wing. Toothless makes a questioning murp noise. Haelan gently nudges him.

“~Relax, Spiketail, Stormnight, and I are watching. And so are the Glory Sparks.~”

Spiketail, the Nadder that Hiccup had helped, and Stormnight, the Raincutter that Spiketail had led to Hiccup for help, both croon from the entrance and then take off to fly around the island.

It is safe to sleep. He breathes and puffs out a small amount of smoke. A soft croon of thanks. He closes his eyes and tucks his snout down to the head fur of both hatchlings. Dagur stirs and pats him gently and Toothless sings softly a tune passed down through his nest warning about the queen and all the different ways to stay uneaten. Haelan stiffens beside him, seeming to be uncomfortable with the implications.


Haelan has arrivedddd

Chapter 21: Honey


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ryker spots someone in all black starting to mess with one of the cages.

“Hey! You!”

He yells out and the man turns, pulling a far too familiar shield off of his back, uncollapsing it, and then uses it to shoot. He snarls and knocks the bolt to the side with one of his blades. Then he surges forward as the filthy thief collapses the shield and then uses it to block his strike. He howls loudly in rage and bitter pain. That shield was Hiccup’s. The bounce of his blade off of its surface, the way that it shifts into the form of a crossbow, and the placements of the fasteners.

Rage swells in his heart and his blades smash harder against the shield. His men had told him of dragon freers wrecking their hunts. But to know that this rider had stolen something from Hiccup? That they might have had something to do with the boys’ permanent disappearance? Fills him with bottomless rage.

Then a Night Fury fires at him and he leaps away. The figure pops open the cage and then leaps onto the Night Fury. He yells and other hunters come rushing with bows and swords. Ryker ducks as another Night Fury blast and yells at his men to shoot. They fire and a Thornridge joins the Night Fury in attacking from above. The human gives a inhuman shriek and all the dragons begin to fly away. Anger pounds against Ryker’s chest as he slams his blade into a nearby tree. Those horrible stinking riders. Did they kill the Bloodwrathers? Kidnap them? He yanks his sword back out, cuts into the tree again, and cuts it down with brute force. He snarls and howls.

His men keep their distance as he rages and fells another tree. He stabs the ground and closes his eyes. He has to control himself. He has to. He is currently in charge of these men and he has to lead them. They were just attacked. He wishes that Viggo was still in the north. He could use his advice right now. He could use him leading right now.

His voice quakes with rage as he speaks.

“Fortify the boats and whatever catches we can manage. We will have to make a stop on another island to fill the quota. Tighter guard rotations and faster hustling of cages onto the boats. Those can repel attacks better than island-based camps.”

And then he punches a tree, causing his knuckles to bleed.


Clelia flinches away from the touch to her shoulder, a knife flicking out into her hand. Ryker takes a step back, both hands up and empty. Both of them take a moment and breath. She lowers the knife, breathes coming out shaky. Scared.


He is not a master of words like his brother. He does not know how to make things better with just the right diction and tone. He flexes his wrapped hand. Clelia swallows and shakes her head, smiling a little ruefully.

“No, you caught me unawares is all. I do not like to be touched on the shoulder.”

He moves forward slightly.

“I suppose in the future I will be more careful in getting your attention. And avoid your shoulder”

He says softly. She hums.

“Indeed. Or be diced into itty bitty pieces by my knife.”

Her voice has an edge of teasing as she tucks her knife away.

“A fate I do wish to avoid. It would be very hard to talk to you if you sliced me up.”

A smile quirks on his lips and a touch of red graces her ears. Clelia lets out a soft snort.

“It sure would be. I have some news from the West, but it is likely things you have already heard. And nothing of the two boys. Sorry, Ryker.”

She pats his hand and he shakes his head.

“Don't be. At least you're keeping an ear out. That means a lot to me.”

He smiles. He debates whether to share his new information or not. He settles on telling her, knowing that she cares for the boys too.

“I… there is… There are dragon riders going around interrupting our hunts and… One of them has Hiccup’s shield.”

Clelia breathes deeply and looks to the side with a quick smattering of Latin that Ryker only understands ‘watch’ and the god ‘Mercury’.

“They might still be alive.”

She says brown eyes sparking in determination as they meet his.

“They have to be.”

His reply is a little shaky.

“Then they are. And you will find them.”

Her words are firm and he believes them.

They start to walk around the market together much like last time. They chat about the news, the latest dragon hunts, and a bit of a discussion about food, both trying to distract each other from their pain.

“Now I've only had it the once, but peaco*ck in gravy and apples baked in honey stuffed within, hands down the best meal that I have had.”

They walk side by side, hands occasionally brushing. Ryker makes a face.

“That sounds horrific. You really are from the Roman Empire to have tastes like that.”

“Oh, and you as a barbaric Norse man have such refined tastes.”

She is teasing him, eyes glittering fiercely. He snorts.

“I drink dragon blood and raw deer entrails every day. Very refined, very delicious, and absolutely my favorite meal.”

He jokes as she scrunches her nose and moves a bit of hair out of her eyes.

“No, you don't.”

She says as she laughs. It sounds like chimes. He hums.

“You caught me. It's your oatcakes. The honey makes my day just a little brighter. And your mead makes the nights a little easier out on the waters.”

Truth slips out easily. Her eyes widen slightly and that laughter fades as a slightly stunned look passes through those brown eyes. He reaches out with his pinky as her hand passes by his again. He captures her pinky in his, a hold very easy to escape, mindful of that sharp fear he had seen in her eyes when he had touched her before. Her hand twitches and then her pinky curls around his, tight and shaking ever so slightly.

“I- I am glad to hear it.”

A beat of silence as they continue to walk. She then speaks again.

“I am happy to give you more. Mead I mean.”

He curls his pinky a little tighter around hers.

“I would be glad to buy it.”

“No. It is a gift. Those nights at sea must be rough. Neptune… ah, Njord? Can get restless with his waves.”

She slips a bit but then is smiling at him. Ryker gives a small smile back.

“Yes, he can.”


Hedheeh ryker gets his chapter because I love him and the fandom doesnt love him enough.

Chapter 22: Reflectionss


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hiccup presses against Toothless scales. Fighting Ryker had rattled him. It made his heart ache so bad to see the pure rage in that mans face aimed at him. He has yet to say anything to Dagur, instead simply telling his brother that he needs some time to fly on his own. The warmth of Toothless’ scales only marks out how cold the world is as he flies. But he does not mind the cold if it means a little numbness.

He had been looking for information while raiding the camp, as it had not just been a freeing mission. Actually, the freeing of the dragons had come after he had managed to sneak a look at some maps and plans of the hunters. For some reason, their operation had stretched further south than before, meaning that Dagur and he would need to journey southward more to be able to help all the dragons that they could. A few more raids to the northern camps and then they would fly south.

Maybe they could just talk to Viggo and Ryker and stop all this without the sneaking and fighting…

No. That burning hate in Ryker’s eyes meant talking was never going to be on the table.

He presses his face closer and they soar above the clouds and dive down and twists against the wind and waves. He breathes in the salt and the clean air. He breathes in the smoky plasma smell of Toothless’ scales.


They hit warm air. A very very sudden burst of warm air. He opens his eyes and look around. He pulls Toothless up, terribly interested in figuring out why there is a sudden warm burst of air. And something to distract his racing mind is just what he needs. There seems to be a circle of large rocks, some of which are very tall sea stacks and some are lower to the sea. A bit of steam coils up from the sea, in almost the same circle as the sea stack. Something glows beneath the waves.

A… An undersea volcano.

Toothless stretches out his wings and they float.


It is Toothless’ way of asking to do more unsafe flying. Hiccup chirps affirmative. They let the warm air lift them up and then Hiccup rolls off the back of Toothless’ back. Toothless dives down beside him and they coil around each other as they fall and then they rejoin and float on the warm air.

They float and fall a few more times, each burst of adrenaline helping Hiccup’s mind focus. Maybe… maybe he could make some wings for himself? This would be a great place to practice. They roll through the air again and Hiccup revels both in how safe that he feels and how warm.

They would be heading further south soon. Closer to berk. Closer to whatever nest Toothless came from. He breathes deeply. Things would be fine. Probably.


Dagur stares at his reflection in a pool of water. The three blue strikes that had given him such pride mock him in his reflection. He reaches out towards the water and hesitates right above it. The dyes he used to apply the marking was meant to resist water unless it was a conscious effort to scrub it. He takes a breath and then shoves his face into the water. He scrubs at his face with his hands, nails clawing at his past and yanking it off. The scrubbing burns his skin and he has to come up for air.

Haelan whimpers and shoves his snout into his face. Dagur presses his face into the scales as Haelan pulls him close and gently licks him. He has a future with dragons, but it still feels so weird to fully remove his past from his face. He scratches his nails across the scales and nuzzles the dragon that chose to follow him despite freedom being right there. Loyalty earned from his actions.

This is more worthwhile than the paint. Than the glory that the paint was supposed to represent. He climbs onto Haelan’s back and the Thornridge takes off to fly around the island.

As more dragons come to the island, and as the fires of the hatchery burn, smoke has started coming out of the waters. It creates a foggy haze around their island that make the rocks that much more treacherous. It was a design of the original people who had lived here with dragons. To make their home safer. They glide through the steam before arriving back home and darting through the cave to dive back down into the underground. Hiccup is curled up there with Toothless working on something while chittering to the dragons that surround him.

Many of those that they had saved had eventually come to join them, often bringing family or clan with them. He slips off of Haelan and gets the dragon to spit a bit a fire to allow Dagur to start cooking. He tosses the Thornridge a bit of fish, getting a chirp of thanks from Haelan. Hiccup makes a noise.



