The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

11 THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, SATTflfflAY, AUGUST 13, 1910, There was no risk for anyone In the country In taking the notes. No workman need bo afraid of taking them. They wero 10 times safer than those IsKued by the banks. The bill, was put forward as an exercise of tbo Government's power to deal with currency. It aimed at doing that which ought to have oeen done long ago, and which hail been dons with much success In Queensland and Canada.

Sir John Quick Vict.) saw in the bill a forerunner of other legislation would go much Turther, and squeeze out existing banks, and make bunking a Government monopoly. (Ministerial cheers.) The public had confidence In private bnnk-notcs. In Canada FEDERAL PARLIAMENT. THE SENATE. 'IS; The President took the chair at 10.30 a-m.

THE DEFENCE ACT. The Mtnlnivr ui lJuteneo, buna tor Poarcg. Intimated that on Wednesday next be would ask for leave to introduce a bill to amend too Defence Act. ARBITRATION BILL. In moving tho second reading of the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Bill AUNCXTTS BULK AEKOWBOOTS- i Iri-: it! notwithstanding mo iaci inui uuviti notes were legal tender, and bank-notes were jcm chudejEsps tascuns ae viee-rreaiueui oi me executive uouncu i i wnit.

nt th inttor explained Una ll was propound mako 2at Show? ri.imi.1.,.. miir. .1.1. Id circulation, hat did Hat anowT Si.i THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE AGAINST ILL-HEALTH. Only about ona man or woman in a hundred is perfectly healthy.

The other 99 have some digestive trouble, and perhaps more than 50 per cent, of these could trace their trouble to, that most prevalent evi-Con-stipation. It's a simple thing of itself, but, like many simple things, it may grow and become complicated. everybody wlio baa lo work for their Hvims "s1h abows that the I. th. of Ho oxp.aloed tao' 'Si SSSL'i bauk "nTcaU L.t,uTUS.'"""la md" th0 ComraoSwea ti ijnue to be aa perfect as of ItrprcsonulUvini.

WHS n0 nej t0 mako "aM-ft Vo pub, to take It SAX "AKNOTT'S OKLT," PLEASE. iin ir thn r.nvfimment was Bolvent. and Its till Wednesday next. I SUilPLUS REVENUE) BllaU The adjourned debate on the Surplus Re-' venue Zua per capita Bill was resumed by1 Senator St. Lodger tLibural, Q.j.

Ou Tuursday' the actlug leader ot the OddosUIoii. SuuaLur fciir Albert (iould, had moved that 2ua per credit good, there was no need to push the notes by making It legal tender. At 4.15 p.m. Sir John Quick got leave to continue his Bpeech on Tuesday, and the House adjourned. THE CHURCnES.

It Is reported that Archdeacon Wentworth Bhoilds, late of Goulburu, wtU bo appointed to the vacancy of St. In the course of an address at Molong In connection with the visit of the Bat hum presbytery, the Rev. J. C. M'Donaid, of Orange, expressed himself In favour of the movement towards the union of the Churches.

ucaa uo paia 10 uie states tor lo instead of lu years, Senator St. Ledger declared that If aonatora did not look alter the interests of the Stutes thoy would be signing their own death warrants. Senator (livens (Labour, Q. moved an amendment to the effect that the time limit be struck out, so that the Commouwoalth would pay to the States 22s per capita from January 1, 19U. It would be left to future THE LUNG AND ITS VALUE.

BP GIVES THE! BREATH OF LrFTT TO THE BODY, Tba laboor of the healthy rang Is nneeaaing, eonveya pore air to tfco fataO-d, cleaafliiig it It eiradatea. Upon ita work entire life depends. When in deexjr, health and Uie departa life is practically at an end. It may he prohmffed, that Is all. RKEP YOUR UTNCU9 HKALTtTT.

Tint to treacherous pnenmopiB weather; ft sudden chill, the common cold, the "tickling" cough, may end ia deadly Jnfluena, Bronchi Ofi, Catarrh. Pleurisy, Pneuteonia, and last, but not least, CONSUMPTION. Fortify your Inns, make them non-infectious, free front In-IteiUniM attacks, by the one of Elliott' Emulsion. IF NATUBE HA3 GIYKN TOO A WHAJt LUNO, atrcngthen it vith this speciflc. ELLIOTT'S EMULSION OF COD LTVEE would last arrangement: Ue Baid thfl pr08bytcry members liked to bo- The Vice-President of th Executtvn nnnnMi lleve that when thoy visited different towns there was a reflex action on the other Churches, and ministers and Presbytcrluus were not worthy of the name If they connned their interest only to tneir own unurco.

There were indications at the present time Constipation is the root of mne-tentns ot tne sicimess oi man, ana a large proportion of the sickness of women. Nature often reqtrires a little assistance, and if this assistance is given at the first indication much distress and suffering may be averted. To maintain a healthy system the bowels should operate at least once every 24 hours. This is one of Nature's wise provisions which is too often ignored, and the result is untold suffering. Women and children are the greatest offenders, but why such should be the case is a problem to be solved.

Dr. Morse's Indian Root PHls are a remedy winch, taken at the first indication, assist Nature to restore the system to health and strength, and avert the development of disease. Every ailment is the effort of Nature to get rid of some impurity in the system, and the object of medical treatment is to assist Nature in doing so. Dr. Morse's Indian Boot Fills do this surely and thoroughly.

To overcome constipation take from one to four Fills regularly unto the Bowels move daily, and are restored to healthy action. that the Christian Churches were drawing asked Senator Givens not to press his amendment. He (Senator MXJregor) could not under-! stand why a supporter of the Government should allow himself to be caught In a trap which would enable the Opposition to hold up the passage of the Senator Sir Albert Gould (Liberal, NSW) I failed to bco why the time limit should be mentioned. Personally he was In favour of more than 10 years, but under the bill there was no Kuarajitfte that it arnM ip- closer together. i --hi OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES.

"Lift up thy prayer for the remnant that Is left." These words are inscribed on the cross-beam of a little aborigines mission church at Yarrabah. This pathetic appeal Is Alofiimnt ftt Australia' nnflif nt fhf natlvfl Parliament. There would be no harm in knocking out the time period altogether, But the A.B.M. is doing something for perhaps the clause could be further amended. Senator M'Coll (Liberal.

Vic) Intimated that he would vote for the bill. 1n. Vour' 1 Stry (Labour, S.A.), and Keating lUberal. tV the 85,000 aboriginals left. It intends appealing to the 4,000,000 nominal Christians In Australia to do something more than bas been done for blacks, and the Bishop of Carpentaria Is issuing a challenge to Christian nb sptodM BmWw contains fpeda healing od gooUrhif propertfcs, agsd la of rare value In eases of Influenza, Catarrh, Sore Throat, OooatitntioQ-aUy Weak LtrafB, or Thro Inflairunatinna ariMng from any cause.

For wasting diiwa, allied to chronic lung weakness, it is of special value, acting as a tf" food, boOdiDg up and streng Uicoinc; the constitution. It may be given with perfect safety to children. Mothers may rely upon a sick child deriving la mediate benefit, especially in cases of Bronchi tia, Croup, or It baa a toning effect upon the Stomach, preventing constipation aad difcjestion. Improved appetite waits upon its use. Send for it.

'SOLD BT 'ATX WELLr-IvXOW CHEMISTS AND STOKES. tnougnt there must be a time limit for the! Australia. A forward movement In this sphere th t--ommrn wealth audi01 missionary activity is now anticipated. the States, and 10 years was a fair term. The Guild of St.

Laurence, which is the oldest church guild in the Commonwealth, celebrated Its 28th festival on the 10th the feast of its natron saint. There were "Take an old lady'B advice, and try Dr. Morse's Ia4ian Root Pills." celebrations of the Holy Communion at Christ Church, St. Laurence, at C.30 and 7.30 a.m. The report for the year, presented by the secretary (Jtr.

C. Hillyar) showed a record of steady work, and alluded to the appointment of a former warden of the guild (Right Rev. Dr. Trower) as Bishop of North-west DUE AD OP INDIGESTION aiistraiia. ts ft i to a mistaken dietary regime, and dorado dyapeprfa.

imataka in the world. CONSTIPATION OVEECOIIE. "I- was a sufferer from Caaotipatira and Us brain of evils, dzxlneas, languor, beadarofces, and general unvaaaaess for ronxe time," write a Mrs. Julia Bat em an. 391 Pyrmwnt-street, Ultimo, "and found much trouble In overcoming the ailment.

Having used purgative meaUeincs wKbout any lasting benefit, I was persuaded to try Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pit Is, and after one dose I was wonderfully relieved. I continued their use, taking them on attentate Digbt, and my bowels were restored to a normal aid regular cnd1toa, and, in consaquence, I loot all those dreadful sensations of dtaOBma and depression. I always keep the pills In the borne, and can BecexmweaTA t- i as an lnrral liable aciiicrno for women." who knows the supreme eorrective value of co*ckle's Pills ean enioy all the rational TEE "WAY TO KEEP WELL." Mrs. M.

Chapman, Queensland Representative tor the PsppreU Const Co and whose home is at New Farm, Brisbane, writes: "I have been travelling about Queensland for the last seven years, and I am quite confident that the reason I hare always enjoyed good health is because I have kept my system regular by taking your pills about once a week. The Queensland climate is at all times particularly trying to ladies, but your pills seem to overcome all their troubles, especially headaches and liver troubles. I am never without Dr. Morse's Indian Root PUla, and have recommended them to all my fxieada a.aoe asi sueesoeettn lor tl tsajar Uttle Rev. WlHiam Temple, M.A., son of the late Archbishop of Canterbury, and chaplain to the present Archbishop, visited St.

Andrew's (oiiege on Tnorsdar and dined with the stu dents, afterwards giving an address in the pUasurea of the table with impiiorty. Oor.ltlr'i pills thoroughly puniy, regulate, and strengthen drgrsliw system. They ensure natural functional activity. Physiclaas have Mcogaised this to; tashHt century. co*ckLE'S PILLS- FOB CONSTIPATION.

DE AOt (xnaaaiB, ifli and sa. ljeccure nan. ro-morrow afternoon be will preach at the students' service at St. Apdrew's Cathedral, and he Is to be entertained at breakfast by the Presbyterian Hospitality rrriH was reported, and at 3.50 p.m. the House adjourned till Wednesday next.

HOUSE OP REPKESEITTATrVES. AUSTRALIAN NOTES BILL. MELBOURNE, Friday. in the House of Representatives to-day te 0n tho 8econd reading of tho Austra-A Bm was resumed by Mr. Greene who did not think the issue would take much money out of the pockets or shareholders or banks.

The whole question in his mind, was whether it was going W.P,M People a better currency or not, an-1 whether it would be as suitable to the needs of the Commonwealth as the present one. It was not as elastic, and not as convertible aa tin bank Issue. These conditions would make less stable. The taxpayer would be no oetter off under the Commonwealth scheme than under the bank system. There was an Idea that bank notes were paper money.

They wore not; they were a paper credit. Then was great economic difference between paper money and paper credit. Mr. Brown N.S.W.): We found it was paper money in 1902 and 1903. Mr.

Greene: The Issue would be partly based on gold and partly on credit. It would therefore be partly paper money and partly paper credit under certain conditions, in making notes legal tender they had a double system, a half-caste system. It seemed to him that notes were legal tender only at the Treasury. The Prime Minister: We will make that clear. Mr.

Greene: The Government itm nnt fair on monoay morning. Great efforts are now being pnt forth by tie Australian Board of Missions to arouse sympathy throughout Australia on behalf of tne alwrlgines. A meetlne of a soeclal com IT- mittee for this purpose, convened by Captain RoUeston, R.N., was held at 242 Pitt-street last Wednesday. The Hon. G.