Dagur replies. Each day his brother uses less and less Norse. Dagur is just happy that he has been able to learn and mostly keep up with his brother in Dragonese. But… he does worry. That Hiccup might lose being human. Already his brother builds claws and purrs in his sleep.

But Hiccup is still Hiccup, no matter what.

Hiccup is still doodling and rereading all their books. Hiccup still creates new inventions and loves to play chess, Maces and Talons, and checkers with Dagur. His little brother is not gone.

Just… Changed.

Like with how life does with everything if given time.

Everything changes. For better, for worse.

And Hiccup is changing.


So is he.

He finishes cooking and passes a bowl of stew to Hiccup who chirps out his thanks and immediately starts digging in. Dagur chews on the food, holding back a sigh. He misses baking bread. But they grew no wheat and could buy no flour. It would be nice to bite into bread again.


Bing bong!! Here we go!!!!!

Chapter 23: Oceans apart


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Viggo stares at the map before him, trying to blink away the haziness of the lines. Tiredness nips at his bones but his mind's whirring completely overrides it. He finds his teeth digging into his cheek flesh. His bones feel heavy from lack of sleep, but he has to finish mapping this course and picking what islands Hiccup and Dagur may have hid on and figure out just what to say that would not scare them further and-

“You know, Hiccup got a similar look while working in the forge. Though, sleepy eyes and hot metal are a terrible combination. You should go to bed.”

Gobber’s voice draws him out of his mind. Viggo sighs.

“I will rest once I have plotted our course-”

“You've already got us plotted for the next two weeks. Plotting more now isn't going to help given that only the gods know the weather that far in advance.”

Gobber raises an eyebrow and holds out a steaming mug. Viggo takes it, more out of instinct than anything else, fingers slowly curling over the warmth. He is about to make another argument, but then Gobber keeps speaking.

“It's good of you to worry for those boys. Not many people can say they care as much about those two as you do. But an empty yak feeds no one. Go to bed and get new ideas in the morning.”

Viggo sullenly sips on the drink, not liking that Gobbee is making good points.

“I’d rather-”

“The bags under your eyes are darker than the blood of Hod.”

Viggo huffs in affront at being interrupted so, but the warmth of the drink and the heaviness of his eyes tempt him into listening.

“Fine. I will sleep.”

“And I will wake you if you're needed.”

It is a little reassuring to have someone older take charge. Viggo is so used to being the pillar that holds everything up…

He sits on the bed in the corner and Gobber puts out the lights waving goodbye before exiting the cabin.

He slips into bed and finds, despite the bone-breaking weariness, that he is still struggling to sleep. He thinks of Hiccup, and their games together. Of how the little one would glow from praise and would smile so brightly. That kid had a smile that felt like a familiar port. Welcoming and known. He breathes deeply. Then Dagur comes to mind. Of how Dagur would laugh clear and loud like a crackling fire on fresh wood. Of the fierce love the older clearly displayed for Hiccup. Dagure was sharp, dangerous to foes, and protective of family.

He hopes the two of them are able to keep each other safe. His teeth worry the inside of his cheeks, drawing blood. He breathes through his nose and closes his eyes tightly against his mind starting to spin through the different things that might have happened to them.

They may have gotten sick again.

They may have been attacked by another tribe.

They may have been attacked by dragons.

He sits up, unable to sleep. He relights a candle and paces.

Gobber comes back in with a raised eyebrow.

“I thought I told you to go to sleep.”

“I tried that.”

He bites back, still pacing.

“Let me tell you a story about Hiccup. Sit down.”

Viggo blinks and then settles, wanting to learn more about one of the boys he hoped to bring into his family. Hoped that they were still alive to bring into his family. Gobber begins telling him a story about a time where Hiccup had been terrified of a stuffed animal in the shape of a dragon.

Viggo finds his mind relaxing as the words float around him. He breathes deeply and starts to slip into sleep.


The rain comes down suddenly and hard. Hiccup sputters as his hair is drenched and his clothing clings to his skin. It feels horrible and he wants to be out of the storm. He hurriedly gets under Toothless’ wing as his stump begins to scream at him from the weather change. He whimpers as he presses his nose to Toothless’ scales.


He chirps, just about begging Toothless.

“~Home. I will carry you. But you will get wet.”

Hiccup snorts and presses his wet sleeve to Toothless’ scales.

“~Already weeeettttt.~”

He croons while Toothless snorts and warbles in false irritation before scooping him up and onto the saddle. They surge through the woods. Hiccup clings tightly and shrieks into the fast-blowing winds. They dart into a cave and dart down through the passages. They pop out of another cave and are now right at their home. Hiccup warbles and Toothless croons back as they slip into the cave. Dagur waves from where he is tucked underneath Haelan’s kneck and front legs.

“Hey, Hiccup! Wow, did you try to drink the sea? Not a good look. You should change into dry clothes.”

Hiccup grumbles and lets out a teasing growl. Dagur growls back, clearly in a play-fighting tone. Hiccup slips off of the saddle and quickly goes to change before coming back and curling up with Toothless. Toothless begins licking his still damp hair and Hiccup sleepily rumbles in reply. Haelan gives a chittering laugh.

“~Tiny wet hatchling. You look like you just hatched.~”

Toothless chirps in agreement and Hiccup protests by wacking at Toothless’ snout with his hands. Toothless merely licks his hands in reply and then pins him down.


Dagur wiggles away from Haelan and begins pushing at Toothless’ snout with Hiccup. Soon the three begin to play fight until Hiccup’s stump refuses to be ignored anymore and he groans loudly. Dagur reacts first and draws back. He helps Hiccup sit up against the cave wall while Toothless warbles worriedly. Hiccup helps Dagur detach the prosthetic. Toothless then crawls forward and begins to lick the stump. It makes the pain fade away. Hiccup relaxes and smiles at his little family. He loves them. He slurs as much in Norse and Dragonese as he starts to slip into sleep.


Viggo is going through it. Hiccup has silly timessss

Chapter 24


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Clelia sits on the edge of the crowd, watching the dances in the center of the Markets. She ponders joining. But then she would be forced to touch strangers as the current dances are all meant for partners. And she would rather not have someone holding her like that. She did not much like being touched by strangers and dislikes being held even more. Though perhaps it would be okay if it was-

“You look down.”

She startles at Rune’s voice. The man had been enormously kind to her over the years. From when she first appeared on his island at the age of 16 with blood fresh on her hands and her heart shattered, to when he killed off those men for her at 20, to now. He is better than the father that sired her and she found herself often seeking his advice when she needed any,

“Perhaps a little.”

Rune hums low and then offers his hand.

“Dance with me?”

Rune had been the one to teach her all the Norse dances, and much of the language. She slowly takes his hand, trusting him like one would trust a worthy father. They stick to the outside of the dancing circle. Rune and her spin, a laugh slipping past her lips as her skirts flair out from the speed of the twirl. The drum beat presses against her chest and her heart pounds in time to it.

Rune smiles at her as they return to the seat she had been at before he had invited her to dance.

“It is good to see you smile. And it looks like someone is looking for you.”

He gently twirls her about with his hand and points to Ryker who gives a small smile as Clelia locks eyes with him. She brushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear, suddenly a little nervous. For no reason at all.

Rune pushes her gently forward as Ryker approaches, then leaves the two.


Ryker greets and Clelia smiles. She likes the simplicity of Ryker's greetings. Never cumbersome with too many words.

“Hello. I have some news about the riders Walk with me?”

She gestures away from the music and dancing. Ryker nods falling into step easily beside her like they were always meant to walk side by side.

“No news of the boys?”

He asks and she shakes her head sadly. His hand brushes hers and their pinkies lock. It is comforting, to touch without being bound.

“No… but I have reliably gotten reports of the riders. There are two for sure and maybe more. They attack hunter camps… but never seem to kill anyone. So if they did attack the boys, there is every chance they did not harm them.”

She tries to stay steady and calm while delivering the news. Ryker simply nods, air coming out in a long, low sigh. They continue to walk, slowly starting to talk about different things trading information and antidotes. She finds her locked-away heart slipping between its prison bars to let her tongue slip into talking about places and foods of her past. She shares more than she might have with another.


Dagur grunts as an arrow pierces the gap in his armor. He keeps going, wet stick warm blood slowly sliding down his side. He is fine. He gets Haelan to blast a weakness that Hiccup knew about in the ships that they could exploit to open the cages from the outside and partially sink the ship. He hears Ryker yelling and wishes he could laugh. But that would give him away. And hurt. A bola smacks him near where the arrow pierced and his ax is knocked off of him and down towards the ships below.

That arrow is really deep in his side. Now that all the dragons are free they can fly home. He tugs gently on Haelan’s horns. As they fly he finds himself growing dizzy and lightheaded. He finds his grip starting to loosen and slip. Oh. his hands have blood.

And then he is falling.

Wind swirls around his limbs so fast. His stomach feels weightless. He sighs as he falls.

Then it all comes to a painful jerky halt. He whimpers as arms curl around him.

“I got you, Dagur. I got you. It's going to be okay.”

His brother whispers and he can feel Toothless fly faster. He curls into Hiccup’s arms and finds his eyes slowly gliding closed. He is so tired. And… he just needs to rest a little. The mark of Tyr warms slightly.

He feels himself falling again. An arm wraps around his middle.


Tyr’s voice is gentle against his ears. He breathes deeply and curls into the god that is holding him. He just feels so tired. So so tired. He was looking out for Hiccup and running away from how he felt about having to fight the Grimborns. He just… he just wants someone to look out for him for a little bit without putting that strain on Hiccup.

Tyr adjusts him and Dagur feels them moving. He is settled somewhere and hands gently run across his chest. The pain fades a little bit. He curls slightly, sinking into the soft surface as a hand runs through his hair.

“What can we do Vidar?”


“Perhaps… But they are as stubborn as the Bloodwrathers.”