P. Earp. M.L.4X, presided over a full attendance. It was re solved that the claims of Yarrabah and Mlt aoECKEKHEinC SAVINGS BANK OF STEW SOTJTH WAXES. HEAD OmOffi VOORETUKKT, SIDNEY.

SAVLNOS BANK DEPARTMENT. chell River mission stations should be made part of the larger and wider claims of the aborigines as a whole. Steps will be taken immediately to start a similar movement la oiaer dioceses and states, by means of cor UfllalHr-'ftr wfcfcm the ntUmom monthly balnice en depoeita op to 900. BO CBASGS teaeplal tBUXJB andmp-to OOOO. at nodcrate rate, of tatenst, oa dty or ramtrr bada.

responding committees and secretaries. ft was decided to collect Information with regard to the aborigines, compile literature, and to lay the full facts plainly before the public. The want of sympathy, in the opinion of tho committee, arises chieflv from nt ADVANCE DEPARTMENT. SetUen oa advantageooa terms. RKPftTVKNTS EXTKNIXNO Din TUBS TaQ plilhafii, on appatkm to Braoea Uajugen, fostooataa, or at toe Head OAee.

J. H. DAVIE SeoVetaty. ing money away from the banks. The money was not the banks'.

It waa th i-nnW. rcal condition of things. It was reported ill jm held In trust by the banks. The consensus that OQ Mission alone there Is an of bankers' opinion was that they made no-'annual deflcit of 1100 and that large sum thing out of their note Issue. If the banks 8 reIutred immediately for capita outlay on were called upon they could redeem their' induBtr'al development.

It was resolved to paper in one day, but the State of Queens-opn at an earty (lnt tw funds slmultane-land had to be given time to meet her obllga-! oaB.Iy on0 t0 supplement ordinary Income, tlons. Mr. Mills said a State Issue should bo antl ther to Provide a capital fund for to the minimum of a bank Ibsuc, but in thi'tno a'opment of the reserve, case the State was Issuing double the maxt-j On Friday evening Archdeacon Ountbcr de-mum of the bank Issuo. Mr. Mills should be llvered a lecturp, illustrated with lantern the last man quoted in favour of a State views, on th history of St John's Parra Issue.

A note issue was a sarety-vahro for He spoke of the chaplarn to the mr bank, and tney should be careful before with-1 Fleet, the early day of tho colony and the THEY DO NOT SICKEN, THEY DO NOT GEIPE. THEY DO NOT WEAKEN. ABRAHAM'S PILLS. APPETHINa AMD ffTltKNaTUEMNa Btr as akhoejit, but TONia tiiet bemovk drio acid, nri! oadss or Al TK0CBUS SUCU AB UVKlt, OD1USX, EJUuUrS DISEASE, UODT, ItUEUJIATIaM, ETC. TAXSN TWO OR THHEB TIMS3 A WEEK WILL CHASB DOLIi CAJIS AWAY.


SYDNEY. balldlnza will b. nsed for some oC tbe meet- ALLEGED MISAPPROPRIATION. pju i-ua, e.7 tuu uuu, nunisiercu at St. John I Inea.

Mr. Georire T. Waldpn. M.A.. of Enluore.

uvioihwcui ttuiaju uo i orcvd 10 repuaraie iih VICTORIAN SOLICITOR ARRESTED. PIRE AT BROKEN r.urrencr. or mako It Inconvertible. Treasury I ordination or tb. flr.i LISi lhe' N.S.W., la president, and will bo accompanied bills wonld only be courted at a great dl i Father Mr A Pranciacan.

by large delegation from New South Wales, count. The proponed Isane would lead to cur-j. T.Sy' The speakers will Include Mr. F. M.

llalns tallment ot banking facilities In the In Kill. (foreign missionary secretary ot tbe American It would not be sufficient to meet the RonT. board), who Is en route from America to India wore entertained at a complimentary picnic bj residents of Dupgog nnd Bandongrovo. Mr. Jos.

Abbott, of presented Mrs. Potter with a silver tea and coffee service tn scribed, and Mr. Potter with a gold alburt and medal inscribed, on behalf of the real-dents of the district. Mr. W.

Mooro (Chlc-boster), on bobaif ef t'io Cricket Club, presented Mr. with- an inscribed gold pendant, and Mrs. John Dowllng, on B00Z3, PTXBUCATIOHS, EIC. of the country bonka. If the Prime Minister's person to reeehrn ih.

1 and Japan, Mr. D. C. M'Callum (missionary. BROKEN HIIjLi, Friday.

Mrs. times Hayes last night upset a kere-sene lamp, and tho five-roomed house In South broken Hill, occupied by her husband, and herself, and owned by tho husband's flirares were correct, each bank would only "'casing elect for Philippine Islands). Mr. A. C.

Strut MELBOURNE, Friday. Charres S. Currle, a well-kuowu Melbourne solicitor, was arrested to-day upon four charge! of dealing with misappropriation of trust funds. Tho Informutlou set out that, on April 4. 1907.

the defendant, being a bailee of 15, the property of Richard Hannaford. he fraudu eet 1583 to una aa till money. That would a v. Bryant, son ton (missionary on furlough from tlaramatl mother, was burned to the ground. The build-1 behalf of not be enough, unlesa tile Government waa thT Horn, hi.

pass'nR India), Mr. A. C. Ranklne (evangelist, from prepared to nay told for notes In more than xSI.rr the Jesuit: U.S. The interstate evangelists will be the Lib oral Deaguo, Mrs.

H'jit'T with silver REMOVAL NOTICE. ing was insured for 4.J5C, ana the furniture presented for both in the Diver pool, London, and dish. wore madtlently converted It to his own use; that, oo ono place. Ho did not think the banks wonld riarr rataor Piper la well represented. Special resolutions are to cash tba notes to an unlimited extent.

it 1 -grand- be discussed concerning the Federal capital, nltmitea extent. It Bon i.t. ti- oe uiscuspcu ronc-ruing me rmer.i Ukrt omce. by leading rariidems. Mr.

Potter has lived October 6, 1903, bolng a bailee of 50, the and prospective work In that district. would probably lead to tho banks establish-: Fa vow" in th hi tho banks establish-:" iT t'Jn Pnt mg one central place for oichaoge, and on state. leather Plner win i Tb now schooner Saraglgl. which was re- 1 in this district over hiff a century, and will ol nicna nannaioru. oe convenca future reside near Tuwvrth.

havins beuaj to uls own U3e; that on Jaly 30- In a recent Pool River land hal-1 jnoans ot a false pretence, he unlawfully ob-! lou lamed from John Wynne Stamp a cheque for SCHOOLS OF ARTS. MORKE. Friday. Ba-HAVE IU0MOVKD TO OUR NEW SPACIOUS AND PES. M1SES AT 238 PITT-STKEET, OPPOSITE SYDNKV SCHOOL OF ARTS.

A', a neetlng of th School of Arts com- COOMA, Friday. 1 Jtiw; and that. In February, 1910, he, being Local bskfrs have the nrtco ofian acm ot Jane Hume, received from her a central clearing noose, ine pronts ae.TO tna Australian Mi-nilon dedicated in Sydney to missionary hiaue would not be aa much aa was exj.eeta-J. "ai.ron. (n pa rryed safely at Fort Mores- There would have to be reckoned the cosi of rainal Moran lift on Tuesday for Brla-' by.

and Is injuh admired by tho missionaries tasae, the holding of gold, and other expanses, 'w, and to-morrow will assist at Hie formcl and their converts. Tr.o Is to be 3o? Morals trol now? It looked to in the trf pinon of fct" Cathedral. igges wore made as 10 the introduction like an excellent sthtme to get a lot of! Sunday Taruinal Moran vlslei Parra- cf similar to the curfew Ordin- monev without inreret. The ortmorv cause when JC Vj wa8 subserihrti. Amrtra, whlrh provide, that children arnica iir.

f. LicaKins was elected president, Mr. J. D. Nisbett hon.

treasurer, and iir. V. W. Thompson hon. secretary.

THE CHURCHES. bread from 3id to por loaf. I certain security, a cheque for 275, on terms cti ij wlrlch required him to account for it to his a fi Friday. principal, and thai he fraudulently converted wkhir I 'rme "i11 tft hl3 own Currt will appear at tho Irthur MaSl" City Court on Monday. James Stewart waa sentenced by the local TUB PU1IUO ARK CORDIALLY IWtTKO TO PiSPEtTP OUR NKW PRR- HISB9, W1IKIIK OUR KNOItMOt'S 8TOCK Of BOtiK.I IN KVKRY DKPART- StKNT Of LITKltATL' ItK IS Sll AltltANCKD THAT CU8TOMKK3 CAN IN.

afk-UT TUU BOOKS ON TUK SIIU.VI.1. With our incrraMd rornmorhtlnn we are KXTT'NTITNG OUR STOCKS OF COWEROLU. whiik inay ulso be to givalcr advantage. GILCANDRA. Friday.

oencn to is months in Bauiurst gaol on BILLIARDS. at the ci.Vvi row Methodist church. Nearly Accuseds roe room as rouse- In tho room. I ncre ne win cnaa wsa about, was literally full of wearing apparel. Uiinttiided by proper Riinrd'riT! hn 11 he the ctrcets u'clock In zii o'clock in sua-iiiii.

Tin Svflnoy Y.M.C.A. will rprrtsontd nt the Australasian Convention, to l.e hold WrlllnctOai, during the Bret waaiL of October. THE 1IOSPITA1J3. of this isMue was the primary cause of Tho ProsbyteriaT; General Atvemi- tv State note issue Government's need. will nu.t In Svdiicy durin trails should not Ihia course.

W. s. of Pruhran iV. I' -n' should go to P.npland and ratso Uie money Moderator-noiuinate. they wanted In a straightforward way.

The! history or Australia contained Irrefutable i The Right IW. the Modfnlo; -Cenera! (Rv proof of the suability of the present currency, John Ferguson) will visit Qiieeniun'l dti The Oovemment's proposal rested on theory. mon1hv Rev- Richard Kerr, of Warwick. Is GEORGE BOBEETSON CO. BOOKSKLMIUS AND TATlONKItS, SYDNEY.

Mr. V. OROOKWT.LL, Friday. Levy has hesn nnpolnted paid the Crooliwoli Cf-tiape Hosnttal. RdRKKI AND Trie veteran EuslisJnun nod tbe younjf Australia bvgttn ycstrrua.v the lirsl of a aerie? of six matches 3000 up, in uhieti Li minim reeeivrs ft mart o( i0.

The game i benis pUyed at Billiani, Limiteil. in Alco*ck and imirnauient hall, and "a one. of that tirm'd Morikd RoLertd wis the iu lhe ire with 43. Un rfnuii' Ullh viait waa tor M3. made In minutt.

He wis Lt it a erosa-ttie-ulil? caniiuii. Hie nrratch man rvvliM vith a level century (TV minutes)), eomjiilf'l ut luting style. Lindrum'a six in tarXrtU on 113 minutes). He waa eoiii The Petersham and district local union of The Attoropy-Geaoral said they had heard mnorary. Christian Endravonr litlj th-tr rally' Melvin has appolatd matron to fi-l ih vacancy caused by Uto retlroment of stolen rrom various residents.

John Norman, for stealing a cose of whisky from tho Imperial Hotel, received a sentence of six months' Imprisonment. GLOUCESTER. Friday. On Thursday, at the 33 mile peg. on the railway works.

Gloucester to Taree, two men were working in a heading. It was a hot day, and they were overcome by the fumes from the blasting powder. A doctor's attention was required for some hours beforo they recovered sensibility. LISMORE. Friday.