And then Dagur drifts further off mentally.


Hiccup wipes his tears as he looks down at his brother. He had done everything he could to ensure that Dagur would heal. Cleaning, dragon spit, stitches, and bandages. He breathes deeply and scrubs at his face again. Toothless croons and licks at his face. He swallows and wraps his arms around Toothless’ neck and cries into his dragon’s scales.

“~I’m scared.~”

He whimpers. Toothless croons softly and nudges him gently into laying down against the dragon’s belly.

“~He will wake up. Dagur is strong.~”

Hiccup sniffles at Toothless’ reassuring croon and presses closer. Haelan then chitters.

“~He smells healthy. He will be fine. Just achy.~”
Haelan would not lie to him. He takes a deep breath and then starts praying to Vidar. \

“Give him the resilience to survive this wound. Let him be able to wake up. Please let my brother wake up and be okay.”

Tears slip slowly down his cheeks as the dragons croon to each other and reassure him. He finds exhaustion starting to eat at him. His mind starts to drift.


Uh oh ^-^

Chapter 25


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Dagur wakes up slowly. He is covered by a familiar dragon wing. He creeps out from the under Haelan’s wing. He checks on the sleeping Toothless and Hiccup and then slips outside. His chest aches as he breathes, but he can ignore it for now. He sits on a rock and starts unbraiding his hair. Out of the braid, it hangs all the way down his torso, hanging slightly lower than his waist. It makes it a hassle to take care of at times. But it worth it even if he has to keep it braided and tucked under armor most of the time.

He begins brushing it out. Tangles and dirt make it a long process, despite his efforts of keeping it braided. The wavey locks hang all about him as he works his way through it. He hums to himself, low and quiet.

This is the first time one of them had truly been hurt helping dragons. The first time that the Grimborn’s operations specifically had brought him pain. It… hurts. Some part of him. Some teeny tiny part of him he never dwelled on had hoped that… maybe one day… one day they might be able to talk. Maybe have something similar to what once was. Because he misses what once was.


Were dragons worth sacrificing that life he and Hiccup had built?

A Glory Spark crawls onto his lap and begins purring gently. Dagur pauses his brushing and gently places his hand on their hide.

Yes. Dragons were worth it.

He begins brushing his hair again and sighs. It needs to be washed. That is always an ordeal. But it would be worth it to hav it clean and free of dirt, sweat, and what might be his own blood.

He hears a croon and turns his head to see Haelan approaching.

“~Hurt hatchlings should not move so much.~”

“~Fur needs clean.~”

He shrugs and hisses as he pulls at his wound. Haelan puffs smoke at him and gently nudges him gently. He breathes through the pain and stands slowly. He collects soap, cups, combs, and furs for drying silently, trying not to disturb Hiccup or Toothless. Toothless peeks out at him and Dagur makes a reassuring noise before going back outside.

He gets started cleaning his hair with water and soap, trying hard not to cause too much pain for himself. It is difficult and he aches as he works. Dagur blinks as his hands are batted away. Hiccup sits beside him and starts washing his hair for him. Dagur lets his brother help him lay down. Hiccup begins cleaning his hair and scrubs the strands. Hiccup eyes are puffy, likely from a night of tears. Dagur feels bad for having created those tears.

“I’m going to be okay Hiccup.”

He murmurs. Hiccup swallows.

“I… I know. I just… I just got so scared when you fell. And I thought..”

“I’d never leave you alone Hiccup. Never ever. Death can't take me from you. Hel is not allowed to.”

Dagur declares, knowing that it is a kind of heresy. But he would fist-fight any god that tried to drag away his soul when Hiccup clearly still needed him. Hiccup whimpers and swallows hard again. Dagur reaches up and wipes away the tears that are starting to fall. Haelan croons softly. Hiccup presses his cheek into Dagur’s hand.

“I know. But I was still scared.”

“I'm sorry.”

“Not your fault.”

Hiccup leans down and bumps their foreheads together.


Clelia inspects her hive for their typical three-week close inspection. Her eyes sweep for beetles and ants and anything else that could threaten the health of her hives. She watches their buzzing as she speaks to them and works. She likes keeping her bees updated on all the going ons of her life and the greater world.

“Ryker is… well, I've told you guys before, he is very determined. I really do think that if the boys are out there to be found, he and his brother are the ones to do it. I… I really do admire the drive he has. And the fact he refuses to give up.”

She murmurs a bit to the bees an a bit to herself.

“Admiring from afar is all well and good, but perhaps, if I might be so bold, a more direct statement would go a long way in cracking open that particular relationship. I could deliver your message to him. It is, after all, my specialty.”

Clelia spins on her feet at the unusual use of Latin, hand going to her gladius. A man with honey-gold hair leans against a nearby rock, eyes glittering with mischief.

“... I don't meet many Romans this far out.”

She says in greeting, eyes narrowed.

“I wouldn't think so. Much too far from the fat comforts of the empire for those less adventurous souls.”

He flicks a bit of his hair over his shoulder and practically floats as he moves closer. His voice shifts from light and airy to heavy like stone. There is a crackle of energy and it feels like a spell has broken. She can now see the wings on his sandals.

“But I am no threat to you. I don't have a reason to harm one of my most devout.”

Her hand slides from her gladius as he winks and kicks up his legs to be floating on air. Mercury. Her god. He… he came to see her.

“How may I be of service Mercury?”

She gives a half bow and straightens as he clicks his tongue. He rolls his eyes and shakes his hair with a snort. His golden freckles shine just a bit brighter in his merriment.

“The formality is certainly unneeded Clelia. We’ve known each other for far too long for that.”

True. She had met him more than once, each interaction starting off with him disguising himself with a spell. But the playful demeanor generally stayed the same. He had helped her sneak and survive till Rune had taken her in. And even after that, every once in a while, he would pop up.

“Alright Mercury. What can I do for you?”

“Ahh, I do miss when you were younger and I was Uncle Mercury…” He sighs dramatically and then speaks again. “Let's go for a walk. And maybe some honey oatcakes? They are one of my favorite offerings after all.”

“Before or after gold, Mercury?”

She asks as they begin to walk. His laughter is loud and supernatural in its echo. But it is familiar. It is… family. He is almost like a weird uncle. If your uncle could vanish from sight and often was currying messages from one god to another.

“Hmm. You do know how to ask the hard questions, don't you? Ah. After I suppose. But only for today!”

He grins and she shakes her head.

“Can… May I ask after the health of someone? Or someones?”

She ventures as the god bounces beside her, feet not quite on the ground. He clicks his tongue.

“They are alive and fine. Most of the time. But I'm not allowed to say further because there are gods involved and I don't like being burned or stabbed, even if I would survive it. I have to preserve this beautiful complexion you know?”

She lets out a breath.

“Thank you.”

“MmmHmm. Now!! On to business! Who's the guy you keep telling your bees about? They say you chat about him a lot~!”

The god’s voice is full of teasing and her cheeks heat up. Ah. She forgot that the bees could speak to those who could speak to all. Which included gods.

“Just a friend.”

“With that attitude, sure. I still think the relationship could open up into something more if you just sent a direct message!”

The god chirps, a far too wide grin on his face.

“I thought Venus was in charge of messing with relationships.”

Mercury blows a raspberry.

“You're dodging.”

“I'm being attacked, of course, I'm dodging.”

She teases back and he snickers. He then steps in front of her and grabs her hands.

“Don't choose to be alone. You let him touch your hand, you enjoy his company, and you await his return each month. It would make waiting easier if you knew that he was yours and you were his.”

“You sound like Rune.”

“I like~ Rune.”

“Because he helped me build you the only Roman shrine on the island.”

“And? I play favorites, Clelia. You know this.”

He smiles brightly and floats up. Her hands stay in his and they slowly rise with him. She blows a stray lock out of her eyes with a hum.

“I know. And… Fine. If-! Mind you it's an if- If he proposes a courtship, I’ll lay everything on the table, and if he chooses to go despite all the ways in which I’m… lacking, then I will say yes. Alright?”


He kisses her forehead and squeezes her hands.

“Ahh, Juno calls. I’ll come back when I can.”

“An honor to see you, Mercury.”

“Again, missing the days of being an uncle. How many favors do I need to do to get my title back??”

He complains with a smile. She snorts at him.

“I'll burn some honey oatcakes for you tonight Uncle Mercury. Best of luck with Juno and whatever Jupiter did this time.”

“Ugh, I’ll need the luck. Pour out some wine for me too, I have a feeling that I might have to do a lot of back and forth to preserve that marriage today.”

“But of course.”

He kisses her forehead again and vanishes in a shower of silver sparks. She readjusts her hair to recover the facial scars on her right side, as Mercury had knocked the strands astray.


I love mercury. Im not sorry. I also love clelia soo freaking much ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Chapter 26


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Viggo frowns as one of the crews that had returned from traveling north brings back with them news of dragon riders interrupting trade and having Hiccup’s shield and Dagur’s ax. He is wasting his time in the south looking for them. He needs to head back north.

Expanding trade had been good. He is very sure there is some sort of best causing the dragons to travel and attack as they do. He would have to maintain this southern expansion and so would leave three crews behind and take just the flagship with himself and Gobber back up north to meet back up with his brother. Yes, it is a little ahead of schedule but clearly, this is one of the best leads that they have had since the boys' disappearance and he needs to be there to be able to get all his questions answered and to form a proper plan. He informs Gobber of the change and they start sailing north.


Hiccup grins as he shows off the place that he had found to Dagur. They both float on the volcanic hot air with their dragons. Hiccup then launches himself off of Toothless and they dive and spiral around each other as he hears Dagur cackling. Hiccup croons excitedly and Toothless gently reaches out to tap him, making him spin.