A number of young Inds were beforo the a great deal about the dansor of Statu notes, For the Rtirnsite Orphan Homes has th" Stanir.or.' Methodist f'hurh c-i" Wmt Tho ehnrano haA hadii hv Ihnia a I nnd thr- plar. for uawuirop presmcd and spoh MUs Rice. N'ARRAN'nr-A. Friday. A bazaar In aid of the locM hospital, held during s'dow week, realised neL LTjuuiii nave heen prepared, in itl rrBw nncrty.

itev. A'ln a.o gav meat undertook was unwise. If they will ho renulred. and hoard nf an Itoports showed gvod work for posed lo nationalise the sugar Industry most of have aphonic,) to Pr-shytrrians the Th" outers circled wore-iTesl- the ars'iments used a.rnlnst tho State note Is- throughout the state for the dent. l(oV.

V. C. Black; vli-e-ntvsidenfi Re SYDNEY SCHOOL OF ARTS. "SP? MIWAKV. AWMI H) Xi: niTIOS-.


hM.I. IMOM TO I.CT (or MUCTINUS. Mb.H.b IV. m. HKHTIii ll.

TIM XltillT. s.ib.. 2 per nr. 1.UWHST TUU WOISI.U. i.

i "v-j uw ran, inn wtien qe nan ihhico nu re. und cannoned the l-jtet white rolled on to tba spot the wu on. A lull now ensued to manoeuvring on both aidra at the bottom end of tlie table. Each tua.l If lie uU1y upum uK. nr uu v.

oiinaut anu it. King: lockout H.iperia- U. Mai l.TUl and Ml THE SCHOOLS. of a State note going down to zero, but they lo erected nt Pubho; tendoi-t ilr h.j i i ok, v.rn kv- the memory of Rev. J.

C. vi inaoi t. ilr. Hall i-: Mniitn. C(i: mru-r.

i.l- BROKEN HII.L Frlflar. police court on Wednesday, charged with loitering on the footpaths In the evening, and fined 1 each. Another lot. for riotous be- noten were not worth the papr they were The new tnfaats' school building at the B.H. n- jui.k vrriiipv isiann minister, wh died "i me raupueai rounrll after a short mlnlstrv In lie west on MonOav la-'t, it wp.a d-cid-d to in-Last Sunday the lit ii' tcrvlew the Thief Kwtry r.

to North Public School was opened this after- haviour. Including throwing stones on 'I tr.t K-l I 1TY AMI lll ltllAN MKMIJKIIS. vearlv. 2 WORKS Mi-mlir. WultKS.

i.r 1 UOI1K ANII I IIAII.V. I SI IWUIIiKIIS. WORKS anil 1 IHlivJMl I M.MiUlNr: dehveml in an.l Siiburl.a. SI M1AVS IM I.l I Nfll, P.M. u.

M. PMRHSU Srr il 1 MAIJtZINK; ll J-IM: at lime. Nli i. DKKKI.r, IlilliKS Si PITT I UKI. I the celebrated the ilvtennh iue uniay evening a ommonweaitn nag pr-wnted by the roofs of houses, were also fined 1 each, and printed on, Mr.

Oreeno; That van before they were mii'lp Urst rharee on the brink's assets. The Attorney-General: Tho crisis of lSHS had ruined tens uf thousands. It was th- dnetion t- i i "v'ry 01 lu halls licensed of tho i Association was by the warned by the police magistrate. i Theatres and Public Hi'lls KPierer.c I Alderman Harvey) COW-RA, Friday. greatest crisis proportionate to tne creii't fu) COflcoP.

nurcesn- 'f" OI msiiiiag that had been known In the history of th- riurch or me of In 1 1 1 1 1 i Hlircn -ill Ol Hie VVBST MAITIjAND, Friday. The Ven. Archdeacon Boyce addressed a largely-attended meeting at the School of Arts Inst evening on no-llcense. Tbe meeting carried a resolution pledging Itself to use every endeavour to carry no-llcense In the Maltland electorate. world, 'lhe uniount of credit Involved In tbe pic-' um cumru U1S UllllCS OS naiiseu in.

lures of the recent Jahtisoii-Jeffri P.ght. llliaJ teacher of the Cowra Public Rev. Or. W'hitller ha rti.rnA.i A special inoven.ent ScbonJ, in succession to Mr. V.

Howard. r- TURNER AND HENDERSON. Kl III TUB WOOI, SEASON. A(C0' na carrox rooks, pad. crisis was 132 millions.

Twelve banks tlgued. TAU.V iiliis' llV l'-l. CATlLr. I1K1VR.N BOOKS, WOOL XIIm supplying nt Wrtgga, Melbourne lo secure a snitahle buil.ling Pending his settlement In lhe presbytery. for tn? rk of the nrlttsh nnd Kore'-n BiUIe Rev.

Thos. Alexander Is Wpnlylne nt Rnnrl i A f'nlng In has been wick during tho absence of Rev II Si aml nskeil for to make ilio in Tasmania. 1 purchase. The parent soc.ietv has offered oue- Snoaklni n-v. third of the amount neeesnnrv.

of'l'l'lKs' INKSTANDS. STATIOSKRV C.WKS. Inrgc Amortmtnt AN IDTAUT'S DEATH. ALLEGATIONS AT AN INQUEST. piateii tne objett white Lind rum seven times mi-l lluberu etx witlint an iitteniii to score.

At bt the latter got an opeDing with a tine middle poiU-C loser ii ud made 37. Neither player was in ferm at th stage. RoKtU beint palpaidy off, and Luniruin a drop ran-won from baulk and an c-asy red winner. Neariig ine end of the scs.vm tlu Atutratian became biw with consecutive runs of fo, and he cloture! with 119 unfinished. Scores: Lind rum (rrc u-js (average nearly" 4i); Roberts, :7 n.i.

I.itiilrum tixife his untini.hetl break to 201 (II whn ii wan lii Wn Havod iimlnss. Vii, 11 he tried for a red winner in ihe innliile, but Uie i J'd aiMl cu scom to ihe kit Imtiom poekit. did no good with bis first Mick, but at bi-t next c-My he added 0. l.f ininuo's Bf-vnd cue made when lu he pot another tlnke. Roberts ewnod the tlukes-both camions-and presently lie got set to the tuur of H4 in six ininntes.

Tliif lie fnllowril with a skiitutjv eeiuti-I (12J nimutej'), Roiim out on a etrew eaiinon off (he rtisn. Thin break was nr.irJy nil ui the spot nnl.'s next tbree visits to (lie table accounted for (tt, anil anil 5S. The Html inh mat i here came with a sequence of pmfll-ublo lireukD. lip apgreL'nted no fewer than CKi points wliilt Liiiilriuu was put tint; on a modest SI.

Roberta at this sUijic ui the llinelislit. His iimMeiy over -ttie lionzoliiiei wan treat to the cpeelaturj. After Sit iilnl the. bjil-innrker wns credited with a 2H1 (I'M inimitesi. nm-le by nil-round in whleli liffiired aeenrjttc lnmug linznnl.

clever runnntts, nnd a pretty masse Htrokc. He fid-lowed witli hikI a alee run ot l.i ('4 minute,) us Htopped by niiaeiu1, Hniliini; stronply he closed the sewlon wlih tmnnlshed (10 rniiuMcs). He the iiiirhfu pt.n-413 beliinil bii ami yet be win Hie tirat to ffet )uine. I.lndnnn emild not pel it reiiiuti'THtive unnniiiL''. 71 Ih'Ihu- his nt tl.n full conditions of the Church's continued IIASCK ASH A DKftiiiNs ni-VTRBCT.

Pill VTINO WORKS: Wl nTOIlCF STRKF.T. MR. F0ST13R FT" A ST" ANT) THE BROKEN HILL, Friday. Mr. Kcgiuald Manning, i'j, for many years local mnnaser for Messrs.

Dagnt, Shakes, and Lewis, died nt the hospital curly on Thursday from nrlsbt's disease. He was one ot Broken Hill's most popular citizens. Cliaa. it. Raven, botelkeeper and grazier, of Mootw.ngee, was committed for trial on Thursday on ft chargo of stealing one heifer from Lungawlrra station.

Mr. J. s. Lord was re-elected president of me Liinmber of Commerce, with Mr. J.

Torn? treasurer, and Mr. B. Garrett secretary, Mnry ftllen Hamtyn was to-day sentenced constructed. Mr. Kairhalrn (1.1b..

This has nothing lo do with the note Issu-. The Attorney-tleiieriil: One bank had total liability of JJ on current nccouni, and XS.VdO.000 on llxed deposit, nnd nil they had to pay with was 42,000. Why did these crises Simply because people lost their confidence tti the Institutions. The nolo Issue would not restrict banks carrying on their bunk of Issue. It had been said the 25 per cent.

Rold reserve was Insufficient. Gold was only URiiil in tituo of paulo and interna ionul ihIJuh tin cut. Mr. cook i N.S.W.): Can you get as much for a pound of paper as for pouml of cold7 The Attorney -General: II nil depends on whose namo is nt the bottom of tbe minora, faith WCrC b0llno88' love, and PARENTS COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. NEWCASTLE.

Friday. BUILDING MATERIALS. front Inued from I 'apt fi.i i vTJ' be held In tlJ Lyceum Hall to-morrow. The slnitina- and -Idresses will be supplied tbe S). mem-' TO THE EDITOR OK TI1K IIKRA1.D.

Sir. consider myself more qmitllli'd to arioak of tlip Australian than Mr. Foster The ctrc*mstnnces surrounding the death of fin Infant named Robert Butler, ngnd 5 months, which occurred on Wednesday last ut Tk. ceremony Weilnesilnv Sill liav ZtJ'. 122 tne Newcastle Hospital, were Inquired into to- W.

EATON. LIMITED. TI.MHHIl MBItCHANTS, NOKTI1 SVDNKY. 'oomri gaoi lor ontaining alms under last In eonneciion with I he new the town i Bbu had sou tt)i 'Tl mini- iireieueeH, school-chu: that hee hm.lmn tt-u- 7, evioencc snoweu tuai iue pureniH. i imu Drd was very allecesaful.

i lenrns more of men. B. nun Liitti. wuo nao seven children lo sunnort. Thn m(riutMi and Murgitro't Butler, lived in a humny at North Carrlugtou.

Some neighbours viHlted Ono ivutluirity should have control of paper money, since national credit was the sum of CLAW ii-A ITV.jKtV.V "a'i ih ff.1"?. T1MB W. mth nf 7h fy -1 than throuq nnd n'Lm I The pro. a "rL'; moment tnihe urnelleallv nnnaee in Mil tnitiviuiml credit. To Bay a natiouul note 1I.1.I.SI11AT1.D AM) IlKVISKB I' RUT.

LISTS ON Iia. s. 11:1, and SO NORTH SYDNEY KXrlltvnR lnnue was less secure than the issue, of a number of banks was tantamount to saying IneludlnB' Roy' .1. Barker f.i ih.t;r T' meulnB "oil ihn In ml .1 that part wua Rrcnter llian tho whole. Crlniia I ipnt BaptlHt Union), Rov.

tl 1 1 niliHMll IB i PnllHiilmi. Hail Pnlr infl. lTTlrl! I.ATII9.-0:,, Hedweod Utile utH) V.I.S', .1 mill 1 ir.i l'1'' rtiraper ihnn Irade prlM, in long haMk. were duo to Iohb of confidence, and loss of I D.U. (Mt-tliodlst), and Rev.

A SJ I V' c.ulirleuee was less likely to manifest itself I (superintendent IkptiM i I 1 in. Au3tr11" no In national lasuo than In any other form The collection amounted I to oJ thni Vfh It Hoeiiw to of Issuo. Australia was to ho asked to meet 10 10 i137 09 1M- I mo hflr4lh "'ewarrt ou board the Orient or at the outside tho difference between seven 4. 11(1x1 wlI ho conference day for'rJ. r', during the few days In fur rpWKSTV Tlllli'SANir CI.I'.AV MNKKTiK'K Mill! of the play.