The other dragons of their island that had followed them here make squawks of surprise when Hiccup opens up his false wings. He still has a hard time doing anything more than simply gliding with them. Random gusts of wind could knock him off balance, and really they were mostly there to allow Toothless to catch him easier. But it is a step closer to having his own wings. He breathes deeply and reaches out to Toothless and remounts.

They zoom back up to Dagur.

“When… When your side hurts less. ~Wings for you too! Okay!~

He shifts into into croons and chirps. Hiccup used less and less Norse these days. The human language felt wrong on his tongue compared to chirps and dragonese. He still relied on moving his hands for words a lot, just so his brother could keep up with him.

Dagur cackles.

“~Then I dangerous fly too!!!~”

Haelan huffs at this announcement but Dagur pats his neck. The dragon puffs out a little smoke and then lazily does a barrel role, much to Dagur's glee.

They play in the air a little longer, dancing on the updrafts and swirling around each other. They both shriek happily and the dragons croon along with them.


Viggo stands on the edge of the market, ignoring the rain that is slowly but surely trying to soak every inch of his skin. He steps through the muddy street, letting his mind wander. Most of his men were staying on the ship during the storm and Gobber was taking a nap.

Perhaps he should seek out Clelia. She had been the one to provide him and his brother with so much information about the southern tribes. He finds her stall easily and enters the tent located there. She sits in a corner, reading a thick tome. Clelia looks up and gives a small confused smile.

“Oh, hello. I thought you were going to be in the south a little longer. Is Ryker with you?”

Something dances in her eyes at the question and he takes a moment to consider that light. Were… Well if they were courting she would have a cuff on her wrist. But he is not imagining the small blush on her cheeks.

“We were planning on that. But since my brother's news of the dragon riders possessing both Hiccup’s shield and Dagur’s ax, I feel like it would be a better idea to concentrate our search around these riders and sussing out their location.”

Clelia hums and nods. She then opens a nearby chest and starts to unroll some paper.

“I've been collecting information on the sitings to try and pinpoint a location. Nothing conclusive yet though. And this is just from what I can glean from loose mouths. Perhaps you would be able to get more solid information.”

The map that she unrolls on the table is covered in little markings to indicate where the dragon riders had attacked or where they had been spotted. There does not seem to be any real pattern. He notes the dates next to each of the markings. The ones to the south seem more recent, but in general they seem to all be outside of the Barabaric archipelago.

He asks a question and she quickly answers. He does not notice the fur draped over his shoulder or the warm mug of lemon and honey water that he begins to sip from as they talk about locations and try to figure out where the riders’ home base of operations might be. If they could figure that out, and the boys were still alive, then that is where Hiccup and Dagur might be imprisoned.

Viggo finds himself thinking that if his brother does make a move, he approves of Clelia.


Hiccup scrunches his nose as they soar southward. He dislikes traveling closer to Berk. But to understand what the hunters were doing and to free more dragons they had to. Toothless croons and does a few dives and spins to get him to laugh and relax.

Dagur calls out to him and points to an island for them to rest on for the night. They still were taking it a little slow. Dagur’s wound had mostly healed but, they needed to be careful. They land and set up camp, eating and then curling up to sleep. His mind whirrs a little with a million and one thoughts. They were closer to Berk than they had been in over a year. Closer to where he was born. If they happened across his father searching for a dragon nest, what would he do?

Hiccup is not sure.

The thought of running into the Hooligans terrifies him. He bites his lips and curls further into Dagur underneath both Toothless’ and Haelan’s wings. His brother is already snoring. Hiccup smiles gently to himself and presses into his brother.

It did not matter if they saw Stoick or not. His brother is right here with him. He breathes deeply, taking in the smell of smoke and sea from his brother and the dragons, and relaxes.


I love this chapter MMMHMMM YUMM YUMM

Chapter 27: Family Time


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Good to see you, Viggo.”

Viggo leans into his brother’s hand on his back and lets himself relax slightly.

“It is good to see you too Ryker.”

It had been four months since seeing his older brother and he had genuinely missed him. They both immediately share anything that had not been covered in their short letters to each other. Gobber stays with them throughout the conversation and adds in his own two cents about everything. Ryker turns to Gobber at the end.

“Thanks for looking after Viggo for me.”

“I am not child Ryker.”

Viggo says with an eye roll.

“Oh really? Say Gobber, did you have to remind him to actually sleep? Or did the ‘mature adult’ Viggo remember to sleep on time every night?”

Ryker ribs and Gobber grins.

“Nope! I had to remind him to sleep several times.”

Gobber is a traitor and Viggo hates him.

“Well then. I suppose ribbing me is far more mature than seeking out your belle in the markets.”

Ryker stiffens and Gobber’s eyes turn to him.

“Oh??? Is there a girl?”

Viggo smiles viciously as Gobber’s ribbing turns on Ryker. Ryker huffs.


“Oh, maybe he says. I guess I should tell Clelia that her looking forward to seeing you is a wasted effort.”

Ryker’s face flares red at Viggo’s words. Gobber snorts and pokes at Ryker for details attention completely off of Viggo. Ryker huffs and slowly gives answers. But not much. Gobber tries to dig out more but he might have an easier time getting diamonds from coal. They eventually move on after a little more teasing from all involved.

The conversation seems to have convinced Ryker of something though. While walking, Ryker ducks into a jeweler's stall and has a quick conversation with them, showing off the symbol on his sword.


A cuff.

That is always the first step in Acumens courting. Presenting a cuff to the person that is being courted to declare interest. It seems that his brother is interested in Clelia in that way. He approves. She is sharp enough to keep up and she has been helpful in gathering information that they might be able to use to find Dagur and Hiccup.

Perhaps she will say yes.


Hiccup hums as they rise up on the wind. He searches the land below. It is starting to get colder. They had three or so months till Deadly Winter, but it was still cold. He presses against Toothless as they look for evidence of hunters. They had been traveling south more and more often. Toothless is nervous anytime they go ‘too far’ south, labeled as such by Toothless. Hiccup knows that his friend must have originated from here with all the bad memories that come with that.

But Toothless listens and keeps letting him and Dagur help free dragons, despite the clear fear. And he loves Toothless all the more for that willingness.

Dagur lets out three sharp whistles. A camp. They would scout it out and then strike at sunfall. He lets out a squawk in reply. Dagur croons back and they keep flying.


Dagur sputters as Haelan picks him up and carries him like he is a kitten. He tries to get free but the dragon simply grumbles and keeps carrying him.

He then is plopped down and the Thornridge begins licking his entire body. Dagur protests and then gives in, running his hands against Haelan’s face. Hiccup had designed claws for their gloves. They were decently blunt so as to not hurt dragon scales. They would hurt human skin. He chirps softly to Haelan.

“~Such a good dragon.~”

“~You are a good hatchling.~”

Haelan replies, nuzzling his side. Dagur smiles and snorts. He pats Haelan’s neck. He hears footsteps and sees Hiccup and Toothless walking over. He chirps to his brother.


Hiccup asks, giggling. Dagur grins.

“~Yes! Very comfortable.~”

He replies as Haelan licks his hair. Then Haelan huffs.

“~Hiccup is dirty too.~”

Hiccup lets out a squawk as Toothless tackles him and starts licking every inch of his skin and hair. Hiccup fights and the two end up play fighting as they roll around on the dirt. Dagur twists so that he can watch the two more easily. As he lays on his belly, Haelan rests his head on Dagur’s back with a purr. He hums in reply, eyes watching the play fight carefully.

Toothless uses open paw baps to avoid having claws hurt Hiccup. Hiccup shieks in false offense and baps back with his own hands.

Hiccup looks like a dragon if one squints their eyes and tilts their head. Dagur thinks that if his brother had a tail, there would be no difference between him and the dragons. Not really. Dagur wonders if he too looks and acts like a dragon. He might. He just might…

He eventually slips out from under Haelan and joins the play fight. Toothless baps him with his tail and gives him a few licks throughout the fight. Toothless then collapses onto the two of them and Hiccup and Dagur groan loudly. Dagur makes a valiant effort to struggle while Hiccup simply accepts his fate.

Dagur gives up after a little while with Toothless giving a laughing warble. Dagur lets out a grumble in embarrassment. Then he shivers when his face is licked by one of the Glory Sparks. A few wriggle underneath Toothless to curl up around the two boys. They purr and grow warm. Hiccup chirps and purrs happily. Dagur curls up and puffs out a little air.

“~Not a hatchling.~”

He grumbles and the Glory Sparks snicker at him.

“~Such a hatchling. Little tiny hatchling.~”

The one wrapped around his waist sings and Toothless and Haelan let out matching laughing warbles. Hiccup giggles and then laughs. Dagur relaxes at his brother’s mirth. He supposes that he can be the butt of a few jokes if it makes his brother happy and brings a little joy to their lives. He pats the Glory Spark and then pats Toothless. He gets a few licks in reply.


WEEE!! I love this chapter so much.

Chapter 28: Cuffs


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ryker holds tightly to the cuff he had commissioned the last time that he had been at the market. The barest edges of nerves press against his heart. He hopes that she accepts. He would love for her to accept.

Ryker comes to Clelia’s stall as night begins to fall. She gives him a bright smile and he asks to speak with her in her tent.

“So, what did you want to talk about?”

Clelia asks while passing him a warm mug. He takes a deep breath, unsure how to start. He reaches his hand out and she gently takes it. Her hand is a little smaller than his own, but just as calloused from a life of work. He forces his mouth to work after a moment of staring at their hands. He looks into her eyes.

“I would like to court you.”

Her cheeks grow a lovely red at his words and she bites her lip.

“There are things that you have to know about me. Before… before you burden yourself with me.”

Ryker slowly moves his hand, giving her plenty of time to move away, before touching her cheek. She leans into it just a little.

“I don't think you could be a burden. Tell me.”

He gently pushes her hair away from the right side of her face, and Clelia lets him. Ryker tucks the hair behind her ear, looking over the scar that he had seen hints of before. He traces the scar with a pointer finger, oh so careful. Her eyes are downcast to the side.

“My mother was a bitter woman.”

Clelia whispers, not looking at him. Ryker tilts his head, still gently tracing the mark she kept hidden so often. It is a deep scar that narrowly misses her eye.

“I have my father’s eyes. That's what she said when she tried to rid me of them when we had left our home. ‘The eyes of the man I've slain are too burdensome for me.’ she said. She tried to have me stand still.”

Clelia’s eyes flick back up to meet Ryker’s steady gaze. He shifts and moves to holding her smaller hands in his.

“She was married to bring power and could not leave for her dowry had been spent on dice and races. He was influential and a divorce would have caused upset. In the Empire, there are solutions for such things. Poisonous wine. Sweetness to cover the bitterness. Her killing was gentler than mine. A gladius through the ribs gives much more time for screaming then the sleepy effect of poisonous wine.”

A fighter. As if she could be any more perfect. Her fingers tighten around his own and he leans forward slightly. Her head dips down and her gaze is on their joined hands.

“I cannot- I don't- I have no dowry. I have no family to offer. I have my bees, my mead, and my stall. I am… I am unsure I can even give you family in the future.”

“You are worth more than any dowry could amount to. Twice as lovely as gemstones. Children can be adopted, I have no need for a political marriage where two families are joined, and money can be made. Just say you'll let me court you. Let me convince you that I'm worthy of you, your bees, your mead, and your stall.”

He lifts one hand to cup her face, gently moving her chin upwards so that they can look in each other's eyes.


She breathes a sad little sigh, hands still gripping tightly to Ryker's.

“If you do not want me to court you I will back-”

“I want you to. But I want you to be sure. I do not… I do not want to be married only to be divorced nor do I wish you to be bound to someone who you come to hate as my other hates my father.”

Her voice grows whispery at the end.

“I don't think I will change my mind. But Acumens can have a long courting. There are no rules about length. So at any time, you can turn me away.”

He promises. She takes a breath and then slowly turns her head slightly. She takes one hand and presses the hand against her cheek a little firmer against her face.

“I… Okay. I would like that. To be courted I mean.”

“Alright. Then I will court you.”

He smiles and she smiles in return.


Hiccup hums as he glances around the ship graveyard. He is here looking for metal since it is far harder to reliably get his hands on the stuff now that they are isolated from the markets. He puffs out his cheeks as Toothless alights on an old hunter's ship, preserved by the icy waters and the strong materials from which it had been made. They had avoided this ship graveyard when they had sailed north, not wanting to get stranded here.

He hums to himself as he pokes around a ship. Spiketail chirps, adjusting her grip on the railing.


She asks, head tilting. Hiccup bobs his head and chirps.

“~Up here yes.~”

Toothless sniffs at a door that would lead to the belly of the ship.

“~Are you sure you should go down there?~”

Dagur chirps.

“~Yeah. Can you check the outside for metal I might have missed? I promise to call for help.~”

Hiccup wiggles and croons. Dagur gives a growl of warning and scrunches his nose. Dagur slowly has been using more dragonese in his speech.

“~I will be careful!!~”

He purrs gently back and then he and Toothless slip down into the hold. They slowly and carefully search about. Hiccup notices the traps throughout. They slip past them into the back cabin. There Hiccup finds a skeleton, a few scrolls, a few books, and a strange cylindrical device. The device is in the death grip of the skeleton. Hiccup takes the books and scrolls first, tucking them into Toothless’ saddle bag. When he takes the device, a trap springs and he and Toothless leap backwards. They dart out of the ship, ducking and weaving through all the activated traps that try to bring them harm.

Dagur and Haelan immediately check on them as they escape from the depths of the ship. Hiccup lets out a breath as the adrenaline flushes out of his system. He then grins at his brother.

“~That was fun!!~”

He warbles out with a laugh. Dagur shakes his head and snickers.

“You are audax.”

Hiccup grins and accepts the Latin description with a bright chirp.


Audax- latin for bold/brave
Ooohhh developments that people prolly expected lol

Chapter 29: Staring Into the Future


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Toothless paces outside of the forge where his hatchling is working, mind spinning. When they had gone to that empty vessel he had heard Her so much clearer than normal. And he is terrified that if she gets any louder, he would not be able to resist her call. Then his precious tiny little hatchling would be in immediate danger. The Queen is not forgiving of slights. Running away from the nest and failing to feed Her were major slights. She would eat his hatchlings and then eat him last once She made sure his heart was broken.

The Raincutter, Stormnight, lands beside him flaring her wings a little before settling.

“~Why so nervous?~”

The Raincutter croons. Toothless snaps his mouth and Stormnight baps his snout in reprimand. Toothless gives an apologetic rumble. Stormnight presses her snout to Toothless’ side.

“~Fledgling. Share with me. A nest is supposed to help.~”

“~This… I belong to another nest. You are not my nest. My Queen will never let me go. She’s going to eat me!~”

Stormnight huffs and pulls Toothless under her wing. She gently licks the shorter dragon. Toothless grunts and whines, terror leaking out of him.

“~Hush. You are a part of this nest.~

She nuzzles his side again. Toothless ducks his head and whines.

“~I’m scared. She will eat me and She will eat my hatchlings.~”

Stormnight snarls at these words. Haelan walks over with a questioning croon. The Raincutter quickly recounts what Toothless had said. Haelan growls and throws his wings open wide.

“~We will kill her if we have to. You should not fear your queen if you have one. Bad queen.~”

Haelan looks ready to take off and go to war. Toothless pushes his snout against the Thornridge’s scales. He breathes deeply as Haelan marks him as a family with fierce licks. Toothless settles down and knows that he will have to think through it another day. She is not a danger or threat to him here. But if they kept flying nearby the place that she was, they would have to fight Her.


Viggo scrunches his nose as he stands on a foreign shore. He frowns and looks about trying to figure out where he is. He looks up at the stars, wondering if he might get a clue from their positioning. But those are not his stars. He frowns. He starts to walk and searches for clues. He sees a man in the distance

The man has only one hand and is spinning around a spear. He steps closer and then finds his feet sinking down into the sand. Viggo struggles to lift up his legs, struggling. He feels a flash of fear and looks to the man and tries to call out and now he seems to be sinking faster. The man twists and then surges towards him, eyes wide. He sees to be saying something but Viggo hears nothing. Viggo stretches his hand out desperately. He sinks further, soon only his head is above the sand. He closes his eyes and mouth as he sinks below the grains of sand. Darkness presses against him, and horror presses at his lungs. A hand touches his, warm and comforting.

And then he wakes up.

He coughs and gags, blinking desperately against the darkness.


Ryker rumbles out.

“Nightmare. I'm fine.”

Viggo says lighting a candle. He takes a deep breath and steps out onto the deck. They were still at the market, waiting for another ship to come in. It also gave Ryker a chance to wander and speak more with Clelia. Hard to court from a distance, though it seems that Ryker is working on some sort of plan.

Viggo takes a deep breath of salt air and looks up at the comfortingly familiar stars.


Hiccup watches as Toothless spits a small flame into the mouth of Spiketail when the Nadder was posturing with his mouth open and demanding that Toothless share Hiccup.

The Nadder coughs and shakes his head with a snort. Smoke drifts out. Spiketail goes over to the river and hastily starts swallowing water. So… not fireproof on the inside. Hmm.

Hiccup weakly reprimands Toothless and gets licked fiercely in reply.

“~My hatchling!~”

“~Your hatchling. But you should be nice!!~”

Hiccup lets out a teasing snort and wriggles on his belly. Dagur snorts and then curls further under Haelan’s wing. Stormnight snickers and then settles her chin on Haelan’s back beside the Monstrous Nightmare, Flare. Her hatchlings were asleep on Haelan’s other side. Hiccup yawns and Toothless drags him to be under his belly. Hiccup sighs and curls up feeling exhausted. He nuzzles against Toothless’ belly and gets a pleased croon in reply. He feels a shift and peaks out to see Spiketail curling into Toothless’ side. Toothless grumbles lightly, but lets Spiketail stay. Hiccup closes his eyes and quickly falls asleep, soaking in the warmth of his dragon.


Clelia traces the carvings on the cuff. A bee and the skull marking from Ryker’s blades. She lets out a small breath. She hopes…

Well. She is not entirely sure what she hopes. She would like this to go well, but ending up like her mother always hovers. And what if Ryker wants more than she can give? She takes so long to grow used to touch from others, still hesitant to receive hugs from Rune who had known her the longest.

All because of one-


Not going to think about it.

Ryker seems content to give her time. For now. And if he continues to give her time? Then they just might have a chance of having a future.

They would just have to see how this courting goes. She swallows down his thoughts.

Clelia finds her mouth curving into a smile when Ryker approaches her stall. Ryker smiles back at her.

“I was wondering if you might walk with me tonight?”

“I- Yes. That would be nice.”

She stumbles a little and nods her head. Ryker smiles warmly.

“Alright. I will see you tonight.”

He holds out his hand and waits the few moments that it takes her to overcome her hesitation. He gently intertwines their fingers, squeezes, and then untangles their fingers. He puts his hand under hers, keeping her palm skyward. He places something soft in her palm. A golden silk ribbon.

“Courting for Acumens includes symbolic gifts. This, this is something beautiful for you to wear, showing that I can do more than just survive. That a future with me is not just going to simply be surviving.”

He flushes a little. She closes her hand around it.

“This is lovely. I’ll put it in my hair.”

She ties it around the end of her braid with a smile. Ryker smiles brightly in reply.