On one oiv.isinn lie seoreil bv (iliivin-with his t.pponent'a lull; this li lr1fl quirkiv noticed, ami the penally wns course exneted. The closing i-rnrcn l.indnmi. 1tf.W (ol Ifeliind It in pninift); Iti.beri", IRro fm-eriee Play will be reuuieil thii afternoon at 3 o'el'H'k and at night at 8. mill SOS, Elizabeth-strcel, rlty 2.151. uilllion, the value nf Issue, and minimum missionary Knelety.

PrineiiviJ 7 "llus 1 to saunter to the top or George-street nnd back, bus well-nigh as Heelnu; Unit the woman had to support some children, suspended the soutoncu under tbo First Offenders Act. Mr. Albert Jones, new secretary of tho Y.M.C.A., wjiB formally welcomed to his position last night nt a light banquet. Dr. Booth, president, presided.

BYRON BAY, Friday. Tho contractor for the Jetty repairs and extension has commenced tho ndditlons, which can be carried on with less shipping Interference than tho repairs. COOMA. Friday. The contractors for the first section of the Cooma-Bombs la rnllwuy, Cooma to Nlmlty belle, arc making good progress.

BAKRAIIA. Friday. A branch ot St. John Ambulance has been formed, with Mr. Furby as secretary, and Dr.

F. A. Rodwny instructor. Sergeant 'Oeorge Moroney, who has been In ruserve, or about five and a half million. In Isslonary sermon.

Sydney. uannun six minion oi isune was oacneu uy Tho vwn i i lfi per cent, of gold nnd 10 per cent. Uritiyh Campaign Fund has na eraser io an opinion of Australia and Its people. Asked mv opinion of Auslrallnna, I would unhesitntlinrlv en Government securities. The coimulsslo ou Held in i MACHINERY.

NEW SOtTII WALES CHAMPIONSHIP, Rl'MIl LL RETAINS TI'PIiE. Tlier" wan a l.irife in. I inline Syduey In 1S95 recommended that the State is-, A very successful mission conducted hv1 ft P000'0- democratic If you like, but sue of notes would provide an unimpeachable Tnslor H. O. Ulnekie at lhe Burwood linnHut i rattI y' self-reliant, wiry, hospitable.

Tho alleged tiredness I have never noticed In nil of li.Hi last nielli at Ib and SmiiVs 3tn I'lll-Hl. Iit'iir (lir.lllilllll.Ml, TO liniJiHIIS MAC1UIIERY. frun 21.) Laundries. Wah'w In I fla-a. (i laumlrlM SJi uuplnate pari, and rcpalm.

AUSTRALIAN LAUSIlllv" MACI1INKRY curroiTcy. it mid been found in Scotland that uiiuren was concluded on Thursday evening the place on hearing that the child was in a deplorablo condition, nnd urged that it bo taken to the hospital, but no notice was taken of their request. On the 1st Instant, seeing that no endeavour had been made to securo medical aid, the neighbours Intervened again, and practically forced the parents Into allowing the trasferonee of docensod to tho nos- PiVlillnm Alexander Howard, inspector In connection with the Children's Department, said ho visited the place on tho 1st instant only to find that tho child hnd already been sent to the hospital. The mother informed him that there were no clothes for lhe as they were burned when they beenme dirty. There was no food in the houso suitable for an Infant.

Dr. Arnold, senior medical officer nt tne Newcastle Hospital, said Hint the child when admitted was In a shockingly emaciated state, and only weighed He came to the conclusion that it died from neglect and want of nourishment In other words, from starvation. Dr. John Harris, Government mtdlcal officer, who conducted a post-mortem, said that dentil was duo to want of food, or unsuitable food. Tho organs were In such a state that the child could havo assimilated food of tt suitable nature.

The coroner returned a verdict that deceased had died as the result of neglect. He committed the parents, Thomas Butler nnd Mar-garot Butler, to take their trial for manslaughter at tho next sitting of tho Court of tn hek ihn note laaua. in 17s? hank noiea! The Y.M.C.A. International Training Collovn hijt wui.ufnnp ii laitc no account ot the in nnitesiioal few found in every community, np OIICKT MBTAI. ttORKINd MArillMjnY.

I ir rinmnltlis, Onnwten. tie. Lubonr- i.iK', in mi ntul a 'rows nnd I a'tomtk: cas-m kiu ii xcuineky. lr Ural, l-ruit, MilU.jmd other Food 1'rttH-rrcn. I'M p.irio;ir.

wlirn the dual fur tlie amateur ebaiiiidonsiiin Wiis (h-l. The adjournment scores were: Rumbull, Hem; liir.i. eie no ftartlimr breaks inrij Hie play. Riimball had little rliflieultv In maintain-intr the lead, tit he ImMml tVt to the 'good, bia neon? belnt Ifrfs) In Wiekliani'a loo? In Kngland wore down to Us 6d during the J1 j1" born tired, and so hopeless from lhe Napoleonic war. In 1SU the notes were again J'- of 'Sydney VMC.a., to act as, first), disposition beyond the ord narv ll down to 14s 6d.

They went down for tho onJ corporators. The corporator I ynrn "between the acts" one nmi bi.t charge oi tne ponce station the past six years, wv J. same reason as god would go down, in Mei-f ii.n unu aura nor tho board of withal workers nil nnd iin.utin boiirno If yon threw llye million i dlrcclora of the colloifo. TOarU of, promoted to Moroe SerBeant J. H.

I JOHN HKlSt! and tVIK, V.fern, Sydney. Robinson, ot Wee Waa, succeeds him. Tbe breaks 20 were; Runihall. 42, 41. 40.