Chapter 30: Sneaking


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hiccup stretches out on a rock watching the fish swim in the stream. He glances at Dagur who is setting up a fish trap to put in the water. His brother is doing a lot better, the arrow wound having mostly healed. He is glad. Hiccup has no idea how he could go on if his brother was not here with him. He sends up a silent prayer of thanks to Vidar.

Hiccup rolls over onto his back and pulls out the strange device. He is still not sure what it does. He had been looking through the books and scrolls that he found on the ship. Much of it was dragon knowledge and some of it was info about worlds beyond. Of the Romans and of some place known as the Indus land. There were even tantalizing tidbits of an even further off place, the place where silk was spun in secret ways none could replicate. Hiccup wonders if dragons were involved.

All this knowledge has him realizing that he never fulfilled Tove’s last order. A fact he genuinely feels bad about. He has the man’s books. Maybe… maybe they could sneak them back to Tove? Dagur would not like Hiccup going that close to where there were so many hunters would likely be gathered. Sure they attacked encampments and boats, but Dagur tended to have Hiccup attacks from either high up or releasing cages on the outer edges. But a mission like this would mean him going into the heart of the markets. A place they had been avoiding.

He makes a low whine and stands up and moves into the trees on his own. He tucks the device into a leg pouch and keeps moving. A few dragons that they had saved who had come to live on the island with them bark and croon at Hiccup as he passes. He slowly begins to pick up his pace and then hops onto a tree, clawing his way up into the branches.

He curls up on a branch, balancing as he presses his face against the trunk.

He hates that he has broken his word.

Hiccup bites his lip as he thinks. Maybe… maybe on small mission on his own would do no harm. Done in the dead of night. Just drop off the books. No note or anything. Just slip in and out and…

He glances down at a chirping croon from Toothless.

“~Hatchling? Why are you sad?~”

“~I… I need to do a secret. Can you help?~”

“~I will always help you Hatchling.~”

Hiccup smiles at the warm pronouncement. He slips down from the tree and onto Toothless’ back. He whispers his plans to the dragon who hums and then agrees. The two of them were daredevils. Thrill seekers. This was the kind of thing that got blood to pump fast and Toothless finds the cause pretty worthy.


Gobber takes a deep breath of the night air closing his eyes. He hopes that Hiccup and Dagur are still okay. Those poor boys. Life had been far too cruel to them. He walks the outside perimeter of the market, leting the moon and the scattered torches light his path. Ryker is off with Clelia, cooking for her to show off that he knows how to ‘provide sustenance’ according to Acumens courting. And Viggo is plotting out their next route to try and find the hiding place of the dragon riders. Who may or may not have Hiccup and Dagur. Gobber does not wish to bring it up, but he is of half the mind that the boys may be dead already if the riders had ever captured them. Dagur would not remained bound if Hiccup were in danger. But he came this far and refuses to breathe air into such thoughts. So he shoves them down deep and keeps hoping.

He walks silently, alone with his thoughts and fears. The night is vast, and feels like it might be unending. He had once thought that about his loyalty to Stoick. That nothing could shake it. He had sailed through many a storm with that man. He had supported the man through the loss of his wife and helped keep an eye out for Hiccup. But… then Stoick had failed the child

He touches his chest as his heart thuds painfully.

Then there is a rustle from a nearby bush. He freezes, cursing himself for not attaching a weapon to his arm stump as he notes the dragon tail peeking out from the bush. He then blinks as he stands in silence. Half of that tail is man-made. In fact it looks like something Hiccup would design.

Normally, when fighting dragons, Gobber would take the loud chaotic method, to confuse the beast while scoring hits. But this feels like a situation that is more suited to deer hunting. So he crouches and watches, mind whirring as he traces the design with his eyes. It seems to go up the dragon's tail. Did… did this dragon have a rider? Did the rider control its tail?

There is movement and Gobber stops breathing. One of the riders. The man croons and clicks at the dragon, a night fury!, which chuffs in reply. The rider climbs on its back and takes off. Gobber is able to fully see the pedal system as it soars away.

That is Hiccup's design. It has to be. So they had to be holding his kid. Not just stolen from Hiccup and not just killed him, but actively forced him to make things. Gobber is very sure of it now.


Hiccup grins at a job well done. They had delivered the originals and the requested copies without a hitch. And! No one had seen them. Toothless chirps happily at him and Hiccup croons back. They flip in the air. Hiccup cackles as he stretches a hand out and it slides through water. It creates a mist even as it hurts a little. He sings out praises to Vidar and Toothless sings his own song of praise to a god Hiccup is unfamiliar with. As they arc back upwards to sail above the clouds, Hiccup asks about the dragon god. And from there he learns that those dreams of those strange dragons had been gods settling with him. It makes him thing about the prophetic line that was spoken to him. He frowns a little to himself before pressing Toothless for the dragons’ creation story.


Oh Hiccup you silly kid.

Chapter 31: Bees and Burns


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Clelia smiles a little to herself as another package from Ryker is delivered to her. It seems that he had set it up that every few days while he was at sea something would be delivered to her, both gifts for the sake of gifts and symbolic gifts. Each is well suited to her and showed a lot of consideration. Such as a new shieth for her gladius to replace the one that had become worn from years of use, or the new set of cooking knives.

She deftly opens the package and smiles brightly. A new wet stone and polish for her gladius. She smiles brightly to herself.

Next time she will introduce him to her bees. It is only fair that they get to meet him. And then perhaps have that sit down that Rune keeps insisting that he wants to have. Probably to threaten Ryker, the poor man.

Think of a sport and they will appear.

Rune comes up to her stall with a quirked eyebrow.

“So, he sent you another gift did he?”

She rolls her eyes knowing what will be the next question out of his mouth

“Yes. He did. And it is both useful and worthy of me. You really shouldn't worry so. I thought you approved of him?”

She teases. Rune smiles warmly and gently extends his hands to the side.

“I do approve I do. I've known the Grimborns a good long while. I just want to make sure you are happy. That's all I ever want.”

He pats her hand and she lets him.


Hiccup breathes as he remembers the exact words spoken to him by what he know thinks were the dragon gods. ‘ ~Save the lost. Find courage to kill those who must die. Save those whose false God has chained them to death and despair.~ ’ He had already spoken with Toothless about it.

His dragon had snarled and told him that they would not could not fly further south.

They had wrestled and fought for three days with Hiccup refusing to tell Dagur what the fight was about. They eventually made up and Toothless agreed to fly south, reemphasizing that his nest was bad. And Hiccup promises that Toothless will never have to live there again.

He walks up to his brother who is currently brushing down Haelan’s scales.


He croons out and then clears his throat, with a whistle click.

“I need to talk to you.”

Dagur blinks at his use of Norse, frowning.


“We… We need to fly south. Dagur, Toothless’ nest… We have to help the dragons there.”

Dagur pauses, blinks, and then nods.

“Alright. Anything else?”
Hiccup grins.

Of course, his brother is immediately down.

“Nope! We leave in three days.”

Dagur nods.

“Good. Gives me time to pack. ~ Let's go Haelan, we’re going to raid Toothless’ old nest.~”

Haelan chirps and then picks up Dagur, much to the older teens' annoyance. Hiccup giggles at Dagur’s yelling.


Ryker feels a rush of warmth as Clelia spots him and gives him a warm smile. His heart is so full. He smiles as he walks up to her.

“Clelia. It is good to see you.”

He carefully holds out his hand, not wanting to make her feel trapped or stress by simply grabbing her hand himself. She gently takes it and then tugs on him.

“Come, come, I need to introduce you to the bees.”

She says in a voice so excited he cannot help but feel a tinge of excitement too.

“The bees?”

“I've told them all about you already, but I do try to introduce all the important people in my life to them”

The tips of her ears are red but her grip is sure. He notes that she is wearing many of his gifts.

“I'm honored that I get to meet them.”

He says sincerely, giving her hand a little squeeze. She turns and her eyes are sparkling like waters on a crystal clear day.

They arrive at the beehives and they sit down at a distance. Clelia begins speaking to bees introducing Ryker and enthusing about him. Ryker feels a touch embarrassed. He takes a breath as Clelia pauses and then speaks.

“Ah, hello bees. It is nice to meet you. Your caretaker is very sweet. uh …”

He stumbles a bit and Clelia snorts and presses her face into his arm. He scrunches his nose.

“I'm doing my best. I don't normally talk to bees, and I really would like them not to disapprove of me.”

He says and she peeks up at him.

“You're doing just fine Ryker.”

They talk a little after that and then Ryker speaks on what he had been thinking about for a while.

“Celia… I really do like you. Would… Would you consider coming to my home island? One part of Acumens courting involves a visit to the village soothsayer to see if we can have our threads of fate woven together by the Norns. It does mean we have to do any sort of ceremony…”

“I think, I think it would be nice to know if we can have our threads of fate wound.”

She shifts his arm to be wrapped around her shoulders and leans into his side. He dips his head down, noting that her hair smells of flowers and honey. His lips barely touch her hair and then rests his cheek on her head. She makes him want to have decades of soft moments like this. She gives a gentle little sigh and gently takes one of his hands. She raises it to her lips and gives a small peck to the back of his hand. They sit in peaceful silence.


Toothless had shared no details about his nest while they flew southward. It worries Hiccup, how bad must the nest have been for Toothless to be too scared to even mention it. Then again… He does not like speaking of Berk. It hurt his heart to speak of Berk. So he cannot fault his friend. Most of the flight south is silent.

Then as they enter a steamy fog, Toothless begins to shake and his pupils get weird. Hiccup tries patting Toothless but gets no response. Hiccup grips tight to Toothless’ saddle as his friend trembles and ignores him. He is scared as they enter deeper into the thick fog. Dagur flies right behind on Haelan. He takes a breath and whispers to his drake.