Xi. K. 24, Wlekluun. 41, 40, 2n, 24. 24, 22, 21.

jjjjj nnr "nYi'il "of" cnnl I "JJ'. V6. J': "1 children for 'the 40 Telopoa-Mnrt, Rpdlcin. that could be exported. Australia wan a Mr 1 ht hirnncs ImiIH to order, I to i'Kp fr linlir.ll -tit.

rlara-t. Ur.LinnvHIn 1- V''1'-. Manual instritrtl lKTl'ltK Slmw Clnf. mmnl a 1 W.

IrL '-mi'itry iiiii-n'l tit. I tnifto, fie, hare Twomry. Iiiriow.iIIPt Sux-sL COFFS HARBOUR, Friday. 1 Keen satisfaction Is felt at tho declaration of the Government to call tenders for the first section of the railway south from Ornfton to Coff's Harbour. COWRA.

Friday. The local butchers hnvo, In consequence of the Butchers' Wages Board being made applicable to Cowra, Increased the prlco of meat br Id per lb. toil oi SKfi.iIi 1 Inlnl-t-n tafttwha'. o1ont 12 tons of 181b to 241b NEW NATIfN Ad TOURNAMENT. Tlie above wns continued last nlitht, with the follow Int: results: M.

Dawson (rce. 110) lieat S. Kurnesi (re--. ai) by JO. The draw for ttdrd rmind: J.

Haekett free, to, (1. Iranes tree. (n. "Itandwick" (ree. 75) M.

son (ree. 110), C. Mess (ree. 30) IL Jenkins (ree. P.

Karett ree, t-Wrt A. Kirts (ree. 16). P. Hart (f t) J.

Cohen (ree. 50). Molare" (rec lrt) U. Fnlln or W. Ilaker A.

Minlinskf (ree. 85) Rov Eaton (ree. fo), Dnvc Cauley (rec. 50) Rowlov Coitun (rn. lo, M-horir had boon said that tho object of this Issue! Mr.

Albert Jones, of lhe Sydney YMCA eountrv 1 uLi.l was to get a loan without paying interest. If has received an appointment as general i hn 1 it was a fact It was only a question of retary at Broken Hill. Mr. WO Clark' i ,0 lh? Mrr: hurnr r.imne 1 3: ennu-hanrt. Apply Coo tractor, nm' '-'JMtltv jtfr hour each, nrW riilllott.trert, nalmiln: TANTKD.

irontl Sreoitd.ft.nd Brtllft: onl.T. PartleaUr, D. KF.MtNS. Mill Rclting onU. whether tne bank should get the loan or the assistant secretary In Adelaide has been 1 nr II people.

It was a sound proposition. The pointed genoml secretary nt Pcrtb boon an "nd State had a right to he the custodian of lhe' Tho People struck me as be ng so baseless that I peoplos money, mat were banks making a hw A' J' Small was accorded a Tery wis-moved to offer my testimony a test mony nrgeni-ttrcet, Kedlern. Rc( Quarter Sessions 111 NewcnBt le. Ball was good u.r rtmt nnekhoard liar, w.r. rviin-1 in'' 1' storci, 120 i' CW: lTi' V-hV.

ejb.i.i.-.i'f'lni KM. Nwlnmon-rd. MM lie. 1.. 411 S.

QAI.K, nnnntltv Cist-lrt ixtiuj. cniihrri pn'irtw. :u.r. r. p.

n. iron rlip. D. Mr. Falrlle Komp, who for tho past two years has occupied the position of accountant nt the local branch of the Commercial Banking it 1 PlrtM.

Htmila Top anrf row about? The Government wns Retting a' "or an. vnny loan on the same terms as they got It. Banks of n1nths. Ad.reBses and glftn weight of a Inimpete,) name, has ni least, if allowed In the, sura ol 40, and two sureties of 20 each. -1.

TlnrVett free. 4Til (we. 75) M. Dawson flame for Mntiri.iv r.lphl t'. 501." "Hunriwicl-." re.

110). Kcarns, 120 Regcnt-M. Itetlf. were still Retting loan to tne extent of, me esteem in i v.hmijikm. imui inn ucparture tor where he has been atmnintPf.

mnnn. which Mr. Small Is held by bath whiiea an i first-hand, not the Hying visit version of a TtfAKpDo wh, K-lth imnrovH blnnef- hprl M1t.enn. natives. i "copy" hunter.

I am, EXPEItlENf T. TEACHES thnt nothincr It to offlclcnt JJA tmd ynwr niwr. MllJi. 1 wlw.1 nidta, Saw SpindlM. lornr bMrlnn tor nil RDOAR ROGERS.

Aug. 6. 52,000,00.1 witnout Interest by reason of having- that amount on call deposit. One-thirty-stxtfc of that amount was enough to be held to meat the col la. The bank-books held by aopoaitora wwra tka aam bank-note.

entertained by a representative gathering of! townspeople. DUN GOO, Friday. Prior to their departnra from the district, Ht. and Mrs. W.

Potter, of Ban doner ova, for ensuring penon.l cletnhnpf. sod the health ani btanty of the L.n aa PEARS', SOAP, Thhj la loenn ttUbry proved by the xperitnre of 1 yum, ind (he twOsiooy of ata weratioat of celebrated beantic. PIM-TII W.11.ES ei'OKTft CUT, TOUR AMEN V. The above wja continued ntirht, whn Roat-h free, 125) brat J. Prrto (roc.

HO), hy 61. The ffamea fr Monday rdeht ore: M. Rirmbnlt (owes JL MTCelvey (ewea 00), A. MTWe (no. To) 4.

Q. Anderson (rta 16). -6 Churches of Christ Sixth Federal Con- wr.r'Jl AdeW from Bontem-W to tt. Tha Town Bait and Exhibition- toni In Mock. Morris Bret.

Wattle -it, MORRQ BR 08., VUH VetOettrtot. UoMnllid and IsvinefU. for Ooofltt sad Oolfta weoor ortss rapp-roari un. awm. ov.


The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.