“~Toothless? Safe?~”

“~Bad nest. Bad *****~” T he word is unfamiliar in meaning. “~Her voice is in my head. I will keep you safe, but bad nest is dangerous.~”

Toothless’ tone is so warbly and scared. Hiccup takes a deep breath and scratches Toothless’ neck. This is what they flew south for.

“~We take it on together.~” He shifts in his saddle and calls to Dagur, not too loud, just loud enough to carry. “~Bad nest. Enemy territory. Keep your eyes open clutch mate!~”

Dagur and Haelan croon in affirmative and keep flying just behind them and a little to the left. Dragons slowly start to surround them, most carrying fish, sheep, or even a yak or two. Hiccup narrows his eyes. Most of the dragons that he had met ate immediately. Normally they did not carry food long distances. He is worried for what is to come.

They dive into a cave system and then into a large cave with a smoking chasm below. Toothless leads them to a crack to watch on as dragons drop the food down into the pit. Hiccup tenses. Why are they doing that? Dragons are not fools. They do not waste food, not on purpose. Sharing food was valued heavily because it meant caring or having more than enough. But these dragons are just dropping food into a pit. All the dragons in the crevices and caves of the walls are tense and full of anxiety. Hiccup bites his lip.

Then a Gronkle flies over the pit, dropping a single pitiful fish. All the dragons tense up further. Suddenly something truly massive surges up from the pit and opens its jaws. It snatches the Gronckle from the air and swallowing it down as the nest chitters anxiously. Hiccup feels something slam up against his mind, some sort of mental force. But it is shoved away by his own rage. This is a nest. Where dragons should feel at their safest. Like back home. That must have been a Queen. A bad queen. One that terrorized instead of protected. The one the gods had sent him and his brother to get rid of.

Rage consumes him and he snarls. He leans forward as the queen vanish down into the smoke and Toothless seems to understand what he is about to do. His tensing and joint growl shows that Toothless agrees. They shriek out a challenge as one, anger at the horror that this queen inflicted. Hiccup is raging at the knowledge that his best friend had live his life in fear of this queen eating him. It explained the dragon raids and their frequency on Berk.

The queen rises back up, screaming at their challenge. Dagur lets out a wild cackle and Haelan shrieks and the four of them launch up. Toothless shrieks out further challenges as Hiccup insults the queen.

“~Worthless!! Horrid!!! Monster!~”

He shrieks at the queen and she howls at the insults. They shoot one plasma blast down at her and zoom upwards. She follows and the whole nest goes into an uproar. It is chaos. He continues insulting her, rage flowing across his tongue as Norse and Dragonese swirl across his lips and cascade outwards. Dagur backs him up with cackles and croons flying behind him. The queen destroys one part of the mountain that held the nest in her haste to try and kill him. They escape into the open air and duck beneath a wall of flame that chases him and Toothless. They spiral around the queen and he quickly discovers that the hide is too thick to blast as Haelin’s fire cascades harmlessly off her hide. Hiccup darts in close and spots her wings. He needs her to follow him heavenward where the clouds are thick and blackening.

Hiccup pulls Toothless up and they dart about her face to get her to follow. They fly up into the clouds, shrieking and spilling more insults. She slowly starts to fly after him. Hiccup dives into the clouds, hiding from her eyes. She roars.


She screams, flame swirling through the clouds.

But now Hiccup and Toothless are silent as shadows, darting between the clouds and landing precise strikes on her wings. She is not built for speed or mobility like they are. They then dive out of the clouds and get her to chase them towards the ground with one final insult. They approach the ground at the speed of lightning.




They spin around and fire into the maw that threatens to close around them. And he shrieks and they try to fly out of the way as the queen’s ripped wings fail to slow her fall. He can hear his brother’s worried shrieks as they dart around the body of the falling body of the giant. But they are hit by the tail and sent spinning. Hiccup loses consciousness as his body screams in pain.


Hiccup is not sure how long later he wakes up. It feels like coming out of death, bones, and muscles stiff from disuse. He cracks open an eye and finds himself lying on a beach. Three dragons surround him, like that dream from so long ago. A long thin multi-winged dragon made of fire. A strong stout dragon made of earth. And a sharp crooning dragon made of water. They press against him from all sides and Hiccup feels… whole.

He yawns and the dragons hum in sync with each other.

“~Sleep. When you wake, you will be queen. You will need the rest.~”

He nods along with the echoing voices as if he understands what is being said. He slips back under.


Dagur paces worried. His brother sleeps on, bandages soaked in dragon spit, aloe, and honey that he had managed to grab. There are burns winding up his brother’s left side. The fire had melted his metal leg and burned the wooden part to ash. He is terrified that Hiccup will not wake up.

He tries to distract himself with work, knowing that Toothless will let no harm come to his brother. The dragons from the nest had followed them back after the death of their bad queen. Many of them had tried to get close to Hiccup but had been dissuaded by Toothless’, Haelan’s, and Dagur’s growls. They now are settled throughout the island, both above ground and below.. Often they are asking after Hiccup. Or rather asking after the new title they had given him.

Little Queen.

And Toothless was often called Queen’s half. Or Queen’s wings.

Dagur is unsure what to make of it.

So what he does is update the worried dragons and help them settle throughout. Most tolerate him pretty well and he has quickly memorized the individuals that are less alright with his continued presence.

He just hopes Hiccup wakes soon. It had already been five days.



Chapter 32: Gods


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Tyr quietly watches the mirror with Vidar. They watch their charges with worried eyes. Hiccup is currently sleeping off his pain from his takedown of the evil Queen that had so long plagued Berk. The lad is in his tenth day of sleep. Dagur paces and then is pinned by a worried Haelan. Vidar reaches out and presses his hand against the reflection of Hiccup. But there is only so much they can do as gods who have nothing to do with healing. Tyr knows that Vadir is lending strength for resilience, but Hiccup may not wake for a long time. And the little mortal’s mind is now beyond their reach. While still holding dominion over most of Hiccup’s soul, a part of it belongs to another set of gods. The gods of dragons. What they want, neither Norse god knows.

Tyr sighs and rises from the table grabbing his spear. He begins to move through practice forms. He breathes slowly with his modified movements, letting his spear twirl around his body. He jabs and slices, dancing around his body. Having one hand did not limit the strength and control of his movements, not after having so much time to practice.

He tries to think of a solution for their devotees. Something to get the hunters to stop hunting and realize that the boys are still alive and still need them. They had come so close! But now there are so many complications including the dragons. Not that the Night Fury or Thornridge were bad, just that it made it harder to get the hunters to see beyond what they observed.

He twists and then jabs out as he hears the cascading tune of panpipes. A man with winged sandals and a tunic floats in the air with a vibrant smile. The stranger puts tanned hands on the tip of the spear and gently pushes it down.

“Now is that any way to greet a messenger?”

The man chirps and flips away honey-brown hair that had escaped his winged helmet. Tyr twirls the spear away and his face settles into controlled neutrality. Vidar stands silently at his side, his hands moving.

“-Mercury of Rome.-”

Vidar introduces.

“What is a Roman messenger doing here? Is Jupiter prepping for war?”

Tyr hopes not even as he asks. The Vikings have enough going on without the empire pressing their borders again. Mercury laughs merrily and shakes his head as he floats backward a bit.

“Oh no, Juno and him are too deep in another squabble for the gods to be bored enough to push for expansion for a while. But!~ If you do something for me, I’ll make sure you're the first to know if the Emporer or any of the gods in Rome’s pantheon get a bee in their bonnet about going to war with you and yours.”

Tyr taps the ground with his spear, frowning deeply.

“And that favor would be?”

Mercury leans back the air and clicks his tongue against his teeth.

“Well, I should give the message before I ask for favors, shouldn't I? I do fear that the carriage has gone before the horse.”

He chirps and Tyr huffs in irritation.

“Choose one and spit it out.”

“Aww, the Norse gods, succinct and blunt. Less time wasted than the Romans, I suppose.”

He shrugs and sits on the air, rummaging through his side satchel.

“I'll give the message first. Now! Seeing as your messenger gods and beings are busy and the dragons don't have one that has the gift of tongues like me~!”

He pulls out a handful of flames, earth, and ice shards, twisting it a bit.

“-You mean the dragons sent a message? They never send messages.-”

Vadir’s hands move rapidly and Mercury croons.

“Now they do! Not that I fully understand the message, I’m just here to deliver it. So they say, loosely translated of course, that Hiccup’s soul partially is theirs due to his crowning and killing of evil. He is now a nest queen with a lot of the benefits and responsibilities thereof. Therefore they want to work with you to help Dagur and Hiccup join with the Grimborns.”

Mercury snaps his free hand and the ice, fire, and earth vanish, replaced with two amulets.

“Annnndddd due to a favor they gave to me, I swiped the ingredients to make these. They let you transform into ravens that can easily enter the mortal realm. Aside from that, there isn't really any more message. I guess you'll have to figure out the rest on your own.”

He laughs merrily and holds out the amulets. Tyr hesitantly takes the amulets, neither Vidar nor he fully trusting a foreign god.

“I see. And the favor you wanted to ask of us outside the message?”

Mercury pauses and his feet touch the ground, revealing that the Roman is shorter than the two of them. His silver eyes grow heavy as he places his hands together. They come apart with silvery threads of magic connecting the two. A woman appears in the circle and it seems to be a peek into the mortal realm. Tyr recognizes her as the oatcake seller from the Northern Markets who was kind to the boys, secretly giving them discounts whenever they dropped by.

“Look out for her. She is one of my most loyal followers, and… she is so distant from where my base of power is, so it is hard to answer all her calls. Not that she seems to truly mind, but I would rather she had local guardians when Jupiter asks me to save his latest fling from Juno.”

Tyr nods handing his spear to Vidar.

“It is done, we will do what we can for her.”

He holds out his arm to Mercury. Mercury grins and takes the forearm of the god of war.

“Thanks my friend~! I'll be back sometime soon~”

He sings and giggles, floating a bit as the fings on his shoes flap. Pan pipes ring out and Mercury vanishes in a cloud of silver sparks.



But now they can go to the mortal realm easily.


Whoot whoot whoot gods

Chapter 33: Storms


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Clelia grips tightly to the ropes as the boat bucks beneath her feet. Just her luck that a winter storm of this magnitude would arrive early. She turns her face into the wind and snarls. She had set sail to the Acumens island and she is determined to make it there.

A wave rises high above her as snow and ice slams down. Water crashes down on her as the wave crests and falls. She holds tight and gasps as the wave recedes from the deck. She feels her hair come loose in the screaming wind, escaping like the mane of a galloping horse despite being thoroughly soaked. She snarls and hisses as another wave slams into her ship. She had survived worse storms to get to Rune. She would survive this. She had to.

“Mercury!! Neptune is doing his best to drown me!! Mercury! Save me!”

She calls out, a prayer familiar to her lips and tongue. She then shifts into songs of praise for all the times Mercury had seen her through before. Clelia knows her god has her, she knows he does. So despite the fear and the pain, the biting cold, and the driving snow, she let praise ring out from her tongue, singing as loud and clear as she can while the storm tries to drown her in the depths of the ocean.

She can hear the wood of the ship creaking and groaning against the strain, can feel her own grip growing loose from numbing cold. But she sings on, buoyed by faith and a need to see the people she loves once more.

There is a break in the clouds as a raven that is missing one of its legs zooms downwards. Its size changes and it is the height of a horse. She blinks and it squawks at her. Perhaps… This is from Mercury? She climbs on its back and everything goes dark as the storm screams around her.


Clelia sits up with a groan, rubbing her sore head. She scrunches her nose at the crashing waves that continue to soak her dress. She drags herself away. Her hair and dress are heavy with water. She slowly does a check. Her gladius is still attached to her hip and the courting cuff still rests on her wrist. She mourns the loss of the golden ribbon that Ryker had gotten her as she runs a hand through her unwound hair.

That raven… It is gone. It must have been sent by Mercury. She whispers a prayer of thanks to her uncle.

She stands and starts walking, body aching heavily. Her ribs feel like they might be bruised. And there are definitely gashes on her arms and legs. Her head spins from blood loss. She needs to find somewhere safe to rest. A small cave or something. Then a search to see if there are people on the island or if any of her stuff washed ashore.

Clelia finds a small sea cave and collapses in a corner, exhaustion eating at her. This is safe enough. She would do everything else when she woke again. She curls up and falls asleep.


Viggo frowns down at the map. It feels like the Riders are everywhere and nowhere all at once. The speed of a Night Fury certainly gave them much advantage and their tendency to strike at night so that trying to understand what direction they were flying away was nigh impossible. And now they had vanished for several weeks for no discernable reason. He clenches his eyes shut. They had a little under two weeks until Deadly Winter. He knows that the riders are the only lead that they had to Hiccup and Dagur. He clenches his fist.

They had already returned to Kunnigr and Ryker is getting a little antsy. Clelia was supposed to have shown up two weeks ago with plenty of time for her to visit the soothsayer and sail back to the Northern Markets. And yet… there is no sign of her. Gobber had been trying to get Ryker to calm. But it is a losing battle.

Viggo finds himself biting the inside of his cheek. There is still that report from Tove. Of books delivered that were obviously from Hiccup’s machine. And Gobber’s observation of the tail fin. What exactly was the boys' relationship to the riders? Prisoners? Slave? … Allies?? But had Hiccup not been terrified of dragons once, and had Dagur not killed a dragon before?

He is going mad from all these thoughts.


Dagur gently scratches Toothless’ chin as he watches the snow falls from the sky. He hides his face against Haelan’s scales and then lets out a sob. Hiccup had been asleep for a month, stirring very little. His brother had to be carefully fed with a spoon and cleaned with careful hands. The burns were starting to fade, but his brother stays asleep. Hiccup’s chest rose and fell but those eyes were always closed.

He sobs and breaks. Haelan croons and Toothless licks at his hands. He takes some comfort in the dragons. They made sure that he was not alone. Dagur is terrified of being alone.

“~He is healing.~”

Haelan reassures.

“~But he won't wake.~”

Dagur’s chirping roar is broken by his tears and he curls in on himself. He finds his nose quickly growing stuffy as his chest aches from heaving. He had started crying a lot a week ago. Haelan licks a little more. Toothless chirps and Dagur reaches out with a hand without raising his head. Toothless presses into his hand.

“~Fly? The Queen can't fly with me, and I can’t fly without him.~”

Toothless had refused to let Dagur help him fly when Dagur had offered before. Dagur murmurs his agreement and then climbs onto Toothless' saddle.

They soar over the island twisting above the trees and looping around the stones that were hidden by fog and steam. He breathes out slowly as Toothless performs simple maneuvers. Nothing fancy. Dagur is not good enough at controlling the pedal for anything more fancy.


Ahhhhh storms

Chapter 34: Time Passes


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Clelia scrunches her nose at the snow falling down as she slowly moves to check her fish traps. Her arms and legs still ache. She freezes as a dragon flies to the patch of Lilly-like flowers that rest on the edges of the river. In her time here she had observed many Sweet-Swarmers, a bee-like dragon that seemed to collect nectar from an odd sort of huge lilly that bloomed in these freezing cold temperatures.

Clelia stands stalk still, knowing from past experience the dragon will not attack her. Much like bees don't tend to attack until provoked. She had figured out where their nest had an entrance and avoided it to the best of her ability.

It collects its nectar and is away. She checks on her traps and then carries the fish back to her sea cave. She stares out at the crashing wave and whispers to the horizon as she curls closer to the much-needed flames in the midst of this deadly winter cold.

“Ryker… wait for me a little longer. I'm trying to think of a way to you. Please.”

She hopes he waits for her. Hopes he considers her worth waiting for. She takes a deep breath. She just needs to survive right now. And then find a way off this island. She traces the skull on her golden cuff.


Hiccup slowly opens up his eyes, feeling so heavy. His left side aches all the way up to his neck. He cracks an eye open and finds that he is curled into Toothless’ side and covered in furs. Dagur is sitting by the harth and is chattering with the Glory Sparks and Haelan. He stretches out a hand to Toothless’ snout. Toothless startles and then croons loudly, licking his hand and then his face and hair. Hiccup lets out a soft noise and then croons back at his eager dragon.

Dagur comes to his side immediately.


His brother chirps and presses into his right side. Hiccup purrs and chirps happily. Hiccup croons and then feels something in his soul tug. He tries to rise and Dagur is immediately worried while Toothless chirps in confusion.

“~I need… I think I need to see the other dragons.~”

Hiccup whispers out a few barks and clicks. Toothless seems to understand.

“~Little Queen. The nest calls.~”

The word that had been so unfamiliar before glows against his brain. He is queen. The new queen and he has a nest to watch out for.


Dagur tilts his head and Hiccup sniffs. And then blinks. His brother needs better marking before they go out. He rubs his chin and hands against Dagur and his brother lets him, simply wrapping arms around him in reply. Hiccup then struggles onto Toothless’ back to be carried outside. All the dragons near the cave perk up at his presence and soon noise fills the island announcing his return. Tons of dragons come to greet him, rubbing against his very eager hands. He swears up and down to them all that he will do his best for them. But the ones from Toothless’ nest whisper that he had already done the unpayable, gotten rid of the old evil queen.

Something about him has changed. Something irrevocably is different. He can smell the markings of his nest and can feel them there in his mind. The ease with which he understands all the calls and croons. He is Queen. Their Queen.

Soon he is exhausted and he falls asleep while sitting outside.


Dagur smiles happily as Hiccup sits with him in the sunshine. His brother is slowly, oh so slowly getting better. Hiccup wakes up more and more often and stays awake longer. Dagur notices the sharping teeth and the growing amount of purring and rubbing of his face and his hands over dragons and Dagur.

But his little brother is still unwell. The burn still saps his strength away. Dagur does all he can to help his brother. He collects wild honey and dragon spit. He cleans bandages and creates meals. Dagur tells stories and sings songs, combing out Hiccup’s hair and making sure the furs stay clean.

It is a lot of work but it keeps him from focusing too much on worry.


Gobber frowns as he sees Viggo grow more and more withdrawn as Ryker goes on a destructive warpath against the dummies in the training ring. He does his best but distress is easy to let in, given that the boys were out in this winter, likely with those riders, and Clelia never showed.

The second occurrence had ripped up Ryker. The only two real options are that Clelia had died or that she had chosen not to come, a rejection of the courting. Both were enough to cause Ryker to bubble over because of his already frayed emotions.

A raven flaps down from the sky with a pot clinging in its two feet. It tilts its head at him and then nudges the pot closer. Gobber blinks. Ravens were the symbols of Wodin. This might mean something. Unfortunately, he is not a soothsayer. The raven looks vaguely annoyed, flaps to his shoulder, and nips his ear.

“Ouch! Okay! Alright! I'm trying to figure out what you want. So a pot… which means food…”

Oh. That might be one way to break the Grimborn’s funk, just for a little bit to get their minds on something else for a little bit. Gobber huffs and makes a decision. The raven rides on his shoulder as he cooks a wondrous stew. Gobber is careful to include everything that makes a stew hardy and filling. He drags Viggo away from his plots and plans and hooks Ryker by the back of his clothes. He sets both down at a table and forces them to eat and talk despite initial stubbornness. Then he makes sure they get into bed and sleep. All under the watchful eye of the ever-silent raven. Gobber is not sure what the gods want but hopes it is to help them.



Transmutation of the Soul - HermesSerpent (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.